Simulation::DiscreteEvent::Recorder - Moose role for recording all events for server


Add Simulation::DiscreteEvent::Recorder role to your server:

package MyServer;
use Moose;
use parent 'Simulation::DiscreteEvent::Server';
with 'Simulation::DiscreteEvent::Recorder';
sub handler1 : Event(start) {
    # handle start event here
sub handler2 : Event(stop) {
    # handle stop event here

Then after running simulation you can get information about moments of the events, intervals between events, etc:

my @events = $server->get_all_events;
my $started = $server->get_number_of('start');
my @started_at = $server->get_moments_of('start');
my @stop_intvl = $server->intervals_between('stop');


This role allows you to record information about every event during simulation.


The following methods are added to the class that uses that role


Returns list of all events handled by this server. Every item in the list is refference to array with two elements: time the event has occured, and name of the event.


Returns how many times $event has occured. If $event is not specified returns total number of the events.


Returns list of moments at which $event has occured. If $event is not specified returns moments of all events.


Returns intervals between subsequent moments when $event has occured. As for previous function, if $event is missed uses all events.


Pavel Shaydo, <zwon at>


Please see documentation for Simulation::DiscreteEvent


Copyright 2010 Pavel Shaydo.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.