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Data::EventStream - Perl extension for event processing
This document describes Data::EventStream version 0.04
use Data::EventStream;
WARNING: this distribution is in the phase of active development, all interfaces are likely to change in next versions.
Module provides methods to analyze stream of events.
Creates a new instance. The following parameters are accepted:
- time
Initial model time, by default 0
- time_sub
Reference to a subroutine that returns time associated with the event passed to it as the only parameter.
Set new model time. This time must not be less than the current model time.
$self->add_aggregator($aggregator, type => (count|time), %params)
Add a new aggregator object. Depending on type, various parameters can be specified.
Options common for all aggregators
- on_enter
Callback that should be invoked after event entered aggregator. Aggregator object is passed as the only argument to callback.
- on_leave
Callback that should be invoked before event leaves aggregator. Aggregator object is passed as the only argument to callback.
- on_reset
Callback that should be invoked before resetting the aggregator. Aggregator object is passed as the only argument to callback.
Events number based aggregators
If aggregator has type count, then it aggregates data for particular number of events and the following parameters are accepted:
- length
Aggregate data for the specified number of events. If aggregator already aggregates data for that many events, then one event should leave aggregator before another one can enter it. This parameter is required.
- shift
Aggregate data with delay. Event enters aggregator only after specified by shift number of events were added to the stream. By default 0.
- batch
As soon as number of events specified by length parameter is reached, aggregator is reset and all events leave it at once. By default not set.
Time based aggregators
If aggregator has type time, then it aggregates data for the specified period of time and the following parameters are accepted:
- period
Aggregate data for the specified period of time. Each time set_time is called, events that are older then the specified period are leaving aggregator. This option is required.
- batch
Each time period has passed aggregator is reset and all events leave it at once. By default not set.
- start_time
Time when first period should start. By default current model time.
Add new event
Please report any bugs or feature requests via GitHub bug tracker at http://github.com/trinitum/perl-Data-EventStream/issues.
Pavel Shaydo <zwon at cpan.org>
Copyright (C) 2014 Pavel Shaydo
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.