The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

# [[[ HEADER ]]]
use strict;
our $VERSION = 0.011_000;
our hashref $properties = {};
sub ast_to_rperl__generate {
{ my string_hashref::method $RETURN_TYPE };
( my object $self, my string_hashref $modes) = @ARG;
my string_hashref $rperl_source_group = { PMC => q{} };
# RPerl::diag( 'in Variable->ast_to_rperl__generate(), received $self = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($self) . "\n" );
my string $self_class = ref $self;
# unwrap Variable_198 from SubExpression_158, VariableOrLiteral_248, or VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord_250
if ( ( $self_class eq 'SubExpression_158' ) or ( $self_class eq 'VariableOrLiteral_248' ) or ( $self_class eq 'VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord_250' ) ) {
$self = $self->{children}->[0];
$self_class = ref $self;
if ( $self_class eq 'Variable_198' ) {
# Variable -> VariableSymbolOrSelf VariableRetrieval*
my string $symbol_or_self = $self->{children}->[0]->{children}->[0];
$rperl_source_group->{PMC} .= $symbol_or_self;
foreach my object $variable_retrieval ( @{ $self->{children}->[1]->{children} } ) {
my string_hashref $rperl_source_subgroup = $variable_retrieval->ast_to_rperl__generate($modes);
RPerl::Generator::source_group_append( $rperl_source_group, $rperl_source_subgroup );
else {
die RPerl::Parser::rperl_rule__replace( 'ERROR ECOGEASRP000, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO RPERL: Grammar rule '
. ($self_class)
. ' found where SubExpression_158, VariableOrLiteral_248, VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord_250, or Variable_198 expected, dying' )
. "\n";
return $rperl_source_group;
sub ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_PERLTYPES {
{ my string_hashref::method $RETURN_TYPE };
( my object $self, my string_hashref $modes) = @ARG;
my string_hashref $cpp_source_group = { CPP => q{// <<< RP::O::E::SE::V __DUMMY_SOURCE_CODE CPPOPS_PERLTYPES >>>} . "\n" };
return $cpp_source_group;
sub ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES {
{ my string_hashref::method $RETURN_TYPE };
( my object $self, my string_hashref $modes) = @ARG;
my string_hashref $cpp_source_group = { CPP => q{} };
# RPerl::diag( 'in Variable->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), received $self = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($self) . "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Variable->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), received $modes = ' . Dumper($modes) . "\n" );
my string $self_class = ref $self;
# unwrap Variable_198 from SubExpression_158, VariableOrLiteral_248, or VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord_250
if ( ( $self_class eq 'SubExpression_158' ) or ( $self_class eq 'VariableOrLiteral_248' ) or ( $self_class eq 'VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord_250' ) ) {
$self = $self->{children}->[0];
$self_class = ref $self;
if ( $self_class eq 'Variable_198' ) {
# Variable -> VariableSymbolOrSelf VariableRetrieval*
my string $symbol_or_self = $self->{children}->[0]->{children}->[0];
my string_arrayref $types = [];
# RPerl::diag( 'in Variable->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have pre-modification $symbol_or_self = ' . $symbol_or_self . "\n" );
substr $symbol_or_self, 0, 1, q{}; # remove leading $ sigil
# determine first type
if ( $symbol_or_self eq 'self' ) {
$symbol_or_self = 'this'; # Perl OO $self becomes C++ OO this
$types->[0] = $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace};
else {
# RPerl::diag( 'in Variable->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} = ', q{'}, $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace}, q{'}, "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Variable->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_subroutine} = ', q{'}, $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_subroutine}, q{'}, "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Variable->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $symbol_or_self = ', q{'}, $symbol_or_self, q{'}, "\n" );
# if ($modes->{_symbol_table}->{_subroutine} eq 'main') { confess 'TMP DEBUG'; }
# variable retrieval (individual or multiple chained) can only be initiated from a variable, which must be in the symtab, in a namespace, in a subroutine
$types->[0] = $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} }->{ $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_subroutine} }->{$symbol_or_self}->{type};
# RPerl::diag( 'in Variable->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), set $types->[0] = ', q{'}, $types->[0], q{'}, "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Variable->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have post-modification $symbol_or_self = ' . $symbol_or_self . "\n" );
$cpp_source_group->{CPP} = $symbol_or_self;
my integer $i_max = ( scalar @{ $self->{children}->[1]->{children} } ) - 1;
for my integer $i ( 0 .. $i_max ) {
my object $variable_retrieval = $self->{children}->[1]->{children}->[$i];
# RPerl::diag( 'in Variable->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), for loop $i = ' . $i . ', have $types->[$i] = ' . $types->[$i] . "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Variable->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), for loop $i = ' . $i . ', have $variable_retrieval = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($variable_retrieval) . "\n" );
my string_hashref $cpp_source_subgroup = $variable_retrieval->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES( $symbol_or_self, $types->[$i], $modes );
RPerl::Generator::source_group_append( $cpp_source_group, $cpp_source_subgroup );
# determine next type
if ( $i < $i_max ) {
if ( $types->[$i] =~ /_arrayref$/ ) { # array
$types->[ $i + 1 ] = substr $types->[$i], 0, ( ( length $types->[$i] ) - 9 ); # strip trailing '_arrayref'
elsif ( $types->[$i] =~ /_hashref$/ ) { # hash
$types->[ $i + 1 ] = substr $types->[$i], 0, ( ( length $types->[$i] ) - 8 ); # strip trailing '_hashref'
elsif ( $types->[$i] =~ /sse_number_pair$/xms ) { # SSE number pair
$types->[ $i + 1 ] = 'number';
elsif ( exists $rperlnamespaces_generated::RPERL->{ $types->[$i] . '::' } ) { # scalar
die 'ERROR ECOGEASCP030, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++: Variable retrieval, can not retrieve data subcomponent from scalar type ' . $types->[$i] . ', dying' . "\n";
else { # user-defined type AKA class
if ( ( ref $variable_retrieval ) eq 'VariableRetrieval_200' ) { # VariableRetrieval -> OP02_HASH_THINARROW SubExpression '}'
my object $subexpression = $variable_retrieval->{children}->[1];
if (( ( ref $subexpression ) eq 'SubExpression_157' ) # SubExpression -> Literal
or ( ( ref $subexpression ) eq 'VariableOrLiteral_249' ) # VariableOrLiteral -> Literal
or ( ( ref $subexpression ) eq 'VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord_251' ) # VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord -> Literal
my string $number_or_string_literal = $subexpression->{children}->[0]->{children}->[0];
$number_or_string_literal = eval "return $number_or_string_literal"; # strip quotations from string and underscores from number, etc.
if ((substr $types->[$i], -2, 2) ne '::') { $types->[$i] .= '::'; } # _properties in _symbol_table are keyed by class/package names ending in ::
# RPerl::diag( 'in Variable->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES() #0, for loop $i = ' . $i . ', have $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $types->[$i] }->{_properties} = ' . $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $types->[$i] }->{_properties} . "\n" );
# check if OO property exists in self class or parent class
if ( exists $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $types->[$i] }->{_properties}->{$number_or_string_literal} ) {
$types->[ $i + 1 ] = $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $types->[$i] }->{_properties}->{$number_or_string_literal}->{type};
else {
my $parent_package_names = RPerl::CompileUnit::Module::Class::parent_and_grandparent_package_names(substr $types->[$i], 0, -2);
my boolean $property_found = 0;
foreach my $parent_package_name (@{$parent_package_names}) {
if (exists $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $parent_package_name . q{::} }->{_properties}->{$number_or_string_literal}) {
$types->[ $i + 1 ] = $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $parent_package_name . q{::} }->{_properties}->{$number_or_string_literal}->{type};
$property_found = 1;
if (not $property_found) {
if ((not exists $modes->{dependencies}) or
(not defined $modes->{dependencies}) or
($modes->{dependencies} ne 'ON')) {
die 'ERROR ECOGEASCP031 #0, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++: Variable retrieval, dependencies disabled, can not verify validity of OO property ' . $number_or_string_literal . ' in user-defined class ' . $types->[$i] . ', dying' . "\n";
else {
die 'ERROR ECOGEASCP032 #0, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++: Variable retrieval, can not retrieve invalid OO property ' . $number_or_string_literal . ' in user-defined class ' . $types->[$i] . ', dying' . "\n";
else {
my string $subexpression_generated = ($subexpression->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES( $modes ))->{CPP};
die 'ERROR ECOGEASCP033, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++: Variable retrieval, can not determine OO property name (and thus type) from non-literal subexpression...' . "\n" . $subexpression_generated . "\n" . ' user-defined class ' . $types->[$i] . ', dying' . "\n";
elsif ( ( ref $variable_retrieval ) eq 'VariableRetrieval_201' ) { # VariableRetrieval -> OP02_HASH_THINARROW WORD '}'
if ((substr $types->[$i], -2, 2) ne '::') { $types->[$i] .= '::'; } # _properties in _symbol_table are keyed by class/package names ending in ::
my string $word = $variable_retrieval->{children}->[1];
# RPerl::diag( 'in Variable->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES() #1, for loop $i = ' . $i . ', have $word = ' . $word . "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Variable->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES() #1, for loop $i = ' . $i . ', have $types->[$i] = ' . $types->[$i] . "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Variable->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES() #1, for loop $i = ' . $i . ', have $modes->{_symbol_table} = ' . Dumper($modes->{_symbol_table}) . "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Variable->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES() #1, for loop $i = ' . $i . ', have $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $types->[$i] } = ' . $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $types->[$i] } . "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Variable->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES() #1, for loop $i = ' . $i . ', have $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $types->[$i] }->{_properties} = ' . $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $types->[$i] }->{_properties} . "\n" );
# check if OO property exists in self class or parent class
if ( exists $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $types->[$i] }->{_properties}->{$word} ) {
$types->[ $i + 1 ] = $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $types->[$i] }->{_properties}->{$word}->{type};
else {
my $parent_package_names = RPerl::CompileUnit::Module::Class::parent_and_grandparent_package_names(substr $types->[$i], 0, -2);
# RPerl::diag( 'in Variable->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), for loop $i = ' . $i . ', have $parent_package_names = ' . Dumper($parent_package_names) . "\n" );
my boolean $property_found = 0;
foreach my $parent_package_name (@{$parent_package_names}) {
# RPerl::diag( 'in Variable->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), for loop $i = ' . $i . ', have $parent_package_name = ' . $parent_package_name . "\n" );
# RPerl::diag( 'in Variable->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), for loop $i = ' . $i . ', have $modes->{_symbol_table} = ' . Dumper($modes->{_symbol_table}) . "\n" );
if (exists $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $parent_package_name . q{::} }->{_properties}->{$word}) {
$types->[ $i + 1 ] = $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $parent_package_name . q{::} }->{_properties}->{$word}->{type};
$property_found = 1;
if (not $property_found) {
if ((not exists $modes->{dependencies}) or
(not defined $modes->{dependencies}) or
($modes->{dependencies} ne 'ON')) {
die 'ERROR ECOGEASCP031 #1, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++: Variable retrieval, dependencies disabled, can not verify validity of OO property ' . $word . ' in user-defined class ' . $types->[$i] . ', dying' . "\n";
else {
die 'ERROR ECOGEASCP031 #2, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++: Variable retrieval, can not retrieve invalid OO property ' . $word . ' in user-defined class ' . $types->[$i] . ', dying' . "\n";
else {
die 'ERROR ECOGEASCP034, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++: Variable retrieval, can not use arrayref retrieval on object of user-defined class ' . $types->[$i] . ', dying' . "\n";
else {
die RPerl::Parser::rperl_rule__replace( 'ERROR ECOGEASCP000, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++: Grammar rule '
. ($self_class)
. ' found where SubExpression_158, VariableOrLiteral_248, VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord_250, or Variable_198 expected, dying' )
. "\n";
return $cpp_source_group;
1; # end of class