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Changes for version 0.8.8 - 2024-02-29

  • This release addresses a large variety of usability, fidelity, robustness, portability and output-quality issues.
  • Improved CSS, html, accessibility affecting
    • framing, position & rotation, color
    • figure/subfigure grouping
  • MathML (closer to MathML Core)
    • avoid gratuitous math mode (simple sub/superscripts); mathvariant
    • option to avoid InvisibleTimes, when not certain (--noinvisibletimes)
  • Improved emulation of TeX internals affecting registers, \chardef, accents, intarray, tracing
  • More TeX-like "scanning" of tokens affecting
    • expansion, input,
    • alignments (\halign,tabular)
  • improved block mode processing
    • affecting \parbox, {minipage}, \centering, \raggedright/left
    • More consistent set of block elements: ltx:block, ltx:logical-block, ltx:sectional-block,
    • along with their inline variants: ltx:inline-block, ltx:inline-logical-block, ltx:inline-sectional-block
    • NOTE: breaking change: ltx:inline-para has been renamed ltx:inline-logical-block
  • Improvements to processing alignments (\halign, tabular), more TeX-like (processing templates, spacing)
  • Improved processing of images, graphics, svg generation
    • image post-processing
    • pgf, tikz, pgfplots, tikz-cd
  • initial support for Vietnamese, t5enc
  • improved Windows portability
  • improved schema documentation
  • Improvements to test cases.
  • New bindings: boxedminipage, cmap, ifdraft, marginnote, tikz-cd.
  • Improvements to bindings: aa, aas, algorithm2e, amsmath, amsthm, cleverref, comment, csquotes, elsarticle, enumitem, expl3, framed, hyperref, hyperxmp, IEEEtran, lineno, listing, longtable, mn2e, nicefrac, ntheorem, pdfpages, pgfmath, pgfplots, rotating, srcltx, sidecap, subcaption, subfiles, thmtools, tikz, url, xfrac, xypic.
  • Thanks to Deyan Ginev and Tom Wiesing for ongoing development and support; Special thanks to Christoph Hauert, Tim Prescott, Vincenzo Mantova for patches and bindings; Reports from Felix Benning, Miles Cranmer, circlestarzero, Dan Frankow, giovanni111, goska, Duc A. Hoang, Ramnath Karthekesan, Pedro Konzen, Joseph Long, Greg Meyer, molke-productions, Dennis Mueller, David Poole, Hilmar Preusse, Nico Schloemer, Neil M. Sheldon, Heinrich Stammerjohanns, Henrik Tidefelt, Andrew Tonks, userrand, Eelco van Vliet, Richard Zach, |8|.


transforms a TeX/LaTeX file into XML.
An omni-executable for LaTeXML, capable of stand-alone, socket-server and web service conversion. Supports both core processing and post-processing.
finds interesting things in LaTeXML generated XML.
transforms a TeX/LaTeX math expression into various formats.
postprocesses an xml file generated by latexml to perform common tasks, such as convert math to images and processing graphics inclusions for the web.


A converter that transforms TeX and LaTeX into XML/HTML/MathML
abstract class representating colors using various color models; extends LaTeXML::Common::Object.
represents colors in derived color models
represents colors in the cmy color model: cyan, magenta and yellow [0..1]; extends LaTeXML::Common::Color.
represents colors in the cmyk color model: cyan, magenta, yellow and black in [0..1]; extends LaTeXML::Common::Color.
represents colors in the gray color model: gray value in [0..1]; extends LaTeXML::Common::Color.
represents colors in the hsb color model: hue, saturation, brightness in [0..1]; extends LaTeXML::Common::Color.
represents colors in the rgb color model: red, green and blue in [0..1]; extends LaTeXML::Common::Color.
Configuration logic for LaTeXML
representation of dimensions; extends LaTeXML::Common::Number.
Error and Progress Reporting and Logging support.
representation of floating point numbers; extends LaTeXML::Common::Number.
representation of fonts
representation of glue, skips, stretchy dimensions; extends LaTeXML::Common::Dimension.
represents a reference to a point or range in the source file.
represents the Document Model
represents DTD document models; extends LaTeXML::Common::Model.
represents RelaxNG document models; extends LaTeXML::Common::Model.
representation of numbers; extends LaTeXML::Common::Object.
abstract base class for most LaTeXML objects.
XML utilities
transforms TeX into XML.
representation of aligned structures
support for Arrays of objects
Representations of digested objects; extends LaTeXML::Common::Object.
Representations of digested objects.
Control sequence definitions.
Control sequence definitions for chardefs.
Conditionals Control sequence definitions.
Control sequence definitions.
Expandable Control sequence definitions.
Primitive Control sequence definitions.
Control sequence definitions for Registers.
represents an XML document under construction.
expands expandable tokens and parses common token sequences.
Key-Value Definitions in LaTeXML
Key-Value Pairs in LaTeXML
represents lists of digested objects; extends LaTeXML::Core::Box.
tokenize the input.
a fake Mouth for processing a Binding file
tokenize the input from a file
tokenize the input from http
tokenize the input from https
representation of math dimensions; extends LaTeXML::Common::Dimension.
representation of math glue; extends LaTeXML::Common::Glue.
representation of pairs of numerical things
representation of lists of pairs of numerical things
a formal parameter
formal parameters.
rewrite rules for modifying the XML document.
stores the current state of processing.
digests tokens into boxes, lists, etc.
representation of a Token: a pair of character and category code (catcode); It extends LaTeXML::Common::Object.
represents lists of LaTeXML::Core::Token's; extends LaTeXML::Common::Object.
Representations of digested objects.
global exports used within LaTeXML, and in Packages.
parses mathematics content
Support for package implementations and document customization.
Postprocessing driver.
Post-Processing modules for converting math to MathML.
Post-Processing module for converting math to UnicodeMath.
implements a BibTeX parser for LaTeXML.
smart packing and unpacking of TeX archives
portable pathname and file-system utilities
simple radix conversion utilities
Unicode Utilities.
auxiliaries for web-scalability of LaTeXML's IO


in lib/LaTeXML/Common/Font/Metric.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Common/Font/StandardMetrics.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Common/XML/Parser.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Common/XML/RelaxNG.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Common/XML/XPath.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Common/XML/XSLT.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Core/Alignment/Template.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Core/Definition/Constructor/Compiler.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post/Collector.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post/CrossRef.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post/Graphics.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post/LaTeXImages.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post/LexMath.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post/MakeBibliography.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post/MakeIndex.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post/Manifest.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post/Manifest/Epub.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post/MathImages.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post/MathML/Content.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post/MathML/Linebreaker.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post/MathML/OperatorDictionary.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post/MathML/Presentation.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post/OpenMath.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post/PictureImages.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post/SVG.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post/Scan.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post/Split.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post/TeXMath.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post/Writer.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post/XMath.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Post/XSLT.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Pre/BibTeX/Entry.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Util/Geometry.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Util/Image.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Util/ObjectDB.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Util/ObjectDB/Entry.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Util/Test.pm
in lib/LaTeXML/Util/Transform.pm