Tk::AppWindow::ConfigVariables - Overview of available config variables
This is a list of available configvariables for Tk::AppWindow. You will find a link to the related module after the name the command. Please note that if the variable is held by an extension or plugin that extension or plugin must be loaded for it to work.
You can get and set variables as follows:
my $value = $app->configGet('-variable_name')
$app->configPut('-variable_name', $value)
Generated: Tue Jan 14 10:16:42 2025
- -aboutinfo in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Help
Specify the link to a hash. Possible keys:
Your name
- components
Specify a list of modules you want the version numbers displayed. Opens a new tab.
Who to contact
- http
The website that supports this application
- license
Specify your license. By default it is set to Same as Perl. Set it to undef if you do not want it to show.
- licensefile
Specify a plain text file as your license file. It is displayed in a new tab with a Tk::ROText widget.
- licenselink
Works only if the license key is defined. Specify the weblink to your license. By default it is set to Set it to undef if you do not want it to show.
- version
Specify the version of your application. By default it is set to the version numer of the main window widget. Set it to undef if you do not want it to show.
- -appname in Tk::AppWindow
Set the name of your application.
If this option is not specified, the name of your application will be set to the filename of your executable with the first character in upper case.
Default value 1.
Specifies if the menu items of all extensions should be loaded automatically.
- -autotool in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::ToolBar
Default value 1.
Specifies if the toolbar items of all extensions should be loaded automatically.
- -commands in Tk::AppWindow
Defines commands to be used in your application. It takes a paired list of command names and callbacks as parameter.
my $app = $k::AppWindw->new( -commands => [ do_something1 => ['method', $obj], do_something2 => sub { return 1 }, ], );
Only available at create time.
- -compoundcolspace in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Art
Default value 5. Used in the createCompound method to set horizontal spacing.
- -configfolder hookable in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::ConfigFolder
The default value depends on your operating system.
On Windows: $ENV{LOCALAPPDATA}/appname Others: $ENV{HOME}/.local/share/appname
You can overwrite it at launch by setting a folder yourself.
- -contentmanagerclass in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::MDI
This one should always be specified and you should always define a content manager class inheriting Tk::AppWindow::BaseClasses::ContentManager. This base class is a valid Tk widget.
- -contentmanageroptions in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::MDI
The possible options to pass on to the contentmanager. These will also become options to the main application.
- -cycleinterval in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Daemons
Default value 10 miliseconds. This is the base interval for the Deamons system.
How often a job is executed is defined by their own interval parameter. The real interval time of a job is the base interval multiplied by the job interval.
- -diskmonitorinterval in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::MDI
Default value 100. This means every 100 cycles of the Daemons extension. Specifies the interval for monitoring the disk status of documents.
- -documentinterface in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Selector
Default value 'MDI'. Sets the extension name for the multiple docoment interface that Selector communicates with.
- -errorcolor in Tk::AppWindow
Default value '#FF0000' (red).
- -extensions in Tk::AppWindow
Specifies the list of extensions to be loaded.
my $app = Tk::AppWindow->new( -extensions => [ qw/Art ConfigFolder Daemons Help Keyboard MDI MenuBar Panels Plugins SDI Selector Settings SideBars StatusBar ToolBar/ ], );
The following order matters for the buildup of menus and bars. Only available at create time.
- -filetypes in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::MDI
Default value is "All files|*"
- -helpfile in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Help
Point to your help file. Can be a weblink. If it is a .pod file it will launch a dialog box with a PodText widget.
Specifies the default location in the main menu of the history menu. Default value is File::Open recent. See also Tk::AppWindow::Ext::MenuBar.
- -iconpath in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Art
Specify a list of folders where your icon libraries are located. Only available at create time.
- -iconsize in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Art
Default is 16.
- -icontheme in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Art
Default is Oxygen.
- -keyboardboardbindings in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Keyboard
Default value is an empty list.
Specify a paired list of keyboard bindings.
- -linkcolor in Tk::AppWindow
Foreground color for links. Default value '#3030DF'.
- -logcall in Tk::AppWindow
Callback to log messages.
- -logerrorcall in Tk::AppWindow
Callback to log errors.
- -logo in Tk::AppWindow
Specifies the image file to be used as logo for your application. Default value is Tk::findINC('Tk/AppWindow/aw_logo.png').
- -logwarningcall in Tk::AppWindow
Callback to log warnings.
Default value [].
Configure your menu here. See the section CONFIGURING MENUS below.
- -maxhistory in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::MDI
Default value is 12.
- -maxtablength in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::MDI
Default value 16
Maximum size of the document tab in the document bar.
Default value 3
Space between the colums in a menu item.
Default value 16
- -modifiedmonitorinterval in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::MDI
Default value 25. This means every 25 cycles of the Daemons extension. Specifies the interval for monitoring the modified status of documents.
- -namespace in Tk::AppWindow
Specifies an additional name space for extensions and plugins. If you set it, for example, to 'Foo::Bar', then your extensions may also live in 'Foo::Bar::Ext' and your plugins may live in 'Foo::Bar::Plugins'.
Only available at create time.
- -noplugins in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Plugins
Boolean flag, no plugins will be loaded at startup. The list of plugins in the config file will be ignored if this option is set. Default value 0.
- -panelgeometry hookable in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Panels
Specifies the geometry manager used for the panel layout. Possible values are 'pack' and 'grid'. Default value 'pack'.
- -panellayout hookable in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Panels
Specify the structure of your layout.
The keys used below are all home to the geometry manager used. Plus a few more. These are:
- -canhide
Specify if a panel is capable of hiding and showing. By default 0.
- -adjuster
If specified the panel is adjustable. The value is transferred to the -side option of the adjuster.
Default value:
[ CENTER => { -in => 'MAIN', -side => 'top', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1, }, WORK => { -in => 'CENTER', -side => 'left', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1, }, TOP => { -in => 'MAIN', -side => 'top', -before => 'CENTER', -fill => 'x', -canhide => 1, }, BOTTOM => { -in => 'MAIN', -after => 'CENTER', -side => 'top', -fill => 'x', -canhide => 1, }, LEFT => { -in => 'CENTER', -before => 'WORK', -side => 'left', -fill => 'y', -canhide => 1, -adjuster => 'left', }, RIGHT => { -in => 'CENTER', -after => 'WORK', -side => 'left', -fill => 'y', -canhide => 1, -adjuster => 'right', }, ]
- -plugins in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Plugins
List of plugins that will be loaded at startup. The list of plugins in the config file will be ignored if this option is set.
- -rawiconpath hookable in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Art
List of folders where you store your raw icons. Defaults to an empty list.
- -readonly in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::MDI
Default value 0. If set to 1 MDI will operate in read only mode.
- -savegeometry in Tk::AppWindow
Default value 0. Saves the geometry on quit and loads it on start. Only works if the extension ConfigFolder is loaded.
- -settingsfile hookable in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Settings
Name of the settings file. Default is settingsrc.
Default value 32.
- -statusbarpanel in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::StatusBar
Default value 'BOTTOM'. Sets the name of the panel home to StatusBar.
- -statusbarvisible in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::StatusBar
Default value 1. Show or hide status bar.
- -statusitemborderwidth in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::StatusBar
Default value 2.
- -statusitempadding in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::StatusBar
Default value 2.
- -statusitemrelief in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::StatusBar
Default value 'groove'.
- -statusmsgitemoninit in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::StatusBar
Default value 1.
- -statusupdatecycle in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::StatusBar
Default value 500. Repeat time for updating the items on the status bar.
- -toolbarpanel in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::ToolBar
Default value 'TOP'. Sets the name of the panel home to ToolBar.
- -toolbarvisible in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::ToolBar
Default value 1. Show or hide tool bar.
- -tooliconsize in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::ToolBar
Default value 16
- -toolitems in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::ToolBar
Default value [].
Configure your tool bar here. Example:
[ #type #label #command #icon #help [ 'tool_button', 'New', 'doc_new', 'document-new', 'Create a new document' ], [ 'tool_list', 'popcommand' ], [ 'tool_button', 'Save', 'doc_save', 'document-save', 'Save current document' ], [ 'tool_button', 'Save as', 'doc_save_as', 'document-save-as', 'Rename and save current document' ], [ 'tool_separator' ], [ 'tool_button', 'Save all','doc_save_all','document-save-as', 'Save all modified documents' ], [ 'tool_list_end' ], [ 'tool_separator' ], #type #label, #class [ 'tool_widget', 'Widget', 'MyWidget', @options ], [ 'tool_widget', '*Nolabel,'MyWidget', @options ], ]
'MyWidget', must be the class name of a packable Tk widget.
- -tooltextposition in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::ToolBar
Specifies where text should be displayed in tool buttons. Default value right. Can be top, left, bottom, right or none.
- -treeiconsize in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Selector
By default undefined. Sets and returns the size of icons in the document tree.
Default value 0;
If set a menu entrie 'Check for updates' is added to the menu.
- -useroptions hookable in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Settings
Name of the settings file. Default is settingsrc. A typical setup might look like this:
-useroptions => [ '*page' => 'Editing', '*section' => 'User interface', -contentforeground => ['color', 'Foreground'], -contentbackground => ['color', 'Background'], -contentfont => ['font', 'Font'], '*end', '*section' => 'Editor settings', -contenttabs => ['text', 'Tab size'], -contentwrap => ['radio', 'Wrap', [qw[none char word]]], '*end', '*page' => 'Icons', -icontheme => ['list', 'Icon theme', 'available_icon_themes'], -iconsize => ['list', 'Icon size', 'available_icon_sizes'], '*page' => 'Bars', '*section' => 'Menubar', -menuiconsize => ['list', 'Icon size', 'available_icon_sizes'], '*end', '*section' => 'Toolbar', -toolbarvisible => ['boolean', 'Visible at launch'], -tooliconsize => ['list', 'Icon size', 'available_icon_sizes'], -tooltextposition => ['radio', 'Text position', [qw[none left right top bottom]]], '*end', '*section' => 'Statusbar', -statusbarvisible => ['boolean', 'Visible at launch'], '*end', ],
It uses Tk::QuickForm in the popup. See there for details of this option.
- -workspace hookable in Tk::AppWindow::Ext::Panels
Specifies the central workspace of your application. Default value is WORK.
Same as Perl.
Hans Jeuken (hanje at cpan dot org)