Dancer::Plugin::CRUD - A plugin for writing RESTful apps with Dancer
Version 1.03
This plugin is derived from Dancer::Plugin::REST and helps you write a RESTful webservice with Dancer.
package MyWebService;
use Dancer;
use Dancer::Plugin::CRUD;
my $userdb = My::UserDB->new(...);
'read' => sub { $userdb->find(captures()->{'user_id'}) }
# curl http://mywebservice/user/42.json
{ "id": 42, "name": "John Foo", email: ""}
# curl http://mywebservice/user/42.yml
id: 42
name: "John Foo"
email: ""
When this pragma is used, a before filter is set by the plugin to automatically change the serializer when a format is detected in the URI.
That means that each route you define with a :format token will trigger a serializer definition, if the format is known.
This lets you define all the REST actions you like as regular Dancer route handlers, without explicitly handling the outgoing data format.
This keyword lets you declare a resource your application will handle.
Derived from Dancer::Plugin::REST, this method has rewritten to provide a more slightly convention. get
has been renamed to read
and three new actions has been added: index
, patch
, prefix
and prefix_id
Also, Text::Pluralize is applied to resource name with count=1 for singular variant and count=2 for plural variant. If you don't provide a singular/plural variant (i.e. resource name contains parenthesis) the singular and the plural becomes same.
The id name is derived from singular resource name, appended with _id
resource 'user(s)' =>
index => sub { ... }, # return all users
read => sub { ... }, # return user where id = captures->{user_id}
create => sub { ... }, # create a new user with params->{user}
delete => sub { ... }, # delete user where id = captures->{user_id}
update => sub { ... }, # update user with params->{user}
patch => sub { ... }, # patches user with params->{user}
prefix => sub {
# prefixed resource in plural
# routes are only possible with regex!
get qr{/foo} => sub { ... },
prefix_id => sub {
# prefixed resource in singular with id
# captures->{user_id}
# routes are only possible with regex!
get qr{/bar} => sub { ... },
# this defines the following routes:
# prefix_id =>
# GET /user/:user_id/bar
# prefix =>
# GET /users/foo
# index =>
# GET /users.:format
# GET /users
# create =>
# POST /user.:format
# POST /user
# read =>
# GET /user/:id.:format
# GET /user/:id
# delete =>
# DELETE /user/:id.:format
# DELETE /user/:id
# update =>
# PUT /user/:id.:format
# PUT /user/:id
# patch =>
# PATCH /user.:format
# PATCH /user
The routes are created in the above order.
Returns a hash with arrayrefs of all created Dancer::Route objects.
Hint: resources can be stacked with prefix
resource foo =>
prefix => sub {
get '/bar' => sub {
return 'Hi!'
}, # GET /foo/bar
prefix_id => sub {
get '/bar' => sub {
return 'Hey '.captures->{foo_id}
}; # GET /foo/123/bar
resource bar =>
read => sub {
return 'foo is '
. captures->{foo_id}
.' and bar is '
. captures->{bar_id}
}; # GET /foo/123/bar/456
When is return value is a HTTP status code (three digits), status(...)
is applied to it. A second return value may be the value to be returned to the client itself:
sub {
return 200
sub {
return 404 => 'This object has not been found.'
sub {
return 201 => { ... }
The default HTTP status code ("200 OK") differs in some actions: create
response with "201 Created", delete
and update
response with "202 Accepted".
Change of suffix
The appended suffix, _id
for default, can be changed by setting $Dancer::Plugin::CRUD::SUFFIX
. This affects both captures names and the suffix of parameterized prefix
$Dancer::Plugin::CRUD::SUFFIX = 'Id';
resource 'User' => prefixId => sub { return captures->{'UserId'} };
Automatic validation of parameters
resource foo =>
validation => {
generic => {
checks => [
foo_id => Validate::Tiny::is_like(qr{^\d+})
read => sub {
$foo_id = var('validate')->data('foo_id');
The keyword validation
specifies rules for Validation::Tiny.
The parameter input resolves to following order: params('query')
, params('body')
, captures()
The rules and the result of Dancer::params()
are applied to Validate::Tiny::new
and stored in var('validate')
The hashref validation
accepts seven keywords:
- generic
These are generic rules, used in every action. For the actions index and create, the fields
_id are ignored, since they aren't needed. - index, create, read, update, delete
These rules are merged together with generic.
- prefix, prefix_id
These rules are merged together with generic, but they can only used when
is used in the prefix subs. - wrap
These rules apply when in a prefix or prefix_id routine the wrap keyword is used:
resource foo => validation => { wrap => { GET => { bar => { fields => [qw[ name ]] } } } }, prefix => sub { wrap GET => bar => sub { ... } };
The id-fields ($resource
_id, ...) are automatically prepended to the fields param of Validate::Tiny. There is no need to define them especially.
An advantage is the feature of stacking resources and to define validation rules only once.
resource foo =>
validation => {
generic => {
checks => [
foo_id => Validate::Tiny::is_like(qr{^\d+})
prefix_id => sub {
resource bar =>
validation => {
generic => {
checks => [
bar_id => Validate::Tiny::is_like(qr{^\d+})
read => sub {
$foo_id = var('validate')->data('foo_id');
$bar_id = var('validate')->data('foo_id');
Chaining actions together
To avoid redundant code, the keyword chain may used to define a coderef executing every times the resource (and possible parent resources) is triggered, irrespective of the method.
resource foo =>
chain => sub { var onetwothree => 123 },
index => sub { return var('onetwothree') }
prefix_id => sub {
resource bar =>
chain => sub { var fourfivesix => 456 },
index => sub { return var('onetwothree').var('fourfivesix') },
When resource foo is triggered, the variable onetwothree
is set to 123. When resource bar is triggered, the variable onetwothree
is set to 123 and, of course, fourfivesix
is set to 456.
This is useful to obtain parent objects from DB and store it into the var stack.
WARNING: This feature may change in a future release.
This keyword wraps validation rules and format accessors. For return values see resource
resource foo =>
prefix_id => sub {
wrap GET => bar => sub {
# same as get('/bar', sub { ... });
# and get('/bar.:format', sub { ... });
# var('validate') is also availble,
# when key 'validation' is defined
wrap uses the same wrapper as for the actions in resource. Any beviour there also applies here. For a better explaination, these resolves to the same routes:
resource foo => read => sub { ... };
wrap read => foo => sub { ... };
The first argument is an CRUD action (index, create, read, update, delete) or a HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH) and is case-insensitve. The second argument is a route name. A leading slash will be prepended if the route contains to slashes. The third argument is the well known coderef.
Please keep in mind that wrap creates two routes: /$route
and /$route
Returns a list of all created Dancer::Route objects.
Some helpers are available. This helper will set an appropriate HTTP status for you.
status_ok({users => {...}});
Set the HTTP status to 200
status_created({users => {...}});
Set the HTTP status to 201
status_accepted({users => {...}});
Set the HTTP status to 202
status_bad_request("user foo can't be found");
Set the HTTP status to 400. This function as for argument a scalar that will be used under the key error.
status_not_found("users doesn't exists");
Set the HTTP status to 404. This function as for argument a scalar that will be used under the key error.
This module is released under the same terms as Perl itself.
This module has been rewritten by David Zurborg <>
, based on code written by Alexis Sukrieh <>
and Franck Cuny.
Dancer Dancer::Plugin::REST Text::Pluralize
David Zurborg <>
Alexis Sukrieh <> (Author of Dancer::Plugin::REST)
Franck Cuny <> (Author of Dancer::Plugin::REST)
Please report any bugs or feature requests trough my project management tool at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Dancer::Plugin::CRUD
You can also look for information at:
Redmine: Homepage of this module
RT: CPAN's request tracker
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This software is copyright (c) 2014 by David Zurborg <>.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.