Dancer::Plugin::CORS - A plugin for using cross origin resource sharing


Version 0.10


Cross origin resource sharing is a feature used by modern web browser to bypass cross site scripting restrictions. A webservice can provide those rules from which origin a client is allowed to make cross-site requests. This module helps you to setup such rules.


    use Dancer::Plugin::CORS;

    get '/foo' => sub { ... };
	share '/foo' =>
		origin => 'http://localhost/',
		credentials => 1,
		expose => [qw[ Content-Type ]],
		method => 'GET',
		headers => [qw[ X-Requested-With ]],
		maxage => 7200,


share($route, %options)

The parameter $route may be any valid path like used get, post, put, delete or patch but not option.

Alternatively a Dancer::Route object may be used instead:

$route = get '/' => sub { ... };
share $route => ... ;

For any route more than one rule may be defined. The order is relevant: the first matching rule wins.

Following keywords recognized by %options:


This key defines a static origin (scalar), a list (arrayref), a regex or a subroutine.

If not specified, any origin is allowed.

If a subroutine is used, the first passed parameter is a URI object. It should return a true value if this origin is allowed to access the route in question; otherwise false.

origin => sub { shift->host ~~ [ 'localhost', '', '::1' ] } # allow only from localhost

Hint: a origin consists of protocol, hostname and maybe a port. Examples:,, http://localhost:3000,, http://[::1]


This indicates whether cookies, HTTP authentication and/or client-side SSL certificates may sent by a client. Allowed values are 0 or 1.

This option must be used together with origin.


A comma-seperated list of headers, that a client may extract from response for use in a client application.


A arrayref of allowed methods. If no methods are specified, any methods are allowed.


A string containing a single supported method. This parameter is autofilled when share() is used together with a Dancer::Route object. If no method is specified, any method is allowed.


A arrayref of allowed request headers. In most cases that should be [ 'X-Requested-With' ] when ajax requests are made. If not headers are specified, all requested headers are allowed.


A maximum time (in seconds) a client may cache a preflight request. This can decrease the amount of requests made to the webservice.


This keyword is a helper for re-using rules for many routes.

See Dancer::Plugin::CORS::Sharing for more information about this feature.


David Zurborg, <>


Please report any bugs or feature requests trough my project management tool at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Dancer::Plugin::CORS

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2014 David Zurborg, all rights reserved.

This program is released under the following license: open-source