The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
Distributions Which Depend on PPI
River gauge Release Uploaded
River stage zero No dependents Task-BeLike-BINGOS-1.06 Be the most BINGOS you can be 29 Mar 2017 18:15:45 UTC
River stage two • 49 direct dependents • 77 total dependents Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MetaProvides-Package-2.004003 Extract namespaces/version from traditional packages for provides 01 Mar 2017 12:52:56 UTC
River stage two • 53 direct dependents • 61 total dependents Method-Signatures-20170211 method and function declarations with signatures and no source filter 11 Feb 2017 21:41:28 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-DiagINC-0.002 Add Test::DiagINC to all .t files 22 Dec 2016 04:52:21 UTC
River stage zero No dependents UML-Class-Simple-0.22 Render simple UML class diagrams, by loading the code 18 Dec 2016 23:00:01 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-FindCallers-0.04 Find the callers of a given function in a directory tree 03 Dec 2016 14:27:03 UTC
River stage two • 52 direct dependents • 84 total dependents Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ReadmeAnyFromPod-0.163250 Automatically convert POD to a README in any format for Dist::Zilla 20 Nov 2016 08:20:57 UTC
River stage one • 6 direct dependents • 9 total dependents Pod-Weaver-Plugin-EnsureUniqueSections-0.163250 Ensure that POD has no duplicate section headers. 20 Nov 2016 07:16:01 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Tangerine-0.23 Examine perl files and report dependency metadata 23 Oct 2016 20:37:55 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Devel-Mutator-0.03 Mutation testing for Perl 21 Sep 2016 18:43:11 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents Code-TidyAll-Plugin-Test-Vars-0.04 Provides Test::Vars plugin for Code::TidyAll 19 Sep 2016 04:59:35 UTC
River stage zero No dependents PPIx-XPath-2.02 an XPath implementation for the PDOM 29 Aug 2016 15:52:45 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 2 total dependents Config-Perl-0.06 Perl extension for parsing configuration files written in a subset of Perl and (limited) undumping of data structures (via PPI, not eval) 02 Jul 2016 13:15:57 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Dist-Zilla-Plugin-TrialVersionComment-0.007 Add a "# TRIAL" comment after your version declaration in trial releases 30 May 2016 03:13:44 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 2 total dependents Pod-Weaver-Section-Badges-0.0402 Add (or append) a section with badges 20 Feb 2016 20:50:07 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Mojolicious-Command-listdeps-0.08 Command to list dependencies for a Mojolicious project 20 Jan 2016 14:25:01 UTC
River stage one • 4 direct dependents • 5 total dependents Dist-Zilla-Role-Rinci-CheckDefinesMeta-0.04 Role to check if dist defines Rinci metadata 17 Jan 2016 09:34:36 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-PerlPackage2PlantUMLClassDiagram-0.02 Generate Plant UML's class diagraom from Perl packages. 09 Dec 2015 01:42:30 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Pod-Weaver-Section-Legal-Supplemented-0.0100 Add text to the Legal section 24 Nov 2015 17:52:35 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Object-Result-0.000003 Allow subs to build and return objects on-the-fly 05 Sep 2015 11:11:33 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Perl-ToPerl6-0.040 Convert Perl5 source to compile under Perl6. 30 Aug 2015 18:57:46 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Pod-Weaver-Role-Section-Formattable-0.001 Role for a formattable section 13 Jul 2015 05:28:57 UTC
River stage one • 4 direct dependents • 7 total dependents Pod-Weaver-Plugin-Encoding-0.03 (DEPRECATED) Add an encoding command to your POD 02 Jul 2015 01:13:25 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-GitGrepPerlStatement-0.05 Perl statement finder 28 May 2015 03:56:01 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Pod-Weaver-Section-ClassMopper-1.150880 Generate some stuff via introspection 29 Mar 2015 06:41:56 UTC
River stage two • 10 direct dependents • 14 total dependents Parse-CPAN-Packages-2.40 Parse 02packages.details.txt.gz 06 Feb 2015 23:32:19 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Pod-Weaver-Section-SQL-0.03 Document SQL more easily by referencing only the SQL command in POD 22 Jan 2015 13:38:44 UTC
River stage two • 6 direct dependents • 12 total dependents Pod-Weaver-Plugin-StopWords-1.010 Dynamically add stopwords to your woven pod 28 Dec 2014 05:10:42 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Task-BeLike-RJRAY-0.009 RJRAY's favorite modules 26 Dec 2014 04:49:48 UTC
River stage two • 3 direct dependents • 14 total dependents Test-Synopsis-Expectation-0.12 Test that SYNOPSIS code produces expected results 16 Dec 2014 02:28:40 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 7 total dependents Test-Module-Used-0.2.6 Test required module is really used and vice versa between lib/t and META.yml 22 Nov 2014 14:13:36 UTC
River stage two • 35 direct dependents • 59 total dependents Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Authority-1.009 Add the $AUTHORITY variable and metadata to your distribution 28 Oct 2014 03:41:44 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Perl-Critic-Policy-CompileTime-0.03 Find code that runs in compile-time blocks 26 Sep 2014 20:34:02 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent PPI-Prettify-0.07 A Perl HTML pretty printer to use with Google prettify CSS skins, no JavaScript required! 16 Aug 2014 14:42:58 UTC
River stage one • 4 direct dependents • 6 total dependents Dist-Zilla-Plugin-OverridePkgVersion-0.002 Override existing VERSION in a module 16 Aug 2014 00:42:53 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-Midgen-0.34 Check RuntimeRequires & TestRequires of your package for CPAN inclusion. 25 May 2014 20:57:03 UTC
River stage one • 5 direct dependents • 6 total dependents Pod-Weaver-Section-AllowOverride-0.05 Allow POD to override a Pod::Weaver-provided section 06 May 2014 01:45:45 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Pistachio-0.10 turns source code into stylish HTML 25 Mar 2014 12:23:55 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Pod-Loom-0.08 Weave pseudo-POD into real POD 23 Mar 2014 21:16:34 UTC
River stage two • 8 direct dependents • 13 total dependents Dist-Zilla-Plugin-InsertCopyright-0.005 Insert copyright statement into source code files 21 Mar 2014 10:15:55 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Test-Simpler-0.000007 Simpler than Test::Simple; more powerful than Test::More 10 Nov 2013 20:03:14 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Spellunker-Perl-v0.3.2 Spelling checker for Perl script 30 Oct 2013 02:46:07 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Task-BeLike-MELO-0.011 All the stuff I install with a fresh perl 13 Jul 2013 18:06:53 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Test-UsedModules-0.03 Detects needless modules which are being used in your module 12 Jul 2013 18:08:10 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Test-LocalFunctions-0.23 Detects unused local functions 03 Jul 2013 06:27:12 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Pod2Html-0.1.2 create CSS-rich HTML pages from the POD-aware files 03 Jun 2013 05:52:58 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Acme-SWUECHO-Meta-0.02 a set of tool to learn modules. 15 May 2013 02:15:48 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Ravenel-1.1 10 Dec 2012 19:00:58 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Module-AnyEvent-Helper-v0.0.5 Helper module to make other modules AnyEvent-friendly 12 Nov 2012 13:46:41 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 2 total dependents PPI-Transform-Sequence-v0.0.3 Tiny binder to combine multiple PPI::Transform objects 12 Nov 2012 13:43:39 UTC
207 results (0.058 seconds)