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# [[[ HEADER ]]]
use strict;
our $VERSION = 0.020_000;
# [[[ CRITICS ]]]
## no critic qw(ProhibitUselessNoCritic ProhibitMagicNumbers RequireCheckedSyscalls) # USER DEFAULT 1: allow numeric values & print operator
## no critic qw(RequireInterpolationOfMetachars) # USER DEFAULT 2: allow single-quoted control characters & sigils
# [[[ INCLUDES ]]]
use Storable qw(dclone);
our hashref $properties = {};
sub ast_to_rperl__generate {
{ my string_hashref::method $RETURN_TYPE };
( my object $self, my string $package_name_underscores, my string_hashref $modes ) = @ARG;
my string_hashref $rperl_source_group = {};
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_rperl__generate(), received $self = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($self) . "\n" );
# all classes begin in no Perl subroutine, which is equivalent to being in no C++ function
$modes->{_symbol_table}->{_subroutine} = q{};
my string $self_class = ref $self;
# unwrap Class_76 from Module_25
if ( ($self_class) eq 'Module_25' ) {
$self = $self->{children}->[0];
$self_class = ref $self;
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_rperl__generate(), have possibly-unwrapped $self = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($self) . "\n" );
# die 'TMP DEBUG';
if ( ($self_class) ne 'Class_76' ) {
die RPerl::Parser::rperl_rule__replace( 'ERROR ECOGEASRP000, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO RPERL: Grammar rule '
. ($self_class)
. ' found where Module_25 or Class_76 expected, dying' )
. "\n";
# Class: UseParent WordScoped ')' ';' Include Critic* Exports? Include* Constant* Properties SubroutineOrMethod* LITERAL_NUMBER ';' ;
# UseParent: 'use parent qw(' | 'use parent -norequire, qw(' ;
my string $use_parent_qw_keyword = $self->{children}->[0]->{children}->[0];
my string $parent_name = $self->{children}->[1]->{children}->[0];
my string $right_parenthesis = $self->{children}->[2];
my string $use_parent_semicolon = $self->{children}->[3];
my object $parent_include = $self->{children}->[4];
my object $critic_star = $self->{children}->[5];
my object $exports_optional = $self->{children}->[6];
my object $include_star = $self->{children}->[7];
my object $constant_star = $self->{children}->[8];
my object $properties = $self->{children}->[9];
my object $method_or_subroutine_star = $self->{children}->[10];
my string $retval_literal_number = $self->{children}->[11];
my string $retval_semicolon = $self->{children}->[12];
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_rperl__generate(), have $use_parent_qw_keyword = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($use_parent_qw_keyword) . "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_rperl__generate(), have $exports_optional = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($exports_optional) . "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_rperl__generate(), have $exports_optional->{children}->[0] = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($exports_optional->{children}->[0]) . "\n" );
$rperl_source_group->{PMC} = q{};
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$rperl_source_group->{PMC} .= '# [[[ OO INHERITANCE ]]]' . "\n";
$rperl_source_group->{PMC} .= $use_parent_qw_keyword . $parent_name . $right_parenthesis . $use_parent_semicolon . "\n";
my string_hashref $rperl_source_subgroup = $parent_include->ast_to_rperl__generate($modes);
RPerl::Generator::source_group_append( $rperl_source_group, $rperl_source_subgroup );
if ( exists $critic_star->{children}->[0] ) {
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$rperl_source_group->{PMC} .= '# [[[ CRITICS ]]]' . "\n";
foreach my object $critic ( @{ $critic_star->{children} } ) {
$rperl_source_subgroup = $critic->ast_to_rperl__generate($modes);
RPerl::Generator::source_group_append( $rperl_source_group, $rperl_source_subgroup );
if ( exists $exports_optional->{children}->[0] ) {
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_rperl__generate(), have YES EXPORTS ' . "\n" );
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$rperl_source_group->{PMC} .= "\n" . '# [[[ EXPORTS ]]]' . "\n";
my object $exports = $exports_optional->{children}->[0];
my string $use_exporter = $exports->{children}->[0];
my string $export = $exports->{children}->[1];
my string $export_ok = $exports->{children}->[2];
$rperl_source_group->{PMC} .= $use_exporter; # already has a newline
if ( exists $export->{children}->[0] ) {
$rperl_source_group->{PMC} .= $export->{children}->[0]->{attr} . $export->{children}->[1]->{attr} . ';' . "\n"; # DEV NOTE: does not capture semicolon in AST for some reason, must hard-code here
if ( exists $export_ok->{children}->[0] ) {
$rperl_source_group->{PMC} .= $export_ok->{children}->[0]->{attr} . $export_ok->{children}->[1]->{attr} . ';' . "\n"; # DEV NOTE: does not capture semicolon in AST for some reason, must hard-code here
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_rperl__generate(), AFTER EXPORTS, have $rperl_source_group->{PMC} = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($rperl_source_group->{PMC}) . "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_rperl__generate(), CHECKPOINT a000', "\n" );
if ( exists $include_star->{children}->[0] ) {
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$rperl_source_group->{PMC} .= "\n" . '# [[[ INCLUDES ]]]' . "\n";
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_rperl__generate(), CHECKPOINT a001', "\n" );
foreach my object $include ( @{ $include_star->{children} } ) { ## no critic qw(ProhibitPostfixControls) # SYSTEM SPECIAL 6: PERL CRITIC FILED ISSUE #639, not postfix foreach or if
$rperl_source_subgroup = $include->ast_to_rperl__generate($modes);
RPerl::Generator::source_group_append( $rperl_source_group, $rperl_source_subgroup );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_rperl__generate(), CHECKPOINT a002', "\n" );
if ( exists $constant_star->{children}->[0] ) {
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$rperl_source_group->{PMC} .= "\n" . '# [[[ CONSTANTS ]]]' . "\n";
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_rperl__generate(), CHECKPOINT a003', "\n" );
foreach my object $constant ( @{ $constant_star->{children} } ) { ## no critic qw(ProhibitPostfixControls) # SYSTEM SPECIAL 6: PERL CRITIC FILED ISSUE #639, not postfix foreach or if
$rperl_source_subgroup = $constant->ast_to_rperl__generate($modes);
RPerl::Generator::source_group_append( $rperl_source_group, $rperl_source_subgroup );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_rperl__generate(), CHECKPOINT a004', "\n" );
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$rperl_source_group->{PMC} .= "\n" . '# [[[ OO PROPERTIES ]]]' . "\n";
# prepare for later use in:
# disallow name masking of inherited $properties, AND
# generate accessors & mutators for inherited $properties
my string $package_name_colons = $package_name_underscores;
$package_name_colons =~ s/__/::/gxms;
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_rperl__generate(), CHECKPOINT a005', "\n" );
my $parent_package_names = RPerl::CompileUnit::Module::Class::parent_and_grandparent_package_names($package_name_colons);
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_rperl__generate(), CHECKPOINT a006', "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_rperl__generate(), have $parent_package_names = ' . Dumper($parent_package_names) . "\n" );
if ( ref $properties eq 'Properties_82' ) { ## no critic qw(ProhibitPostfixControls) # SYSTEM SPECIAL 6: PERL CRITIC FILED ISSUE #639, not postfix foreach or if
# non-empty $properties
my string $properties_our_hashref = $properties->{children}->[0];
my string $properties_equal = $properties->{children}->[1];
my string $properties_left_brace = $properties->{children}->[2];
my object $property_0 = $properties->{children}->[3];
my object $properties_1_to_n = $properties->{children}->[4];
my string $properties_right_brace = $properties->{children}->[5];
my string $properties_semicolon = $properties->{children}->[6];
$rperl_source_group->{PMC} .= $properties_our_hashref . q{ } . $properties_equal . q{ } . $properties_left_brace . "\n";
my string $property_key;
my string $property_fat_arrow;
my object $property_type_inner;
my string $property_my;
my string $property_type;
my string $property_TYPED;
my string $property_name;
my string $property_arrayref_thinarrow;
my object $property_arrayref_index_max;
my string $property_arrayref_rightbracket;
my string $property_assign;
my object $property_subexpression;
my string $property_subexpression_string;
$property_key = $property_0->{children}->[0]->{children}->[0];
$property_key =~ s/^(\w+)\s*$/$1/gxms; # strip trailing whitespace, caused by grammar matching operator names with trailing spaces
# DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp045: identifiers containing underscores may be reserved by C++
# all properties are naturally scoped to their respective class, there ECOGEASRP189a is disabled & unused below
# if (((substr $property_key, 0, 1) eq '_') and ($modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} eq q{})) {
# die 'ERROR ECOGEASRP189a, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO RPERL:' . "\n" . 'global class property name ' . q{'} . $property_key . q{()'} .
# ' must not start with an underscore, forbidden by C++ specification as a reserved identifier, dying' . "\n";
# }
if ($property_key =~ m/^_[A-Z]/gxms) {
die 'ERROR ECOGEASRP189b, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO RPERL:' . "\n" . 'class property name ' . q{'} . $property_key . q{()'} .
' must not start with an underscore followed by an uppercase letter, forbidden by C++ specification as a reserved identifier, dying' . "\n";
elsif ($property_key =~ m/__/gxms) {
die 'ERROR ECOGEASRP189c, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO RPERL:' . "\n" . 'class property name ' . q{'} . $property_key . q{()'} .
' must not include a double-underscore, forbidden by C++ specification as a reserved identifier, dying' . "\n";
$property_fat_arrow = $property_0->{children}->[1];
$property_type_inner = $property_0->{children}->[2];
$property_name = $property_type_inner->{children}->[3]->{children}->[0];
$property_name =~ s/^(\w+)\s*$/$1/gxms; # strip trailing whitespace, caused by grammar matching operator names with trailing spaces
# DEV NOTE: we can do error checking once here instead of twice for TypeInnerProperties_245 & TypeInnerProperties_246 below
# because they both have OpStringOrWord as sub-element 3, grabbed as $property_name above
if ( $property_name ne $property_key ) {
. $property_name . q{'}
. ' does not equal OO properties key ' . q{'}
. $property_key . q{'}
. ', dying' . "\n";
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_rperl__generate(), have $property_name = ' . $property_name . "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_rperl__generate(), have $perlapinames_generated::FUNCTIONS_DOCUMENTED = ' . Dumper($perlapinames_generated::FUNCTIONS_DOCUMENTED) . "\n" );
if ((exists $perlapinames_generated::FUNCTIONS_DOCUMENTED->{$property_name}) or
(exists $perlapinames_generated::FUNCTIONS_UNDOCUMENTED->{$property_name}) or
(exists $perlapinames_generated::VARIABLES_DOCUMENTED->{$property_name}) or
(exists $perlapinames_generated::VARIABLES_UNDOCUMENTED->{$property_name})) {
die 'ERROR ECOGEASRP041, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO RPERL: Perl API name conflict, OO property name ' . q{'}
. $property_name . q{'}
. ' is the same as a protected function or variable name in the Perl API, please choose a different name, dying' . "\n";
# TypeInnerProperties -> MY Type '$TYPED_' OpStringOrWord OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN SubExpression
if ( ref $property_type_inner eq 'TypeInnerProperties_245' ) {
$property_my = $property_type_inner->{children}->[0];
$property_type = $property_type_inner->{children}->[1]->{children}->[0];
$property_TYPED = $property_type_inner->{children}->[2];
$property_assign = $property_type_inner->{children}->[4];
$property_subexpression = $property_type_inner->{children}->[5];
.= $property_key . q{ }
. $property_fat_arrow . q{ }
. $property_my . q{ }
. $property_type . q{ }
. $property_TYPED
. $property_name . q{ }
. $property_assign . q{ };
$rperl_source_subgroup = $property_subexpression->ast_to_rperl__generate($modes);
RPerl::Generator::source_group_append( $rperl_source_group, $rperl_source_subgroup );
# TypeInnerProperties -> MY Type '$TYPED_' OpStringOrWord OP02_ARRAY_THINARROW SubExpression ']' OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN 'undef'
elsif ( ref $property_type_inner eq 'TypeInnerProperties_246' ) {
$property_my = $property_type_inner->{children}->[0];
$property_type = $property_type_inner->{children}->[1]->{children}->[0];
$property_TYPED = $property_type_inner->{children}->[2];
$property_arrayref_thinarrow = $property_type_inner->{children}->[4];
$property_arrayref_index_max = $property_type_inner->{children}->[5];
$property_arrayref_rightbracket = $property_type_inner->{children}->[6];
$property_assign = $property_type_inner->{children}->[7];
$property_subexpression_string = $property_type_inner->{children}->[8];
.= $property_key . q{ }
. $property_fat_arrow . q{ }
. $property_my . q{ }
. $property_type . q{ }
. $property_TYPED
. $property_name
. $property_arrayref_thinarrow;
$rperl_source_subgroup = $property_arrayref_index_max->ast_to_rperl__generate($modes);
RPerl::Generator::source_group_append( $rperl_source_group, $rperl_source_subgroup );
$rperl_source_group->{PMC} .= $property_arrayref_rightbracket . q{ } . $property_assign . q{ } . $property_subexpression_string;
else {
die RPerl::Parser::rperl_rule__replace( 'ERROR ECOGEASCP000, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++: Grammar rule '
. ( ref $self )
. ' found where TypeInnerProperties_245 or TypeInnerProperties_246 expected, dying' )
. "\n";
if ( exists $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} }->{_properties}->{$property_key} ) {
. q{'} . $property_key . q{'}
. ' already declared in this scope, namespace '
. q{'} . $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} . q{'}
. ', dying' . "\n";
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_rperl__generate(), property 0, have $parent_package_names = ' . "\n" . Dumper($parent_package_names) . "\n" ) if (scalar @{$parent_package_names});
# disallow name masking of inherited $properties, causes mismatching behavior in PERLOPS_PERLTYPES vs CPPOPS_CPPTYPES
foreach my $parent_package_name (@{$parent_package_names}) {
if ( exists $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $parent_package_name . q{::} }->{_properties}->{$property_key} ) {
. q{'} . $property_key . q{'}
. ' already declared in parent namespace '
. q{'} . $parent_package_name . q{::} . q{'}
. ', name masking disallowed, dying' . "\n";
$modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} }->{_properties}->{$property_key}
= { isa => 'RPerl::DataStructure::Hash::Properties', type => $property_type };
my integer $i = 0;
foreach my object $property ( @{ $properties_1_to_n->{children} } ) {
if ( ( ref $property ) eq 'TERMINAL' ) {
$rperl_source_group->{PMC} .= $property->{attr}; # comma between properties
else {
$property_key = $property->{children}->[0]->{children}->[0];
$property_key =~ s/^(\w+)\s*$/$1/gxms; # strip trailing whitespace, caused by grammar matching operator names with trailing spaces
# DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp045: identifiers containing underscores may be reserved by C++
# all properties are naturally scoped to their respective class, there ECOGEASRP189a is disabled & unused below
# if (((substr $property_key, 0, 1) eq '_') and ($modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} eq q{})) {
# die 'ERROR ECOGEASRP189a, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO RPERL:' . "\n" . 'global class property name ' . q{'} . $property_key . q{()'} .
# ' must not start with an underscore, forbidden by C++ specification as a reserved identifier, dying' . "\n";
# }
if ($property_key =~ m/^_[A-Z]/gxms) {
die 'ERROR ECOGEASRP189b, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO RPERL:' . "\n" . 'class property name ' . q{'} . $property_key . q{()'} .
' must not start with an underscore followed by an uppercase letter, forbidden by C++ specification as a reserved identifier, dying' . "\n";
elsif ($property_key =~ m/__/gxms) {
die 'ERROR ECOGEASRP189c, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO RPERL:' . "\n" . 'class property name ' . q{'} . $property_key . q{()'} .
' must not include a double-underscore, forbidden by C++ specification as a reserved identifier, dying' . "\n";
$property_fat_arrow = $property->{children}->[1];
$property_type_inner = $property->{children}->[2];
$property_name = $property_type_inner->{children}->[3]->{children}->[0];
$property_name =~ s/^(\w+)\s*$/$1/gxms; # strip trailing whitespace, caused by grammar matching operator names with trailing spaces
if ( $property_name ne $property_key ) {
. $property_name . q{'}
. ' does not equal OO properties key ' . q{'}
. $property_key . q{'}
. ', dying' . "\n";
if ((exists $perlapinames_generated::FUNCTIONS_DOCUMENTED->{$property_name}) or
(exists $perlapinames_generated::FUNCTIONS_UNDOCUMENTED->{$property_name}) or
(exists $perlapinames_generated::VARIABLES_DOCUMENTED->{$property_name}) or
(exists $perlapinames_generated::VARIABLES_UNDOCUMENTED->{$property_name})) {
die 'ERROR ECOGEASRP041, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO RPERL: Perl API name conflict, OO property name ' . q{'}
. $property_name . q{'}
. ' is the same as a protected function or variable name in the Perl API, please choose a different name, dying' . "\n";
# TypeInnerProperties -> MY Type '$TYPED_' WORD OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN SubExpression
if ( ref $property_type_inner eq 'TypeInnerProperties_245' ) {
$property_my = $property_type_inner->{children}->[0];
$property_type = $property_type_inner->{children}->[1]->{children}->[0];
$property_TYPED = $property_type_inner->{children}->[2];
$property_assign = $property_type_inner->{children}->[4];
$property_subexpression = $property_type_inner->{children}->[5];
.= $property_key . q{ }
. $property_fat_arrow . q{ }
. $property_my . q{ }
. $property_type . q{ }
. $property_TYPED
. $property_name . q{ }
. $property_assign . q{ };
$rperl_source_subgroup = $property_subexpression->ast_to_rperl__generate($modes);
RPerl::Generator::source_group_append( $rperl_source_group, $rperl_source_subgroup );
# TypeInnerProperties -> MY Type '$TYPED_' WORD OP02_ARRAY_THINARROW SubExpression ']' OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN 'undef'
elsif ( ref $property_type_inner eq 'TypeInnerProperties_246' ) {
$property_my = $property_type_inner->{children}->[0];
$property_type = $property_type_inner->{children}->[1]->{children}->[0];
$property_TYPED = $property_type_inner->{children}->[2];
$property_arrayref_thinarrow = $property_type_inner->{children}->[4];
$property_arrayref_index_max = $property_type_inner->{children}->[5];
$property_arrayref_rightbracket = $property_type_inner->{children}->[6];
$property_assign = $property_type_inner->{children}->[7];
$property_subexpression_string = $property_type_inner->{children}->[8];
.= $property_key . q{ }
. $property_fat_arrow . q{ }
. $property_my . q{ }
. $property_type . q{ }
. $property_TYPED
. $property_name
. $property_arrayref_thinarrow;
$rperl_source_subgroup = $property_arrayref_index_max->ast_to_rperl__generate($modes);
RPerl::Generator::source_group_append( $rperl_source_group, $rperl_source_subgroup );
$rperl_source_group->{PMC} .= $property_arrayref_rightbracket . q{ } . $property_assign . q{ } . $property_subexpression_string;
else {
die RPerl::Parser::rperl_rule__replace( 'ERROR ECOGEASCP000, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++: Grammar rule '
. ( ref $self )
. ' found where TypeInnerProperties_245 or TypeInnerProperties_246 expected, dying' )
. "\n";
if ( exists $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} }->{_properties}->{$property_key} ) {
. $property_key
. ' already declared in this scope, namespace '
. $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace}
. ', dying' . "\n";
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_rperl__generate(), property ' . $i . ', have $parent_package_names = ' . "\n" . Dumper($parent_package_names) . "\n" ) if (scalar @{$parent_package_names});
# disallow name masking of inherited $properties, causes mismatching behavior in PERLOPS_PERLTYPES vs CPPOPS_CPPTYPES
foreach my $parent_package_name (@{$parent_package_names}) {
if ( exists $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $parent_package_name . q{::} }->{_properties}->{$property_key} ) {
. q{'} . $property_key . q{'}
. ' already declared in parent namespace '
. q{'} . $parent_package_name . q{::} . q{'}
. ', name masking disallowed, dying' . "\n";
$modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} }->{_properties}->{$property_key}
= { isa => 'RPerl::DataStructure::Hash::Properties', type => $property_type };
$rperl_source_group->{PMC} .= "\n" . $properties_right_brace . $properties_semicolon . "\n";
else { # ( ref $properties eq 'Properties_83' ) { ## no critic qw(ProhibitPostfixControls) # SYSTEM SPECIAL 6: PERL CRITIC FILED ISSUE #639, not postfix foreach or if
# empty $properties
my string $properties_our_hashref = $properties->{children}->[0];
my string $properties_equal = $properties->{children}->[1];
my string $properties_left_brace = $properties->{children}->[2];
my string $properties_right_brace = $properties->{children}->[3];
my string $properties_semicolon = $properties->{children}->[4];
.= $properties_our_hashref . q{ } . $properties_equal . q{ } . $properties_left_brace . $properties_right_brace . $properties_semicolon . "\n";
if ( exists $method_or_subroutine_star->{children}->[0] ) {
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$rperl_source_group->{PMC} .= "\n" . '# [[[ SUBROUTINES & OO METHODS ]]]' . "\n\n";
foreach my object $method_or_subroutine ( ## no critic qw(ProhibitPostfixControls) # SYSTEM SPECIAL 6: PERL CRITIC FILED ISSUE #639, not postfix foreach or if
@{ $method_or_subroutine_star->{children} }
$rperl_source_subgroup = $method_or_subroutine->ast_to_rperl__generate($modes);
RPerl::Generator::source_group_append( $rperl_source_group, $rperl_source_subgroup );
# after processing subroutines, all classes return to being in no Perl subroutine, which is equivalent to being in no C++ function
$modes->{_symbol_table}->{_subroutine} = q{};
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$rperl_source_group->{PMC} .= "\n" . $retval_literal_number . $retval_semicolon . ' # end of class' . "\n";
else {
$rperl_source_group->{PMC} .= $retval_literal_number . $retval_semicolon . "\n";
return $rperl_source_group;
sub ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_PERLTYPES {
{ my string_hashref::method $RETURN_TYPE };
( my object $self, my string $package_name_underscores, my string_hashref $modes ) = @ARG;
my string_hashref $cpp_source_group = {
CPP => q{// <<< RP::CU::M::C::G __DUMMY_SOURCE_CODE CPPOPS_PERLTYPES >>>} . "\n",
H => q{// <<< RP::CU::M::C::G __DUMMY_SOURCE_CODE CPPOPS_PERLTYPES >>>} . "\n",
return $cpp_source_group;
sub ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES {
{ my string_hashref::method $RETURN_TYPE };
( my object $self, my string $package_name_underscores, my string_hashref $modes ) = @ARG;
my string_hashref $cpp_source_group = { H_INCLUDES => q{}, H => q{}, CPP => q{} };
#RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), received $self = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($self) . "\n" );
#RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), received $package_name_underscores = ' . $package_name_underscores . "\n");
#RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), received $modes = ' . "\n" . Dumper($modes) . "\n");
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), received $modes->{_symbol_table} = ' . "\n" . Dumper($modes->{_symbol_table}) . "\n");
# all classes begin in no Perl subroutine, which is equivalent to being in no C++ function
$modes->{_symbol_table}->{_subroutine} = q{};
my string $self_class = ref $self;
# unwrap Class_76 from Module_25
if ( ($self_class) eq 'Module_25' ) {
$self = $self->{children}->[0];
$self_class = ref $self;
if ( ($self_class) ne 'Class_76' ) {
die RPerl::Parser::rperl_rule__replace( 'ERROR ECOGEASCP000, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++, CPPOPS_CPPTYPES: Grammar rule '
. ($self_class)
. ' found where Module_25 or Class_76 expected, dying' )
. "\n";
# Class: UseParent WordScoped ')' ';' Include Critic* Exports? Include* Constant* Properties SubroutineOrMethod* LITERAL_NUMBER ';' ;
# UseParent: 'use parent qw(' | 'use parent -norequire, qw(' ;
my string $parent_name = $self->{children}->[1]->{children}->[0];
# my string $parent_include = $self->{children}->[4]; # DEV NOTE: the C++ code does not currently make use of the $parent_include line, instead utilizing only the $parent_name
my object $exports_optional = $self->{children}->[6];
my object $include_star = $self->{children}->[7];
my object $constant_star = $self->{children}->[8];
my object $properties = $self->{children}->[9];
my object $method_or_subroutine_star = $self->{children}->[10];
if ((not exists $cpp_source_group->{_parent_names}) or (not defined $cpp_source_group->{_parent_names})) {
$cpp_source_group->{_parent_names} = {};
$cpp_source_group->{_parent_names}->{$package_name_underscores} = $parent_name;
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$cpp_source_group->{H_INCLUDES} .= '// [[[ INCLUDES & OO INHERITANCE INCLUDES ]]]' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{CPP} .= '// [[[ INCLUDES ]]]' . "\n";
# DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp043: no need to include RPerl.cpp multiple times in one file
if (not ((exists $modes->{current_package_count}) and (defined $modes->{current_package_count}) and ($modes->{current_package_count} >= 1))) {
$cpp_source_group->{H_INCLUDES} .= <<EOL;
#include <RPerl.cpp> // -> RPerl.h -> (rperltypes_mode.h; rperloperations.h; rperltypes.h; HelperFunctions.cpp)
else {
# DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp043: no need to include RPerl.cpp multiple times in one file
if (not ((exists $modes->{current_package_count}) and (defined $modes->{current_package_count}) and ($modes->{current_package_count} >= 1))) {
$cpp_source_group->{H_INCLUDES} .= <<EOL;
#include <RPerl.cpp>
# RPerl::diag('in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $modes->{_enable_sse} = ' . Dumper($modes->{_enable_sse}) . "\n");
# RPerl::diag('in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $modes->{_enable_gmp} = ' . Dumper($modes->{_enable_gmp}) . "\n");
# RPerl::diag('in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $modes->{_enable_gsl} = ' . Dumper($modes->{_enable_gsl}) . "\n");
# RPerl::diag('in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $modes->{_enable_mongodb} = ' . Dumper($modes->{_enable_mongodb}) . "\n");
# NEED FIX WIN32: change hard-coded forward-slash in generated path name below?
# NEED FIX: handle absolute vs relative include paths
my string $module_file_name = $package_name_underscores;
$module_file_name =~ s/__/\//gxms;
$module_file_name .= '.pm';
# RPerl::diag('in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $module_file_name = ' . $module_file_name . "\n");
# RPerl::diag('in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $modes->{_enable_sse} = ' . Dumper($modes->{_enable_sse}) . "\n");
if ( ( exists $modes->{_enable_sse} ) and ( defined $modes->{_enable_sse} ) ) {
foreach my string $enabled_file_name ( keys %{ $modes->{_enable_sse} } ) {
if ( ( $enabled_file_name =~ /$module_file_name$/xms ) and ( $modes->{_enable_sse}->{$enabled_file_name} ) ) {
$cpp_source_group->{H_INCLUDES} .= '#include <rperlsse.h>' . "\n";
# RPerl::diag('in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $modes->{_enable_gmp} = ' . Dumper($modes->{_enable_gmp}) . "\n");
if ( ( exists $modes->{_enable_gmp} ) and ( defined $modes->{_enable_gmp} ) ) {
foreach my string $enabled_file_name ( keys %{ $modes->{_enable_gmp} } ) {
if ( ( $enabled_file_name =~ /$module_file_name$/xms ) and ( $modes->{_enable_gmp}->{$enabled_file_name} ) ) {
$cpp_source_group->{H_INCLUDES} .= '#include <rperlgmp.h>' . "\n";
# RPerl::diag('in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $modes->{_enable_gsl} = ' . Dumper($modes->{_enable_gsl}) . "\n");
if ( ( exists $modes->{_enable_gsl} ) and ( defined $modes->{_enable_gsl} ) ) {
foreach my string $enabled_file_name ( keys %{ $modes->{_enable_gsl} } ) {
if ( ( $enabled_file_name =~ /$module_file_name$/xms ) and ( $modes->{_enable_gsl}->{$enabled_file_name} ) ) {
$cpp_source_group->{H_INCLUDES} .= '#include <rperlgsl.h>' . "\n";
# RPerl::diag('in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $modes->{_enable_mongodb} = ' . Dumper($modes->{_enable_mongodb}) . "\n");
if ( ( exists $modes->{_enable_mongodb} ) and ( defined $modes->{_enable_mongodb} ) ) {
foreach my string $enabled_file_name ( keys %{ $modes->{_enable_mongodb} } ) {
if ( ( $enabled_file_name =~ /$module_file_name$/xms ) and ( $modes->{_enable_mongodb}->{$enabled_file_name} ) ) {
# RPerl::diag('in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $modes->{_enable_mongodb}->{' . $enabled_file_name . '} = TRUE' . "\n");
$cpp_source_group->{H_INCLUDES} .= '#include <RPerl/Support/MongoDB.h>' . "\n";
# NEED FIX WIN32: change hard-coded forward-slash in generated path name below?
# NEED FIX: handle absolute vs relative include paths
# RPerl::diag('in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $parent_name = ' . $parent_name . "\n");
my string $parent_name_path = $parent_name;
$parent_name_path =~ s/::/\//gxms;
$parent_name_path .= '.cpp';
my string $parent_name_underscores = $parent_name;
$parent_name_underscores =~ s/::/__/gxms;
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $parent_name_underscores = ' . $parent_name_underscores . "\n");
# DEV NOTE: avoid namespace clobbering of CPPOPS base class over PERLOPS base class
if ( $parent_name_underscores eq 'RPerl__CompileUnit__Module__Class' ) {
$parent_name_underscores .= '__CPP';
# DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp044: shared logic between class parent includes and misc user includes, always check both when changing either
my boolean $is_rperl_system = 0;
my boolean $is_rperl_test = 0;
if ( ( ( substr $parent_name_path, 0, 5 ) eq 'RPerl' ) or ( ( substr $parent_name_path, 0, 5 ) eq 'rperl' ) ) {
if ( ( ( substr $parent_name_path, 0, 10 ) eq 'RPerl/Test' ) or ( ( substr $parent_name_path, 0, 10 ) eq 'RPerl\Test' ) ) {
$is_rperl_test = 1;
else {
$is_rperl_system = 1;
if ( $parent_name =~ /^\w+Perl::Config$/ ) { # DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp027: RPerl::Config, MathPerl::Config, PhysicsPerl::Config, etc
# RPerl::diag('in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), skipping system config file $parent_name = ' . $parent_name . "\n");
elsif ( $is_rperl_test or (not $is_rperl_system) ) {
# DEV NOTE: RPerl::Test files do not qualify as RPerl system files
# RPerl::diag('in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $modes = ' . Dumper($modes) . "\n");
# DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp042: do not recursively load the same .cpp/.h file from within itself
# it is incorrect for a subclass inside a multi-class file to include its parent class' .cpp file name, which is the .cpp version of it's own .h file name
if ((not exists $modes->{_input_file_name_current}) or (not defined $modes->{_input_file_name_current}) or ($modes->{_input_file_name_current} eq q{})) {
die 'ERROR ECOGEASCP046, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++: Undefined or empty value provided for current input file name, dying' . "\n";
my string $input_file_name_current_underscores = $modes->{_input_file_name_current};
substr $input_file_name_current_underscores, -3, 3, q{}; # remove trailing '.pm'
$input_file_name_current_underscores =~ s/\//__/gxms;
$input_file_name_current_underscores =~ s/\\/__/gxms;
my integer $parent_name_underscores_length = (length $parent_name_underscores);
$input_file_name_current_underscores = substr $input_file_name_current_underscores, ($parent_name_underscores_length * -1), $parent_name_underscores_length; # remove leading @INC directories 'lib', etc.
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have user-defined module to possibly #include $input_file_name_current_underscores = ' . $input_file_name_current_underscores . "\n");
if ($parent_name_underscores ne $input_file_name_current_underscores) {
# non-RPerl user-defined module, wrapped in double-quotes " " to denote user nature
$cpp_source_group->{H_INCLUDES} .= '#include "' . $parent_name_path . '"' . "\n";
# RPerl::diag('in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have user-defined module to #include $parent_name = ' . $parent_name . "\n");
else {
$cpp_source_group->{H_INCLUDES} .= '//#include "' . $parent_name_path . '" // DISABLED: do not recursively load the same .cpp/.h file from within itself' . "\n";
# RPerl::diag('in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have user-defined module to NOT #include $parent_name = ' . $parent_name . "\n");
else {
# RPerl system module, wrapped in angle-brackets < > to denote system nature
# RPerl::diag('in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have RPerl system module to #include $parent_name = ' . $parent_name . "\n");
$cpp_source_group->{H_INCLUDES} .= '#include <' . $parent_name_path . '>' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{CPP} .= '#include "__NEED_HEADER_PATH"' . "\n"; # DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp033: defer setting header include path until files are saved in Compiler
# RPerl::diag('in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $cpp_source_group->{H} = ' . "\n" . $cpp_source_group->{H} . "\n");
# RPerl::diag('in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $cpp_source_group->{H_INCLUDES} = ' . "\n" . $cpp_source_group->{H_INCLUDES} . "\n");
my string_hashref $cpp_source_subgroup;
# START HERE: figure out how to do Exports in C++, convert the Exports code below from RPerl output to C++ output
# START HERE: figure out how to do Exports in C++, convert the Exports code below from RPerl output to C++ output
# START HERE: figure out how to do Exports in C++, convert the Exports code below from RPerl output to C++ output
if ( exists $exports_optional->{children}->[0] ) {
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have YES EXPORTS ' . "\n" );
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$rperl_source_group->{H} .= "\n" . '# [[[ EXPORTS ]]]' . "\n";
my object $exports = $exports_optional->{children}->[0];
my string $use_exporter = $exports->{children}->[0];
my string $export = $exports->{children}->[1];
my string $export_ok = $exports->{children}->[2];
$rperl_source_group->{H} .= $use_exporter; # already has a newline
if ( exists $export->{children}->[0] ) {
$rperl_source_group->{H} .= $export->{children}->[0]->{attr} . $export->{children}->[1]->{attr} . ';' . "\n"; # DEV NOTE: does not capture semicolon in AST for some reason, must hard-code here
if ( exists $export_ok->{children}->[0] ) {
$rperl_source_group->{H} .= $export_ok->{children}->[0]->{attr} . $export_ok->{children}->[1]->{attr} . ';' . "\n"; # DEV NOTE: does not capture semicolon in AST for some reason, must hard-code here
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), AFTER EXPORTS, have $rperl_source_group->{H} = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($rperl_source_group->{H}) . "\n" );
foreach my object $include ( @{ $include_star->{children} } ) { ## no critic qw(ProhibitPostfixControls) # SYSTEM SPECIAL 6: PERL CRITIC FILED ISSUE #639, not postfix foreach or if
# RPerl::diag('in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $package_name_underscores = ' . $package_name_underscores . "\n");
$cpp_source_subgroup = $include->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES( $package_name_underscores, $modes );
RPerl::Generator::source_group_append( $cpp_source_group, $cpp_source_subgroup );
my string $cpp_source_tmp = <<EOL;
# ifdef __PERL__TYPES
# elif defined __CPP__TYPES
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= $cpp_source_tmp;
$cpp_source_group->{CPP} .= $cpp_source_tmp;
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$cpp_source_tmp = ( ( '// [[[<<< BEGIN CPP TYPES >>>]]]' . "\n" ) x 3 ) . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= $cpp_source_tmp;
$cpp_source_group->{CPP} .= $cpp_source_tmp;
if ( exists $constant_star->{children}->[0] ) {
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= '// [[[ CONSTANTS ]]]' . "\n";
foreach my object $constant ( @{ $constant_star->{children} } ) { ## no critic qw(ProhibitPostfixControls) # SYSTEM SPECIAL 6: PERL CRITIC FILED ISSUE #639, not postfix foreach or if
$cpp_source_subgroup = $constant->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES( $package_name_underscores, $modes );
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= $cpp_source_subgroup->{H};
$cpp_source_group->{_H_constants_shims}->{$package_name_underscores} .= $cpp_source_subgroup->{_H_constants_shims}->{$package_name_underscores};
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= "\n";
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= '// [[[ OO INHERITANCE ]]]' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= 'class ' . $package_name_underscores . ' : public ' . $parent_name_underscores . ' {' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= 'public:' . "\n";
my string_arrayref $properties_accessors_mutators = [];
my string_arrayref $properties_accessors_mutators_shims = [];
my string_arrayref $properties_declarations = [];
my string_arrayref $properties_initializations = [];
my string_arrayref $properties_initializers = [];
my string $property_declaration;
# prepare for later use in:
# disallow name masking of inherited $properties, AND
# generate accessors & mutators for inherited $properties
my string $package_name_colons = $package_name_underscores;
$package_name_colons =~ s/__/::/gxms;
my $parent_package_names = RPerl::CompileUnit::Module::Class::parent_and_grandparent_package_names($package_name_colons);
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $parent_package_names = ' . Dumper($parent_package_names) . "\n" );
# non-empty $properties
# Properties -> 'our hashref $properties' OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN LBRACE HashEntryProperties STAR-27 '}' ';'
# HashEntryProperties -> WORD OP20_HASH_FATARROW TypeInnerProperties
if ( ref $properties eq 'Properties_82' ) { ## no critic qw(ProhibitPostfixControls) # SYSTEM SPECIAL 6: PERL CRITIC FILED ISSUE #639, not postfix foreach or if
$modes->{_inside_class_properties} = 1;
$property_declaration = q{};
my object $property_0 = $properties->{children}->[3];
my object $properties_1_to_n = $properties->{children}->[4];
my string $property_key = $property_0->{children}->[0]->{children}->[0];
$property_key =~ s/^(\w+)\s*$/$1/gxms; # strip trailing whitespace, caused by grammar matching operator names with trailing spaces
# DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp045: identifiers containing underscores may be reserved by C++
# all properties are naturally scoped to their respective class, there ECOGEASCP189a is disabled & unused below
# if (((substr $property_key, 0, 1) eq '_') and ($modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} eq q{})) {
# die 'ERROR ECOGEASCP189a, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++:' . "\n" . 'global class property name ' . q{'} . $property_key . q{()'} .
# ' must not start with an underscore, forbidden by C++ specification as a reserved identifier, dying' . "\n";
# }
if ($property_key =~ m/^_[A-Z]/gxms) {
die 'ERROR ECOGEASCP189b, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++:' . "\n" . 'class property name ' . q{'} . $property_key . q{()'} .
' must not start with an underscore followed by an uppercase letter, forbidden by C++ specification as a reserved identifier, dying' . "\n";
elsif ($property_key =~ m/__/gxms) {
die 'ERROR ECOGEASCP189c, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++:' . "\n" . 'class property name ' . q{'} . $property_key . q{()'} .
' must not include a double-underscore, forbidden by C++ specification as a reserved identifier, dying' . "\n";
my object $property_type_inner = $property_0->{children}->[2];
my string $property_type = undef;
my object $property_subexpression = undef;
my object $property_arrayref_index_max = undef;
my string $property_name = $property_type_inner->{children}->[3]->{children}->[0];
$property_name =~ s/^(\w+)\s*$/$1/gxms; # strip trailing whitespace, caused by grammar matching operator names with trailing spaces
# DEV NOTE: we can do error checking once here instead of twice for TypeInnerProperties_245 & TypeInnerProperties_246 below
# because they both have OpStringOrWord as sub-element 3, grabbed as $property_name above
if ( $property_name ne $property_key ) {
. $property_name . q{'}
. ' does not equal OO properties key ' . q{'}
. $property_key . q{'}
. ', dying' . "\n";
if ((exists $perlapinames_generated::FUNCTIONS_DOCUMENTED->{$property_name}) or
(exists $perlapinames_generated::FUNCTIONS_UNDOCUMENTED->{$property_name}) or
(exists $perlapinames_generated::VARIABLES_DOCUMENTED->{$property_name}) or
(exists $perlapinames_generated::VARIABLES_UNDOCUMENTED->{$property_name})) {
die 'ERROR ECOGEASCP041, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++: Perl API name conflict, OO property name ' . q{'}
. $property_name . q{'}
. ' is the same as a protected function or variable name in the Perl API, please choose a different name, dying' . "\n";
# TypeInnerProperties -> MY Type '$TYPED_' WORD OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN SubExpression
if ( ref $property_type_inner eq 'TypeInnerProperties_245' ) {
$property_type = $property_type_inner->{children}->[1]->{children}->[0];
$property_subexpression = $property_type_inner->{children}->[5];
# TypeInnerProperties -> MY Type '$TYPED_' WORD OP02_ARRAY_THINARROW SubExpression ']' OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN 'undef'
elsif ( ref $property_type_inner eq 'TypeInnerProperties_246' ) {
$property_type = $property_type_inner->{children}->[1]->{children}->[0];
$property_arrayref_index_max = $property_type_inner->{children}->[5];
else {
die RPerl::Parser::rperl_rule__replace( 'ERROR ECOGEASCP000, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++: Grammar rule '
. ( ref $self )
. ' found where TypeInnerProperties_245 or TypeInnerProperties_246 expected, dying' )
. "\n";
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), property 0, have $property_key = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($property_key) . "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), property 0, have $property_type_inner = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($property_type_inner) . "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), property 0, have $property_subexpression = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($property_subexpression) . "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), property 0, have $property_type = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($property_type) . "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), property 0, have $property_arrayref_index_max = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($property_arrayref_index_max) . "\n" );
if ( exists $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} }->{_properties}->{$property_key} ) {
. q{'} . $property_key . q{'}
. ' already declared in this scope, namespace '
. q{'} . $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} . q{'}
. ', dying' . "\n";
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), property 0, have $parent_package_names = ' . "\n" . Dumper($parent_package_names) . "\n" ) if (scalar @{$parent_package_names});
# disallow name masking of inherited $properties, causes mismatching behavior in PERLOPS_PERLTYPES vs CPPOPS_CPPTYPES
foreach my $parent_package_name (@{$parent_package_names}) {
if ( exists $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $parent_package_name . q{::} }->{_properties}->{$property_key} ) {
. q{'} . $property_key . q{'}
. ' already declared in parent namespace '
. q{'} . $parent_package_name . q{::} . q{'}
. ', name masking disallowed, dying' . "\n";
$modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} }->{_properties}->{$property_key}
= { isa => 'RPerl::DataStructure::Hash::Properties', type => $property_type };
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), about to call RPerl::Generator::type_convert_perl_to_cpp() #0, have $property_type = ', q{'}, $property_type, q{'}, "\n" );
$property_type = RPerl::Generator::type_convert_perl_to_cpp( $property_type, 1 ); # $pointerify_classes = 1
$modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} }->{_properties}->{$property_key}->{type_cpp} = $property_type; # add converted C++ type to symtab entry
if ( defined $property_arrayref_index_max ) {
my string $property_arrayref_index_max_address = "$property_arrayref_index_max";
$property_arrayref_index_max = RPerl::Generator::arrayref_convert_index_max_to_size($property_arrayref_index_max);
$cpp_source_subgroup = $property_arrayref_index_max->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES($modes);
if ( $property_arrayref_index_max_address eq "$property_arrayref_index_max" ) { # not compensated automatically, must compensate manually
$cpp_source_subgroup->{CPP} = q{(} . $cpp_source_subgroup->{CPP} . q{) + 1};
push @{$properties_initializations}, ( q{ } . 'this->' . $property_key . '.resize(' . $cpp_source_subgroup->{CPP} . ');' );
$property_declaration = q{ } . $property_type . q{ } . $property_key;
# SubExpression_156 ISA RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression::Literal::Undefined,
# don't perform any C++ initialization for properties initialized to 'undef' in Perl
if ( ( defined $property_subexpression ) and ( ( ref $property_subexpression ) ne 'SubExpression_156' ) ) {
$cpp_source_subgroup = $property_subexpression->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES($modes);
$property_declaration .= ' = ' . $cpp_source_subgroup->{CPP};
$property_declaration .= ';';
push @{$properties_declarations}, $property_declaration;
$cpp_source_subgroup = ast_to_cpp__generate_accessors_mutators_initializers__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES( $property_key, $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace}, $package_name_underscores, 0, $modes ); # $is_inherited = 0
if ( $cpp_source_subgroup->{H} ne q{} ) {
push @{$properties_accessors_mutators}, $cpp_source_subgroup->{H};
if ( $cpp_source_subgroup->{_H_initializers} ne q{} ) {
push @{$properties_initializers}, $cpp_source_subgroup->{_H_initializers};
if ((exists $cpp_source_subgroup->{PMC}) and (defined $cpp_source_subgroup->{PMC}) and ($cpp_source_subgroup->{PMC} ne q{})) {
push @{$properties_accessors_mutators_shims}, $cpp_source_subgroup->{PMC};
my integer $i = 0;
foreach my object $property ( @{ $properties_1_to_n->{children} } ) {
if ( ( ref $property ) eq 'TERMINAL' ) { # skip comma between properties
$property_subexpression = undef;
$property_arrayref_index_max = undef;
$property_key = $property->{children}->[0]->{children}->[0];
$property_key =~ s/^(\w+)\s*$/$1/gxms; # strip trailing whitespace, caused by grammar matching operator names with trailing spaces
# DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp045: identifiers containing underscores may be reserved by C++
# all properties are naturally scoped to their respective class, there ECOGEASCP189a is disabled & unused below
# if (((substr $property_key, 0, 1) eq '_') and ($modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} eq q{})) {
# die 'ERROR ECOGEASCP189a, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++:' . "\n" . 'global class property name ' . q{'} . $property_key . q{()'} .
# ' must not start with an underscore, forbidden by C++ specification as a reserved identifier, dying' . "\n";
# }
if ($property_key =~ m/^_[A-Z]/gxms) {
die 'ERROR ECOGEASCP189b, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++:' . "\n" . 'class property name ' . q{'} . $property_key . q{()'} .
' must not start with an underscore followed by an uppercase letter, forbidden by C++ specification as a reserved identifier, dying' . "\n";
elsif ($property_key =~ m/__/gxms) {
die 'ERROR ECOGEASCP189c, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++:' . "\n" . 'class property name ' . q{'} . $property_key . q{()'} .
' must not include a double-underscore, forbidden by C++ specification as a reserved identifier, dying' . "\n";
$property_type_inner = $property->{children}->[2];
$property_name = $property_type_inner->{children}->[3]->{children}->[0];
$property_name =~ s/^(\w+)\s*$/$1/gxms; # strip trailing whitespace, caused by grammar matching operator names with trailing spaces
# DEV NOTE: we can do error checking once here instead of twice for TypeInnerProperties_245 & TypeInnerProperties_246 below
# because they both have OpStringOrWord as sub-element 3, grabbed as $property_name above
if ( $property_name ne $property_key ) {
. $property_name . q{'}
. ' does not equal OO properties key ' . q{'}
. $property_key . q{'}
. ', dying' . "\n";
if ((exists $perlapinames_generated::FUNCTIONS_DOCUMENTED->{$property_name}) or
(exists $perlapinames_generated::FUNCTIONS_UNDOCUMENTED->{$property_name}) or
(exists $perlapinames_generated::VARIABLES_DOCUMENTED->{$property_name}) or
(exists $perlapinames_generated::VARIABLES_UNDOCUMENTED->{$property_name})) {
die 'ERROR ECOGEASCP041, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++: Perl API name conflict, OO property name ' . q{'}
. $property_name . q{'}
. ' is the same as a protected function or variable name in the Perl API, please choose a different name, dying' . "\n";
# TypeInnerProperties -> MY Type '$TYPED_' WORD OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN SubExpression
if ( ref $property_type_inner eq 'TypeInnerProperties_245' ) {
$property_type = $property_type_inner->{children}->[1]->{children}->[0];
$property_subexpression = $property_type_inner->{children}->[5];
# TypeInnerProperties -> MY Type '$TYPED_' WORD OP02_ARRAY_THINARROW SubExpression ']' OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN 'undef'
elsif ( ref $property_type_inner eq 'TypeInnerProperties_246' ) {
$property_type = $property_type_inner->{children}->[1]->{children}->[0];
$property_arrayref_index_max = $property_type_inner->{children}->[5];
else {
die RPerl::Parser::rperl_rule__replace( 'ERROR ECOGEASCP000, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++: Grammar rule '
. ( ref $self )
. ' found where TypeInnerProperties_245 or TypeInnerProperties_246 expected, dying' )
. "\n";
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), property ' . $i . ', have $property_key = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($property_key) . "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), property ' . $i . ', have $property_type_inner = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($property_type_inner) . "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), property ' . $i . ', have $property_subexpression = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($property_subexpression) . "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), property ' . $i . ', have $property_type = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($property_type) . "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), property ' . $i . ', have $property_arrayref_index_max = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($property_arrayref_index_max) . "\n" );
if ( exists $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} }->{_properties}->{$property_key} ) {
. $property_key
. ' already declared in this scope, namespace '
. $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace}
. ', dying' . "\n";
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), property ' . $i . ', have $parent_package_names = ' . "\n" . Dumper($parent_package_names) . "\n" ) if (scalar @{$parent_package_names});
# disallow name masking of inherited $properties, causes mismatching behavior in PERLOPS_PERLTYPES vs CPPOPS_CPPTYPES
foreach my $parent_package_name (@{$parent_package_names}) {
if ( exists $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $parent_package_name . q{::} }->{_properties}->{$property_key} ) {
. q{'} . $property_key . q{'}
. ' already declared in parent namespace '
. q{'} . $parent_package_name . q{::} . q{'}
. ', name masking disallowed, dying' . "\n";
$modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} }->{_properties}->{$property_key}
= { isa => 'RPerl::DataStructure::Hash::Properties', type => $property_type };
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), about to call RPerl::Generator::type_convert_perl_to_cpp() #1, have $property_type = ', q{'}, $property_type, q{'}, "\n" );
$property_type = RPerl::Generator::type_convert_perl_to_cpp( $property_type, 1 ); # $pointerify_classes = 1
$modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} }->{_properties}->{$property_key}->{type_cpp} = $property_type; # add converted C++ type to symtab entry
if ( defined $property_arrayref_index_max ) {
my string $property_arrayref_index_max_address = "$property_arrayref_index_max";
$property_arrayref_index_max = RPerl::Generator::arrayref_convert_index_max_to_size($property_arrayref_index_max);
$cpp_source_subgroup = $property_arrayref_index_max->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES($modes);
if ( $property_arrayref_index_max_address eq "$property_arrayref_index_max" ) { # not compensated automatically, must compensate manually
$cpp_source_subgroup->{CPP} = q{(} . $cpp_source_subgroup->{CPP} . q{) + 1};
push @{$properties_initializations}, ( q{ } . 'this->' . $property_key . '.resize(' . $cpp_source_subgroup->{CPP} . ');' );
$property_declaration = q{ } . $property_type . q{ } . $property_key;
# SubExpression_156 ISA RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression::Literal::Undefined,
# don't perform any C++ initialization for properties initialized to 'undef' in Perl
if ( ( defined $property_subexpression ) and ( ( ref $property_subexpression ) ne 'SubExpression_156' ) ) {
$cpp_source_subgroup = $property_subexpression->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES($modes);
$property_declaration .= ' = ' . $cpp_source_subgroup->{CPP};
$property_declaration .= ';';
push @{$properties_declarations}, $property_declaration;
$cpp_source_subgroup = ast_to_cpp__generate_accessors_mutators_initializers__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES( $property_key, $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace}, $package_name_underscores, 0, $modes ); # $is_inherited = 0
if ( $cpp_source_subgroup->{H} ne q{} ) {
push @{$properties_accessors_mutators}, $cpp_source_subgroup->{H};
if ( $cpp_source_subgroup->{_H_initializers} ne q{} ) {
push @{$properties_initializers}, $cpp_source_subgroup->{_H_initializers};
if ((exists $cpp_source_subgroup->{PMC}) and (defined $cpp_source_subgroup->{PMC}) and ($cpp_source_subgroup->{PMC} ne q{})) {
push @{$properties_accessors_mutators_shims}, $cpp_source_subgroup->{PMC};
delete $modes->{_inside_class_properties};
# generate accessors & mutators for inherited $properties
foreach my $parent_package_name (@{$parent_package_names}) {
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $parent_package_name = ' . $parent_package_name . "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $parent_package_name . q{::} } = ' . Dumper($modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $parent_package_name . q{::} }) . "\n" );
foreach my $parent_property_key (keys %{ $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $parent_package_name . q{::} }->{_properties} }) {
if (not exists $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $package_name_colons . q{::} }->{_properties}->{$parent_property_key}) {
$cpp_source_subgroup = ast_to_cpp__generate_accessors_mutators_initializers__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES( $parent_property_key, $parent_package_name . q{::}, $package_name_underscores, 1, $modes ); # $is_inherited = 1
if ( $cpp_source_subgroup->{H} ne q{} ) {
push @{$properties_accessors_mutators}, $cpp_source_subgroup->{H};
if ( $cpp_source_subgroup->{_H_initializers} ne q{} ) {
push @{$properties_initializers}, $cpp_source_subgroup->{_H_initializers};
if ((exists $cpp_source_subgroup->{PMC}) and (defined $cpp_source_subgroup->{PMC}) and ($cpp_source_subgroup->{PMC} ne q{})) {
push @{$properties_accessors_mutators_shims}, $cpp_source_subgroup->{PMC};
if ( exists $properties_declarations->[0] ) {
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= ' // [[[ OO PROPERTIES ]]]' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= ( join "\n", @{$properties_declarations} ) . "\n\n";
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= ' // [[[ OO METHODS ]]]' . "\n\n";
if ( exists $properties_accessors_mutators->[0] ) {
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= ' // <<< OO PROPERTIES, ACCESSORS & MUTATORS >>>' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= ( join "\n", @{$properties_accessors_mutators} ) . "\n\n";
if ( exists $properties_accessors_mutators_shims->[0] ) {
if ( ( not exists $cpp_source_group->{_PMC_accessors_mutators_shims} ) or ( not defined $cpp_source_group->{_PMC_accessors_mutators_shims} ) ) {
$cpp_source_group->{_PMC_accessors_mutators_shims} = {};
elsif (( not exists $cpp_source_group->{_PMC_accessors_mutators_shims}->{$package_name_underscores} )
or ( not defined $cpp_source_group->{_PMC_accessors_mutators_shims}->{$package_name_underscores} ) )
$cpp_source_group->{_PMC_accessors_mutators_shims}->{$package_name_underscores} = q{};
$cpp_source_group->{_PMC_accessors_mutators_shims}->{$package_name_underscores} .= ( join "\n", @{$properties_accessors_mutators_shims} ) . "\n";
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= ' // <<< CONSTRUCTOR & DESTRUCTOR >>>' . "\n";
if ( exists $properties_initializations->[0] ) { # initialize properties in constructor
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= q{ } . $package_name_underscores . '() {' . "\n" . ( join "\n", @{$properties_initializations} ) . "\n" . '}' . "\n"; # CONSTRUCTOR
else { # empty constructor
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= q{ } . $package_name_underscores . '() {}' . "\n"; # CONSTRUCTOR
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= q{ } . '~' . $package_name_underscores . '() {}' . "\n\n"; # DESTRUCTOR
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= ' // <<< CLASS NAME REPORTER >>>' . "\n";
my string $package_name_scoped = $package_name_underscores;
$package_name_scoped =~ s/__/::/gxms;
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= ' virtual string myclassname() { return (const string) "' . $package_name_scoped . '"; }' . "\n"; # CLASS NAME REPORTER
# RPerl::diag('in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $cpp_source_group->{_H_constants_shims}->{$package_name_underscores} = ' . Dumper($cpp_source_group->{_H_constants_shims}->{$package_name_underscores}) . "\n");
if ( ( exists $cpp_source_group->{_H_constants_shims} )
and ( defined $cpp_source_group->{_H_constants_shims} )
and ( exists $cpp_source_group->{_H_constants_shims}->{$package_name_underscores} )
and ( defined $cpp_source_group->{_H_constants_shims}->{$package_name_underscores} ) )
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= "\n";
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) { $cpp_source_group->{H} .= ' // <<< CONSTANTS, SHIMS >>>' . "\n"; }
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= $cpp_source_group->{_H_constants_shims}->{$package_name_underscores};
my string_arrayref $method_declarations = [];
my string_arrayref $method_definitions = [];
my string_arrayref $subroutine_declarations = [];
my string_arrayref $subroutine_definitions = [];
my string_arrayref $PMC_subroutines_shims = [];
my string_arrayref $CPP_subroutines_shims = [];
foreach my object $method_or_subroutine ( ## no critic qw(ProhibitPostfixControls) # SYSTEM SPECIAL 6: PERL CRITIC FILED ISSUE #639, not postfix foreach or if
@{ $method_or_subroutine_star->{children} }
if ( ( ref $method_or_subroutine ) eq 'SubroutineOrMethod_94' ) { # METHOD
$cpp_source_subgroup = $method_or_subroutine->ast_to_cpp__generate_declaration__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES($modes);
push @{$method_declarations}, $cpp_source_subgroup->{H};
$cpp_source_subgroup = $method_or_subroutine->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES( $package_name_underscores, $modes );
push @{$method_definitions}, $cpp_source_subgroup->{CPP};
if ( ( exists $cpp_source_subgroup->{H_INCLUDES} ) and ( defined $cpp_source_subgroup->{H_INCLUDES} ) ) {
$cpp_source_group->{H_INCLUDES} .= $cpp_source_subgroup->{H_INCLUDES};
elsif ( ( ref $method_or_subroutine ) eq 'SubroutineOrMethod_93' ) { # SUBROUTINE
$cpp_source_subgroup = $method_or_subroutine->ast_to_cpp__generate_declaration__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES($modes);
push @{$subroutine_declarations}, $cpp_source_subgroup->{H};
$cpp_source_subgroup = $method_or_subroutine->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES($modes);
push @{$subroutine_definitions}, $cpp_source_subgroup->{CPP};
$cpp_source_subgroup = $method_or_subroutine->ast_to_cpp__generate_shims__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES($modes);
if ((exists $cpp_source_subgroup->{PMC}) and (defined $cpp_source_subgroup->{PMC})) {
push @{$PMC_subroutines_shims}, $cpp_source_subgroup->{PMC};
push @{$CPP_subroutines_shims}, $cpp_source_subgroup->{CPP};
if ( ( exists $cpp_source_subgroup->{H_INCLUDES} ) and ( defined $cpp_source_subgroup->{H_INCLUDES} ) ) {
$cpp_source_group->{H_INCLUDES} .= $cpp_source_subgroup->{H_INCLUDES};
else {
die RPerl::Parser::rperl_rule__replace( 'ERROR ECOGEASCP000, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++, CPPOPS_CPPTYPES: Grammar rule '
. ( ref $method_or_subroutine )
. ' found where SubroutineOrMethod_94 or SubroutineOrMethod_93 expected, dying' )
. "\n";
if ( exists $method_declarations->[0] ) {
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= "\n" . ' // <<< USER-DEFINED METHODS >>>' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= ( join "\n", @{$method_declarations} ) . "\n";
if ( ( exists $method_definitions->[0] ) or ( exists $subroutine_definitions->[0] ) ) {
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$cpp_source_group->{CPP} .= '// [[[ SUBROUTINES & OO METHODS ]]]' . "\n\n";
$cpp_source_group->{CPP} .= ( join "\n\n", @{$method_definitions} );
if ( exists $method_definitions->[0] ) { $cpp_source_group->{CPP} .= "\n\n"; }
$cpp_source_group->{CPP} .= ( join "\n\n", @{$subroutine_definitions} );
if ( exists $subroutine_definitions->[0] ) { $cpp_source_group->{CPP} .= "\n\n"; }
if ( exists $PMC_subroutines_shims->[0] ) {
if ( ( not exists $cpp_source_group->{_PMC_subroutines_shims} ) or ( not defined $cpp_source_group->{_PMC_subroutines_shims} ) ) {
$cpp_source_group->{_PMC_subroutines_shims} = {};
elsif (( not exists $cpp_source_group->{_PMC_subroutines_shims}->{$package_name_underscores} )
or ( not defined $cpp_source_group->{_PMC_subroutines_shims}->{$package_name_underscores} ) )
$cpp_source_group->{_PMC_subroutines_shims}->{$package_name_underscores} = q{};
$cpp_source_group->{_PMC_subroutines_shims}->{$package_name_underscores} .= ( join "\n", @{$PMC_subroutines_shims} ) . "\n";
# after processing subroutines, all classes return to being in no Perl subroutine, which is equivalent to being in no C++ function
$modes->{_symbol_table}->{_subroutine} = q{};
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= '}; // end of class' . "\n\n";
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= '// [[[ OO SUBCLASSES ]]]' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= '#define ' . $package_name_underscores . '_rawptr ' . $package_name_underscores . '*' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= 'typedef std::unique_ptr<' . $package_name_underscores . '> ' . $package_name_underscores . '_ptr;' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= 'typedef std::vector<' . $package_name_underscores . '_ptr> ' . $package_name_underscores . '_arrayref;' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= 'typedef std::unordered_map<string, ' . $package_name_underscores . '_ptr> ' . $package_name_underscores . '_hashref;' . "\n";
.= 'typedef std::unordered_map<string, ' . $package_name_underscores . '_ptr>::iterator ' . $package_name_underscores . '_hashref_iterator;' . "\n\n";
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= '// [[[ OO CONSTRUCTOR WRAPPER CLASS ]]]' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= 'class NEW_' . $package_name_underscores . ' {' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= 'public:' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= q{ } . $package_name_underscores . '_ptr wrapped_object;' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= q{ } . 'NEW_' . $package_name_underscores . '() : wrapped_object{new ' . $package_name_underscores . '()} {}' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= q{ } . $package_name_underscores . '_ptr&& NEW() { return std::move(wrapped_object); }' . "\n\n";
if ( exists $properties_initializers->[0] ) {
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= ' // <<< OO PROPERTIES, INITIALIZERS >>>' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= ( join "\n", @{$properties_initializers} ) . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= '};' . "\n\n";
class NEW_MyClass02LowRPerlNew {
MyClass02LowRPerlNew_ptr wrapped_object;
NEW_MyClass02LowRPerlNew() : wrapped_object{new MyClass02LowRPerlNew()} {}
MyClass02LowRPerlNew_ptr&& NEW() { return std::move(wrapped_object); }
NEW_MyClass02LowRPerlNew& bar(integer bar_init) { wrapped_object->bar = bar_init; return *this; }
if ( exists $subroutine_declarations->[0] ) {
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= '// [[[ SUBROUTINES ]]]' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= ( join "\n", @{$subroutine_declarations} ) . "\n\n";
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= '// <<< SHIM MACROS >>>' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= ( join "\n", @{$CPP_subroutines_shims} ) . "\n\n";
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= '// <<< OPERATIONS & DATA TYPES REPORTER >>>' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= 'integer ' . $package_name_underscores . '__MODE_ID() { return 2; } // CPPOPS_CPPTYPES is 2' . "\n\n";
if ( $modes->{label} eq 'ON' ) {
$cpp_source_tmp = ( ( '// [[[<<< END CPP TYPES >>>]]]' . "\n" ) x 3 ) . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= $cpp_source_tmp;
$cpp_source_group->{CPP} .= $cpp_source_tmp;
$cpp_source_tmp = <<EOL;
# else
# endif
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= $cpp_source_tmp;
$cpp_source_group->{CPP} .= $cpp_source_tmp;
# deferred, prepend possibly-updated H_INCLUDES to H, discarding duplicates
my string $H_INCLUDES_UNIQUE = '';
foreach my string $H_INCLUDE ( split /\n/, $cpp_source_group->{H_INCLUDES} ) {
$cpp_source_group->{H} = $H_INCLUDES_UNIQUE . $cpp_source_group->{H};
delete $cpp_source_group->{H_INCLUDES};
# RPerl::diag( "\n" . 'in Class::Generator::ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), returning $cpp_source_group = ' . "\n" . Dumper($cpp_source_group) . "\n" );
return $cpp_source_group;
# generate accessors/mutators
sub ast_to_cpp__generate_accessors_mutators_initializers__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES {
{ my string_hashref $RETURN_TYPE };
( my string $property_key, my string $namespace_from, my string $package_name_underscores, my boolean $is_inherited, my string_hashref $modes ) = @ARG;
my string_hashref $cpp_source_group = { H => q{}, _H_initializers => q{} };
# RPerl::diag( "\n" . 'in Class::Generator::ast_to_cpp__generate_accessors_mutators_initializers__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), received $modes = ' . "\n" . Dumper($modes) . "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( "\n" . 'in Class::Generator::ast_to_cpp__generate_accessors_mutators_initializers__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), received $property_key = ' . q{'} . $property_key . q{'} . "\n" );
# grab RPerl-style type out of symtab, instead of accepting-as-arg now-C++-style type from $property_type in caller
# my string $property_type = $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} }->{_properties}->{$property_key}->{type};
my string $property_type = $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $namespace_from }->{_properties}->{$property_key}->{type};
# RPerl::diag( "\n" . 'in Class::Generator::ast_to_cpp__generate_accessors_mutators_initializers__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $property_type = ', q{'}, $property_type, q{'}, "\n" );
my boolean $is_direct = 0;
# only gets set and utilized for *_arrayref and *_hashref $property_type
my string $property_element_or_value_type = undef;
my string $property_element_or_value_type_cpp_nopointerify = undef;
# array element accessors/mutators
if ( $property_type =~ /_arrayref$/ ) {
# RPerl::diag( "\n" . 'in Class::Generator::ast_to_cpp__generate_accessors_mutators_initializers__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have property type arrayref, $property_element_or_value_type = ' . q{'} . $property_element_or_value_type . q{'} . "\n" );
$property_element_or_value_type = substr $property_type, 0, ( ( length $property_type ) - 9 ); # strip trailing '_arrayref'
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), about to call RPerl::Generator::type_convert_perl_to_cpp() #2, have $property_element_or_value_type = ', q{'}, $property_element_or_value_type, q{'}, "\n" );
$property_element_or_value_type_cpp_nopointerify = RPerl::Generator::type_convert_perl_to_cpp( $property_element_or_value_type, 0 ); # $pointerify_classes = 0
if ( exists $rperlnamespaces_generated::RPERL->{ $property_element_or_value_type . '::' } ) {
# RPerl::diag( "\n" . 'in Class::Generator::ast_to_cpp__generate_accessors_mutators_initializers__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), system-defined type arrayref' . "\n" );
# arrayref of RPerl data types
if ( ( $property_element_or_value_type eq 'object' ) or ( $property_element_or_value_type eq 'hashref' ) ) {
# arrayref of objects or hashrefs (same as Perl object which is a blessed hashref), set address, return void
# RPerl::diag( "\n" . 'in Class::Generator::ast_to_cpp__generate_accessors_mutators_initializers__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), system-defined type arrayref of objects or hashrefs' . "\n" );
$is_direct = 0;
elsif ( $property_element_or_value_type eq 'arrayref' ) {
# arrayref of arrayrefs, set address, return void
# RPerl::diag( "\n" . 'in Class::Generator::ast_to_cpp__generate_accessors_mutators_initializers__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), system-defined type arrayref of arrayrefs' . "\n" );
$is_direct = 0;
else {
# arrayref of scalars, return value
# RPerl::diag( "\n" . 'in Class::Generator::ast_to_cpp__generate_accessors_mutators_initializers__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), system-defined type arrayref of scalars' . "\n" );
$is_direct = 1;
else {
# arrayref of user-defined data types (objects), set address, return void
# RPerl::diag( "\n" . 'in Class::Generator::ast_to_cpp__generate_accessors_mutators_initializers__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), user-defined type arrayref' . "\n" );
$is_direct = 0;
# hash value accessors/mutators
elsif ( $property_type =~ /_hashref$/ ) {
# RPerl::diag( "\n" . 'in Class::Generator::ast_to_cpp__generate_accessors_mutators_initializers__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have property type hashref' . "\n" );
$property_element_or_value_type = substr $property_type, 0, ( ( length $property_type ) - 8 ); # strip trailing '_hashref'
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), about to call RPerl::Generator::type_convert_perl_to_cpp() #2, have $property_element_or_value_type = ', q{'}, $property_element_or_value_type, q{'}, "\n" );
$property_element_or_value_type_cpp_nopointerify = RPerl::Generator::type_convert_perl_to_cpp( $property_element_or_value_type, 0 ); # $pointerify_classes = 0
# RPerl::diag( "\n" . 'in Class::Generator::ast_to_cpp__generate_accessors_mutators_initializers__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have property type hashref, $property_element_or_value_type = ' . q{'} . $property_element_or_value_type . q{'} . "\n" );
if ( exists $rperlnamespaces_generated::RPERL->{ $property_element_or_value_type . '::' } ) {
# hashref of RPerl data types
if ( ( $property_element_or_value_type eq 'object' ) or ( $property_element_or_value_type eq 'hashref' ) ) {
# hashref of objects or hashrefs (same as Perl object which is a blessed hashref), set address, return void
# RPerl::diag( "\n" . 'in Class::Generator::ast_to_cpp__generate_accessors_mutators_initializers__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), system-defined type hashref of objects or hashrefs' . "\n" );
$is_direct = 0;
elsif ( $property_element_or_value_type eq 'arrayref' ) {
# hashref of arrayrefs, set address, return void
# RPerl::diag( "\n" . 'in Class::Generator::ast_to_cpp__generate_accessors_mutators_initializers__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), system-defined type hashref of arrayrefs' . "\n" );
$is_direct = 0;
else {
# hashref of scalars, return value
# RPerl::diag( "\n" . 'in Class::Generator::ast_to_cpp__generate_accessors_mutators_initializers__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), system-defined type hashref of scalars' . "\n" );
$is_direct = 1;
else {
# hashref of user-defined data types (objects), set address, return void
# RPerl::diag( "\n" . 'in Class::Generator::ast_to_cpp__generate_accessors_mutators_initializers__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), user-defined type hashref' . "\n" );
$is_direct = 0;
# scalar accessors/mutators, return value
else {
# RPerl::diag( "\n" . 'in Class::Generator::ast_to_cpp__generate_accessors_mutators_initializers__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have property type scalar' . "\n" );
$is_direct = 1;
# always generate arrayref's get_FOO_size() and hashref's get_FOO_keys(), for both $is_direct and not
if ( $property_type =~ /_arrayref$/ ) {
$cpp_source_group->{H} = 'integer get_' . $property_key . '_size() { return this->' . $property_key . '.size(); } // call from Perl or C++' . "\n";
elsif ( $property_type =~ /_hashref$/ ) {
= 'string_arrayref get_'
. $property_key
. '_keys() { string_arrayref keys; keys.reserve(this->'
. $property_key
. '.size()); for(auto const& hash_entry : this->'
. $property_key
. ') { keys.push_back(hash_entry.first); } return keys; } // call from Perl or C++' . "\n";
if ($is_direct) {
my string $inherited_comment = q{};
if ($is_inherited) { $inherited_comment = ' // inherited from ' . $namespace_from; }
# disabled unnecessary usage of 'this->'
# $cpp_source_group->{H} .= $property_type . ' get_' . $property_key . '() { return this->' . $property_key . '; }' . "\n";
# $cpp_source_group->{H} .= 'void set_' . $property_key . '(' . $property_type . q{ } . $property_key . '_new) { this->' . $property_key . ' = ' . $property_key . '_new; }';
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= q{ } . $property_type . ' get_' . $property_key . '() { return ' . $property_key . '; }' . $inherited_comment . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{H} .= q{ } . 'void set_' . $property_key . '(' . $property_type . q{ } . $property_key . '_new) { ' . $property_key . ' = ' . $property_key . '_new; }' . $inherited_comment . "\n";
# NEW_MyClass02LowRPerlNew& bar(integer bar_init) { wrapped_object->bar = bar_init; return *this; }
$cpp_source_group->{_H_initializers} .= q{ } . 'NEW_' . $package_name_underscores . '& ' . $property_key . '(' . $property_type . q{ } . $property_key .
'_init) { wrapped_object->' . $property_key . ' = ' . $property_key . '_init; return *this; }' . $inherited_comment;
if ( $property_type =~ /_arrayref$/ ) {
# number get_FOO_element(integer i) { return FOO[i]; }
# void set_FOO_element(integer i, number value_new) { FOO[i] = value_new; }
.= $property_element_or_value_type_cpp_nopointerify
. ' get_'
. $property_key
. '_element(integer i) { return '
. $property_key
. '[i]; } // call from C++' . "\n";
.= 'void set_'
. $property_key
. '_element(integer i, '
. $property_element_or_value_type_cpp_nopointerify
. ' value_new) { '
. $property_key
. '[i] = value_new; } // call from C++' . "\n";
elsif ( $property_type =~ /_hashref$/ ) {
# number get_FOO_entry_value(string key) { return FOO[key]; }
# void set_FOO_entry_value(string key, number value_new) { FOO[key] = value_new; }
.= $property_element_or_value_type_cpp_nopointerify
. ' get_'
. $property_key
. '_entry_value(string key) { return '
. $property_key
. '[key]; } // call from C++' . "\n";
.= 'void set_'
. $property_key
. '_entry_value(string key, '
. $property_element_or_value_type_cpp_nopointerify
. ' value_new) { '
. $property_key
. '[key] = value_new; } // call from C++' . "\n";
# NEED UPDATE: remove unnecessary usage of 'this->' below
else {
#integer get_bodies_size() { return this->bodies.size(); } // call from Perl or C++
#string_arrayref get_bodies_keys() { string_arrayref keys; keys.reserve(this->keys.size()); for(auto const& hash_entry : this->bodies) { keys.push_back(hash_entry.first); } return keys; } // call from Perl or C++
#PhysicsPerl__Astro__Body_ptr& get_bodies_element(integer i) { return this->bodies[i]; } // call from C++
#void get_bodies_element_indirect(integer i, PhysicsPerl__Astro__Body_rawptr bodies_element_rawptr) { *bodies_element_rawptr = *(this->bodies[i].get_raw()); } // call from Perl shim
#void set_bodies_element(integer i, PhysicsPerl__Astro__Body_ptr& bodies_element_ptr) { *(this->bodies[i].get_raw()) = *(bodies_element_ptr.get_raw()); } // call from C++
#void set_bodies_element(integer i, PhysicsPerl__Astro__Body_rawptr bodies_element_rawptr) { *(this->bodies[i].get_raw()) = *bodies_element_rawptr; } // call from Perl
#sub get_bodies_element {
# ( my PhysicsPerl::Astro::System $self, my integer $i ) = @ARG;
# my PhysicsPerl::Astro::Body $bodies_element = PhysicsPerl::Astro::Body->new();
# $self->get_bodies_element_indirect($i, $bodies_element);
# return $bodies_element;
# C++ code
if ( $property_type =~ /_arrayref$/ ) {
.= $property_element_or_value_type_cpp_nopointerify
. '_ptr& get_'
. $property_key
. '_element(integer i) { return this->'
. $property_key
. '[i]; } // call from C++' . "\n";
.= 'void get_'
. $property_key
. '_element_indirect(integer i, '
. $property_element_or_value_type_cpp_nopointerify
. '_rawptr '
. $property_key
. '_element_rawptr) { *'
. $property_key
. '_element_rawptr = *(this->'
. $property_key
. '[i].get_raw()); } // call from Perl shim' . "\n";
.= 'void set_'
. $property_key
. '_element(integer i, '
. $property_element_or_value_type_cpp_nopointerify
. '_ptr& '
. $property_key
. '_element_ptr) { *(this->'
. $property_key
. '[i].get_raw()) = *('
. $property_key
. '_element_ptr.get_raw()); } // call from C++' . "\n";
.= 'void set_'
. $property_key
. '_element(integer i, '
. $property_element_or_value_type_cpp_nopointerify
. '_rawptr '
. $property_key
. '_element_rawptr) { *(this->'
. $property_key
. '[i].get_raw()) = *'
. $property_key
. '_element_rawptr; } // call from Perl';
elsif ( $property_type =~ /_hashref$/ ) {
.= $property_element_or_value_type_cpp_nopointerify
. '_ptr& get_'
. $property_key
. '_entry_value(string key) { return this->'
. $property_key
. '[key]; } // call from C++' . "\n";
.= 'void get_'
. $property_key
. '_entry_value_indirect(string key, '
. $property_element_or_value_type_cpp_nopointerify
. '_rawptr '
. $property_key
. '_entry_value_rawptr) { *'
. $property_key
. '_entry_value_rawptr = *(this->'
. $property_key
. '[key].get_raw()); } // call from Perl shim' . "\n";
.= 'void set_'
. $property_key
. '_entry_value(string key, '
. $property_element_or_value_type_cpp_nopointerify
. '_ptr& '
. $property_key
. '_entry_value_ptr) { *(this->'
. $property_key
. '[key].get_raw()) = *('
. $property_key
. '_entry_value_ptr.get_raw()); } // call from C++' . "\n";
.= 'void set_'
. $property_key
. '_entry_value(string key, '
. $property_element_or_value_type_cpp_nopointerify
. '_rawptr '
. $property_key
. '_entry_value_rawptr) { *(this->'
. $property_key
. '[key].get_raw()) = *'
. $property_key
. '_entry_value_rawptr; } // call from Perl';
# RPerl::diag( "\n" . 'in Class::Generator::ast_to_cpp__generate_accessors_mutators_initializers__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $modes->{subcompile} = ' . "\n" . $modes->{subcompile} . "\n" );
# DEV NOTE: only generate PMC output file in dynamic (default) subcompile mode
if ($modes->{subcompile} eq 'DYNAMIC') {
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator::ast_to_cpp__generate_accessors_mutators_initializers__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), YES PMC SHIMS' . "\n" );
# Perl shim code
# DEV NOTE: must create return variable object in Perl so it will be memory-managed by Perl,
# and not wrongly destructed or double-destructed by Perl garbage collector and/or C++ memory.h,
# even though Perl object contents will be replaced by C++ memory address, TRICKY!
# undef &PhysicsPerl::Astro::System::get_bodies_element;
# *PhysicsPerl::Astro::System::get_bodies_element = sub { ... };
if ( $property_type =~ /_arrayref$/ ) {
# $cpp_source_group->{PMC} = 'sub get_' . $property_key . '_element {' . "\n"; # DEV NOTE: use alternate syntax to avoid "subroutine redefined" errors
$cpp_source_group->{PMC} = 'undef &' . $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} . 'get_' . $property_key . '_element;' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{PMC} .= '*' . $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} . 'get_' . $property_key . '_element = sub {' . "\n";
.= '( my '
. ( substr $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace}, 0, ( ( length $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} ) - 2 ) )
. ' $self, my integer $i ) = @ARG;' . "\n";
.= 'my ' . $property_element_or_value_type . ' $' . $property_key . '_element = ' . $property_element_or_value_type . '->new();' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{PMC} .= '$self->get_' . $property_key . '_element_indirect($i, $' . $property_key . '_element);' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{PMC} .= 'return $' . $property_key . '_element;' . "\n";
# $cpp_source_group->{PMC} .= '}'; # DEV NOTE: use alternate syntax to avoid "subroutine redefined" errors
$cpp_source_group->{PMC} .= '};';
elsif ( $property_type =~ /_hashref$/ ) {
# $cpp_source_group->{PMC} = 'sub get_' . $property_key . '_entry_value {' . "\n"; # DEV NOTE: use alternate syntax to avoid "subroutine redefined" errors
$cpp_source_group->{PMC} = 'undef &' . $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} . 'get_' . $property_key . '_entry_value;' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{PMC} .= '*' . $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} . 'get_' . $property_key . '_entry_value = sub {' . "\n";
.= '( my '
. ( substr $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace}, 0, ( ( length $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} ) - 2 ) )
. ' $self, my string $key ) = @ARG;' . "\n";
.= 'my ' . $property_element_or_value_type . ' $' . $property_key . '_entry_value = ' . $property_element_or_value_type . '->new();' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{PMC} .= '$self->get_' . $property_key . '_entry_value_indirect($key, $' . $property_key . '_entry_value);' . "\n";
$cpp_source_group->{PMC} .= 'return $' . $property_key . '_entry_value;' . "\n";
# $cpp_source_group->{PMC} .= '}'; # DEV NOTE: use alternate syntax to avoid "subroutine redefined" errors
$cpp_source_group->{PMC} .= '};';
# else { RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator::ast_to_cpp__generate_accessors_mutators_initializers__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), NO PMC SHIMS' . "\n" ); }
# RPerl::diag( 'in Class::Generator::ast_to_cpp__generate_accessors_mutators_initializers__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $cpp_source_group->{H} = ' . "\n" . $cpp_source_group->{H} . "\n" );
return $cpp_source_group;
1; # end of class