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# (c) Jan Gehring <jan.gehring@gmail.com>
=head1 NAME
Rex::Commands::Host - Edit /etc/hosts
With this module you can manage the host entries in /etc/hosts.
task "create-host", "remoteserver", sub {
create_host "rexify.org" => {
ip => "",
aliases => ["www.rexify.org"],
use v5.12.5;
our $VERSION = '1.16.0'; # VERSION
require Rex::Exporter;
use vars qw(@EXPORT);
@EXPORT = qw(create_host get_host delete_host host_entry);
=head2 host_entry($name, %option)
Manages the entries in /etc/hosts.
host_entry "rexify.org",
ensure => "present",
ip => "",
aliases => ["www.rexify.org"],
on_change => sub { say "added host entry"; };
host_entry "rexify.org",
ensure => "absent",
on_change => sub { say "removed host entry"; };
sub host_entry {
my ( $res_name, %option ) = @_;
$option{ensure} ||= "present";
my $name = $res_name;
if ( exists $option{host} ) {
$name = $option{host};
my $file = "/etc/hosts";
if ( exists $option{file} ) {
$file = $option{file};
->report_resource_start( type => "host_entry", name => $res_name );
my $old_md5 = md5($file);
if ( $option{ensure} eq "present" ) {
&create_host( $name, \%option );
else {
my $new_md5 = md5($file);
if ( $new_md5 ne $old_md5 ) {
if ( exists $option{on_change} && ref $option{on_change} eq "CODE" ) {
$option{on_change}->( $name, %option );
changed => 1,
message => "Resource host_entry changed to $option{ensure}"
->report_resource_end( type => "host_entry", name => $res_name );
=head2 create_host($)
Update or create a /etc/hosts entry.
create_host "rexify.org", {
ip => "",
aliases => ["www.rexify.org", ...]
sub create_host {
my ( $host, $data ) = @_;
if ( !defined $data->{"ip"} ) {
Rex::Logger::info("You need to set an ip for $host");
die("You need to set an ip for $host");
$data->{file} ||= "/etc/hosts";
Rex::Logger::debug("Creating host $host");
my @cur_host = get_host( $host, { file => $data->{file} } );
if ( !@cur_host ) {
my $fh = file_append $data->{file};
$fh->write( $data->{"ip"} . "\t" . $host );
if ( exists $data->{"aliases"} ) {
$fh->write( " " . join( " ", @{ $data->{"aliases"} } ) );
else {
if ( $data->{"ip"} eq $cur_host[0]->{"ip"}
&& join( " ", @{ $data->{"aliases"} || [] } ) eq
join( " ", @{ $cur_host[0]->{"aliases"} } ) )
Rex::Logger::debug("Nothing to update for host $host");
Rex::Logger::debug("Host already exists. Updating...");
delete_host( $host, $data->{file} );
return create_host(@_);
=head2 delete_host($host)
Delete a host from /etc/hosts.
delete_host "www.rexify.org";
sub delete_host {
my ( $host, $file ) = @_;
Rex::Logger::debug("Deleting host $host");
$file ||= "/etc/hosts";
if ( get_host( $host, { file => $file } ) ) {
my $fh = file_read $file;
my @content = $fh->read_all;
my @new_content = grep { !/\s\Q$host\E\b/ } @content;
$fh = file_write $file;
else {
Rex::Logger::debug("Host does not exists.");
=head2 get_host($host)
Returns the information of $host in /etc/hosts.
my @host_info = get_host "localhost";
say "Host-IP: " . $host_info[0]->{"ip"};
sub get_host {
my ( $hostname, @lines ) = @_;
Rex::Logger::debug("Getting host ($hostname) information");
my $file = "/etc/hosts";
my @content;
if ( @lines && !ref $lines[0] ) {
@content = @lines;
else {
if ( ref $lines[0] eq "HASH" ) {
$file = $lines[0]->{file};
my $fh = file_read $file;
@content = $fh->read_all;
my @hosts = _parse_hosts(@content);
my @ret;
for my $item (@hosts) {
if ( $item->{host} eq $hostname ) {
push @ret, $item;
else {
push @ret, $item if ( grep { $_ eq $hostname } @{ $item->{aliases} } );
return @ret;
sub _parse_hosts {
my (@lines) = @_;
my @ret;
for my $line (@lines) {
chomp $line;
next if ( $line =~ m/^#/ );
next if ( !$line );
next if ( $line =~ m/^\s*$/ );
my ( $ip, $_host, @aliases ) = split( /\s+/, $line );
push @ret,
ip => $ip,
host => $_host,
aliases => \@aliases,
return @ret;