The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

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=head1 NAME
Net::ACME::HTTP_Tiny - HTTP client for Net::ACME
use Net::ACME::HTTP_Tiny;
my $http = Net::ACME::HTTP_Tiny->new();
#NOTE: Unlike HTTP::Tiny’s method, this will die() if the HTTP
#session itself fails--for example, if the network connection was
#interrupted. These will be Net::ACME::X::HTTP::Network instances.
#This also fails on HTTP errors (4xx and 5xx). The errors are
#instances of Net::ACME::X::HTTP::Protocol.
my $resp_obj = $http->post_form( $the_url, \%the_form_post );
This module largely duplicates the work of C<HTTP::Tiny::UA>, just without the
dependency on C<> (which brings in a mess of other undesirables).
The chief benefit is that C<request()> and related methods will return
instances of C<HTTP::Tiny::UA::Response> rather than simple hashes.
This also always verifies remote SSL connections and always C<die()>s if
either the network connection fails or the protocol indicates an error
(4xx or 5xx).
use strict;
use parent qw( HTTP::Tiny );
# Circular dependency required because will (apparently?)
# ignore distros that don’t define $VERSION in their main-indexed module.
# This was not formerly the case …
use Net::ACME ();
use Net::ACME::X ();
#Use this to tweak SSL config, e.g., if you want to cache PublicSuffix.
sub new {
my ( $class, %args ) = @_;
$args{'SSL_options'} = {
( $args{'SSL_options'} ? (%{ $args{'SSL_options'} }) : () ),
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(
verify_SSL => 1,
return $self;
sub request {
my ( $self, $method, $url, $args_hr ) = @_;
#HTTP::Tiny clobbers $@. The clobbering is useless since the
#error is in the $resp variable already. Clobbering also risks
#action-at-a-distance problems, so prevent it here.
#cf. eval_bug.readme
my $eval_err = $@;
my $resp = $self->SUPER::request( $method, $url, $args_hr || () );
$@ = $eval_err;
my $resp_obj = HTTP::Tiny::UA::Response->new($resp);
#cf. HTTP::Tiny docs
if ( $resp_obj->status() == 599 ) {
die Net::ACME::X::create(
method => $method,
url => $url,
error => $resp_obj->content(),
redirects => $resp->{'redirects'},
if ( $resp->{'status'} >= 400 ) {
die Net::ACME::X::create(
method => $method,
redirects => $resp->{'redirects'},
( map { ( $_ => $resp_obj->$_() ) } qw( content status reason url headers ) ),
return $resp_obj;