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# [[[ HEADER ]]]
use strict;
our $VERSION = 0.005_000;
# [[[ CRITICS ]]]
## no critic qw(ProhibitUselessNoCritic ProhibitMagicNumbers RequireCheckedSyscalls) # USER DEFAULT 1: allow numeric values & print operator
## no critic qw(RequireInterpolationOfMetachars) # USER DEFAULT 2: allow single-quoted control characters & sigils
## no critic qw(Capitalization ProhibitMultiplePackages ProhibitReusedNames) # SYSTEM DEFAULT 3: allow multiple & lower case package names
our hashref $properties = {};
sub ast_to_rperl__generate {
{ my string_hashref::method $RETURN_TYPE };
( my object $self, my string_hashref $modes) = @ARG;
my string_hashref $rperl_source_group = { PMC => q{} };
# RPerl::diag( 'in CodeBlock->ast_to_rperl__generate(), received $self = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($self) . "\n" );
my string $self_class = ref $self;
if ( $self_class eq 'CodeBlock_195' ) { # CodeBlock -> LBRACE PLUS-41 '}'
my string $left_brace = $self->{children}->[0];
my object $operation_plus = $self->{children}->[1];
my string $right_brace = $self->{children}->[2];
$rperl_source_group->{PMC} .= $left_brace . "\n";
foreach my object $operation ( @{ $operation_plus->{children} } ) {
my object $rperl_source_subgroup = $operation->ast_to_rperl__generate($modes);
RPerl::Generator::source_group_append( $rperl_source_group, $rperl_source_subgroup );
# $rperl_source_group->{PMC} .= "\n";
$rperl_source_group->{PMC} .= $right_brace . "\n";
else {
die RPerl::Parser::rperl_rule__replace(
'ERROR ECOGEASRP000, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO RPERL: Grammar rule ' . $self_class . ' found where CodeBlock_195 expected, dying' )
. "\n";
return $rperl_source_group;
sub ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_PERLTYPES {
{ my string_hashref::method $RETURN_TYPE };
( my object $self, my string $loop_label, my string_hashref $modes) = @ARG;
my string_hashref $cpp_source_group = { CPP => q{// <<< RP::CB __DUMMY_SOURCE_CODE CPPOPS_PERLTYPES >>>} . "\n" };
return $cpp_source_group;
sub ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES {
{ my string_hashref::method $RETURN_TYPE };
( my object $self, my string $loop_label, my string_hashref $modes) = @ARG;
my string_hashref $cpp_source_group = { CPP => q{} };
# RPerl::diag( 'in CodeBlock->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), received $self = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($self) . "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in CodeBlock->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), received $loop_label = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($loop_label) . "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in CodeBlock->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), received $modes->{_inside_parallel_loop} = ' . "\n" . $modes->{_inside_parallel_loop} . "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in CodeBlock->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), received $modes->{_current_parallel_loop} = ' . "\n" . Dumper($modes->{_current_parallel_loop}) . "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in CodeBlock->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), received $modes = ' . "\n" . Dumper($modes) . "\n" );
my string $self_class = ref $self;
if ( $self_class eq 'CodeBlock_195' ) { # CodeBlock -> LBRACE PLUS-41 '}'
my string $left_brace = $self->{children}->[0];
my object $operation_plus = $self->{children}->[1];
my string $right_brace = $self->{children}->[2];
$cpp_source_group->{CPP} .= $left_brace . "\n";
# NEED FIX PARALLEL: temporarily disabled loop control labels while inside parallel loop to avoid pluto polycc error
# RPerl::diag( 'in CodeBlock->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), before _REDO, have $modes->{_inside_parallel_loop} = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($modes->{_inside_parallel_loop}) . "\n" );
if (( defined $loop_label ) and
not ((exists $modes->{_inside_parallel_loop}) and (defined $modes->{_inside_parallel_loop}) and $modes->{_inside_parallel_loop})) {
$cpp_source_group->{CPP} .= $loop_label . '_REDO: 1;' . "\n";
foreach my object $operation ( @{ $operation_plus->{children} } ) {
# RPerl::diag( 'in CodeBlock->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $operation = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($operation) . "\n" );
my object $cpp_source_subgroup = $operation->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES($modes);
RPerl::Generator::source_group_append( $cpp_source_group, $cpp_source_subgroup );
# DEV NOTE, INLINE BUG: must include '1;' null statement after labels to avoid the following error messages during g++ call from 'Running Mkbootstrap' Inline phase
# error: expected primary-expression before ‘}’ token
# error: expected ‘;’ before ‘}’ token
# NEED FIX PARALLEL: temporarily disabled loop control labels while inside parallel loop to avoid pluto polycc error
# RPerl::diag( 'in CodeBlock->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), before _NEXT, have $modes->{_inside_parallel_loop} = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($modes->{_inside_parallel_loop}) . "\n" );
if (( defined $loop_label ) and
not ((exists $modes->{_inside_parallel_loop}) and (defined $modes->{_inside_parallel_loop}) and $modes->{_inside_parallel_loop})) {
$cpp_source_group->{CPP} .= $loop_label . '_NEXT: 1;' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{CPP} .= $right_brace . "\n";
# RPerl::diag( 'in CodeBlock->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), before _LAST, have $modes->{_inside_parallel_loop} = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($modes->{_inside_parallel_loop}) . "\n" );
if (( defined $loop_label ) and
not ((exists $modes->{_inside_parallel_loop}) and (defined $modes->{_inside_parallel_loop}) and $modes->{_inside_parallel_loop})) {
$cpp_source_group->{CPP} .= $loop_label . '_LAST: 1;' . "\n";
else {
die RPerl::Parser::rperl_rule__replace(
'ERROR ECOGEASCP000, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++: Grammar rule ' . $self_class . ' found where CodeBlock_195 expected, dying' )
. "\n";
return $cpp_source_group;
# [[[ SUB-TYPES ]]]
use strict;
package # hide from PAUSE indexing
use strict;
use parent -norequire, qw(RPerl::CodeReference);
1; # end of class