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use strict;
$Device::RFXCOM::RX::VERSION = '1.163170';
# ABSTRACT: Module to support RFXCOM RF receiver
use 5.006;
use constant {
use Carp qw/croak/;
search_path => 'Device::RFXCOM::Decoder',
instantiate => 'new';
sub new {
my $pkg = shift;
$pkg->SUPER::_new(device => '/dev/rfxcom-rx', @_);
sub _init {
my ($self, $cb) = @_;
$self->_write(hex => 'F020', desc => 'version check');
$self->_write(hex => 'F02A', desc => 'enable all possible receiving modes');
$self->_write(hex => 'F041', desc => 'variable length with visonic',
callback => $cb || $self->{init_callback});
$self->{init} = 1;
sub read {
my ($self, $timeout) = @_;
my $res = $self->read_one(\$self->{_buf});
return $res if (defined $res);
$self->_discard_buffer_check() if ($self->{_buf} ne '');
my $fh = $self->filehandle;
my $sel = IO::Select->new($fh);
my $start = $self->_time_now;
$sel->can_read($timeout) or return;
my $bytes = sysread $fh, $self->{_buf}, 2048, length $self->{_buf};
$self->{_last_read} = $self->_time_now;
$timeout -= $self->{_last_read} - $start if (defined $timeout);
unless ($bytes) {
croak defined $bytes ? 'closed' : 'error: '.$!;
$res = $self->read_one(\$self->{_buf});
$self->_write_now() if (defined $res);
goto REDO unless ($res);
return $res;
sub read_one {
my ($self, $rbuf) = @_;
return unless ($$rbuf);
print STDERR "rbuf=", (unpack "H*", $$rbuf), "\n" if DEBUG;
my $header_byte = unpack "C", $$rbuf;
my %result =
header_byte => $header_byte,
type => 'unknown',
$result{master} = !($header_byte&0x80);
my $bits = $header_byte & 0x7f;
my $msg = '';
my @bytes;
if (exists $self->{_waiting} && $header_byte == 0x4d) {
print STDERR "got version check response\n" if DEBUG;
$msg = $$rbuf;
substr $msg, 0, 1, '';
$$rbuf = '';
$result{type} = 'version';
@bytes = unpack 'C*', $msg;
} elsif (exists $self->{_waiting} &&
( $header_byte == 0x2c || $header_byte == 0x41 )) {
print STDERR "got mode response\n" if DEBUG;
substr $$rbuf, 0, 1, '';
$result{type} = 'mode';
} elsif ($bits == 0) {
print STDERR "got empty message\n" if DEBUG;
substr $$rbuf, 0, 1, '';
$result{type} = 'empty';
} else {
my $length = $bits / 8;
print STDERR "bits=$bits length=$length\n" if DEBUG;
return if (length $$rbuf < 1 + $length);
if ($length != int $length) {
$length = 1 + int $length;
$msg = substr $$rbuf, 0, 1 + $length, ''; # message from buffer
substr $msg, 0, 1, '';
@bytes = unpack 'C*', $msg;
$result{key} = $bits.'!'.$msg;
my $entry = $self->_cache_get(\%result);
if ($entry) {
print STDERR "using cache entry\n" if DEBUG;
@result{qw/messages type/} = @{$entry->{result}}{qw/messages type/};
} else {
foreach my $decoder (@{$self->{plugins}}) {
my $matched = $decoder->decode($self, $msg, \@bytes, $bits, \%result)
or next;
($result{type} = lc ref $decoder) =~ s/.*:://;
@result{qw/data bytes/} = ($msg, \@bytes);
return Device::RFXCOM::Response->new(%result);
sub _cache_get {
my ($self, $result) = @_;
sub _cache_set {
my ($self, $result) = @_;
return if ($result->{dont_cache});
my $entry = $self->{_cache}->{$result->{key}};
if ($entry) {
$result->{duplicate} = 1 if ($self->_cache_is_duplicate($entry));
$entry->{t} = $self->_time_now;
return $entry;
$self->{_cache}->{$result->{key}} =
result => $result,
t => $self->_time_now,
sub _cache_is_duplicate {
my ($self, $entry) = @_;
($self->_time_now - $entry->{t}) < $self->{dup_timeout};
sub _discard_buffer_check {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{_buf} ne '' &&
$self->{_last_read} < ($self->_time_now - $self->{discard_timeout})) {
$self->{_buf} = '';
sub _discard_dup_cache_check {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{_last_read} < ($self->_time_now - $self->{dup_timeout})) {
$self->{_cache} = {};
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Device::RFXCOM::RX - Module to support RFXCOM RF receiver
=head1 VERSION
version 1.163170
# for a USB-based device
my $rx = Device::RFXCOM::RX->new(device => '/dev/ttyUSB0');
$|=1; # don't buffer output
# simple interface to read received data
my $timeout = 10; # 10 seconds
while (my $data = $rx->read($timeout)) {
print $data->summary,"\n" unless ($data->duplicate);
# for a networked device
$rx = Device::RFXCOM::RX->new(device => '');
Module to decode messages from an RFXCOM RF receiver.
B<IMPORTANT:> This API is still subject to change.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 C<new(%parameters)>
This constructor returns a new RFXCOM RF receiver object.
The supported parameters are:
=item device
The name of the device to connect to. The value can be a tty device
name or C<hostname:port> for a TCP-based RFXCOM receiver.
The default is C</dev/rfxcom-rx> in anticipation of a scenario where a
udev rule has been used to identify the USB tty device for the device.
For example, a file might be created in C</etc/udev/rules.d/91-rfxcom>
with a line like:
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", SYSFS{idProduct}=="6001", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0403", SYSFS{serial}=="AnnnnABC", NAME="rfxcom-rx"
where the C<serial> number attribute is obtained from the output
udevinfo -a -p `udevinfo -q path -n /dev/ttyUSB0` | \
sed -e'/ATTRS{serial}/!d;q'
=item init_callback
This parameter can be set to a callback to be called when the device
initialization has been completed.
=head2 C<read($timeout)>
This method blocks until a new message has been received by the
device. When a message is received a data structure is returned
that represents the data received.
B<IMPORTANT:> This API is still subject to change.
=head2 C<read_one(\$buffer)>
This method attempts to remove a single RF message from the buffer
passed in via the scalar reference. When a message is removed a data
structure is returned that represents the data received. If insufficient
data is available then undef is returned. If a duplicate message is
received then 0 is returned.
B<IMPORTANT:> This API is still subject to change.
=head1 THANKS
Special thanks to RFXCOM, L<>, for their
excellent documentation and for giving me permission to use it to help
me write this code. I own a number of their products and highly
recommend them.
=head1 SEE ALSO
RFXCOM website:
=head1 AUTHOR
Mark Hindess <>
This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Mark Hindess.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.