use Moose;
#use overload
# '!' => \&reverse,
has rulemap => (
isa => 'Games::Go::Cinderblock::Rulemap',
is => 'ro', #shouldn't change.
required => 1,
#changes to board.
# format: {remove => {b => \@nodes}}
has _board => (
isa => 'HashRef',
is => 'ro',
required => 0,
predicate => 'diff_board',
#changes to turn.
# format: {before=>'w', after=>'b'}
has _turn => (
isa => 'HashRef',
is => 'ro',
required => 0,
predicate => 'diff_turn',
#changes to caps.
# format: {w => {before=>3, after=>5}}
has _captures => (
isa => 'HashRef',
is => 'ro',
required => 0,
predicate => 'diff_captures',
around BUILDARGS => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $class = shift;
my %args = @_;
$args{_captures} = delete $args{captures};
$args{_turn} = delete $args{turn};
$args{_board} = delete $args{board};
return $class->$orig(%args);
sub board{
my $self = shift;
die 'no color' if shift;
return $self->_board;
sub turn{
my $self = shift;
return {} unless $self->diff_turn;
return $self->_turn
sub captures{
my ($self,$color) = @_;
return {} unless $self->diff_captures;
if($color){ return $self->_captures->{$color} }
return $self->_captures;
sub board_addition{
my $self = shift;
my $color = shift;
return {} unless $self->diff_board;
return $self->_board->{add}{$color}
return $self->_board->{add};
sub board_removal{
my $self = shift;
return {} unless $self->diff_board;
my $color = shift;
return $self->_board->{remove}{$color}
return $self->_board->{remove};
sub to_args{
my $self = shift;
my %struct;
$struct{board} = $self->_board;
$struct{turn} = $self->_turn;
$struct{captures} = $self->_captures;
return \%struct;
=head1 NAME
Games::Go::Cinderblock::Delta - A changeset between 2 states
my $delta = $state1->delta_to($state2);
my $current_turn = $delta->turn->{after};
Games::Go::Cinderblock::Delta represents a set of changes
between 2 states with the same rulemap. Each change is not necessarily
defined; that would imply that that particular change does not occur.
This class has the following basic attributes:
=head3 board
Format for changes on the board: C<< {color => {add => [nodes], remove => [nodes]}, ...} >>
For example, a capture by black:
C<< {b => {add => [[0,1]]}, w => {remove => [[0,0]]}} >>
=head3 turn
This change generally tends to occur on every move.
{before => 'b', after => 'w'}
=head3 captures
In the event of a capturing move, the captures value of the capturing side will change.
{b => {before => 0, after => 1}}
=head1 METHODS
=head2 to_args
Decompose into arguments that could be used to initialize an identical delta.
B<Rulemap not included.>
Useful for JSON serialization.
=head1 TODO
=head2 time!
If states are given a timestamp, it would be <prudent> to give deltas a representation
of the time change.
2 options:
Nested data structure for changes in remaining time for each player. time-system-dependent,
but time systems would be a part of rulemap, I imagine. I like this idea.
The number of milliseconds between the 2 states. This is a bad idea because it doesn't
account for the twin paradox.