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LaTeXML::Core::MuGlue - representation of math glue; extends LaTeXML::Common::Glue.

Exported functions

$glue = MuGlue($spec);
$glue = MuGlue($spec,$plus,$pfill,$minus,$mfill);

Creates a MuGlue object (similar to Glue). $spec can be a string in the form that TeX recognizes (number "mu" optional plus and minus parts). Alternatively, the dimension, plus and minus parts can be given separately as scaled mu (fixpoint), while $pfill and $mfill are 0 (when the $plus or $minus part is in scaledmu) or 1,2,3 for fil, fill or filll, respectively.


Bruce Miller <>


Public domain software, produced as part of work done by the United States Government & not subject to copyright in the US.