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# (c) Jan Gehring <jan.gehring@gmail.com>
=head1 NAME
Rex::Commands::Fs - File system commands
With this module you can do file system tasks like creating directories, deleting or moving files, and more.
my @files = list_files "/etc";
my %stat = stat("/etc/passwd");
my $link = readlink("/path/to/a/link");
symlink("/source", "/dest");
rename("oldname", "newname");
chmod 755, "/tmp";
chown "user", "/tmp";
chgrp "group", "/tmp";
use v5.12.5;
our $VERSION = '1.16.0'; # VERSION
require Rex::Exporter;
use Fcntl;
use vars qw(@EXPORT);
@EXPORT = qw(list_files ls
unlink rm rmdir mkdir stat readlink symlink ln rename mv chdir cd cp
chown chgrp chmod
is_file is_dir is_readable is_writeable is_writable is_symlink
df du
mount umount
use vars qw(%file_handles);
=head2 Changing content
These commands are supposed to change the contents of the file system.
=head3 symlink($from, $to)
This function will create a symbolic link from C<$from> to C<$to>.
task "symlink", "server01", sub {
symlink("/var/www/versions/1.0.0", "/var/www/html");
sub symlink {
my ( $from, $to ) = @_;
$from = resolv_path($from);
$to = resolv_path($to);
->report_resource_start( type => "symlink", name => $to );
my $fs = Rex::Interface::Fs->create;
if ( $fs->is_symlink($to) && $fs->readlink($to) eq $from ) {
Rex::get_current_connection()->{reporter}->report( changed => 0, );
else {
$fs->ln( $from, $to ) or die("Can't link $from -> $to");
->report( changed => 1, message => "Symlink created: $from -> $to." );
->report_resource_end( type => "symlink", name => $to );
return 1;
=head3 ln($from, $to)
C<ln> is an alias for C<symlink>
sub ln {
=head3 unlink($file)
This function will remove the given C<$file>.
task "unlink", "server01", sub {
sub unlink {
my @files = @_;
my $f;
if ( ref $files[0] eq "ARRAY" ) {
$f = $files[0];
else {
$f = \@files;
if ( scalar @{$f} == 1 ) {
my $file = resolv_path $f->[0];
my $fs = Rex::Interface::Fs->create;
->report_resource_start( type => "unlink", name => $file );
if ( $fs->is_file($file) || $fs->is_symlink($file) ) {
my $tmp_path = Rex::Config->get_tmp_dir;
if ( $file !~ m/^\Q$tmp_path\E[\/\\][a-z]+\.tmp$/ ) { # skip tmp rex files
->report( changed => 1, message => "File $file removed." );
else {
Rex::get_current_connection()->{reporter}->report( changed => 0, );
->report_resource_end( type => "unlink", name => $file );
else {
&unlink($_) for @{$f};
=head3 rm($file)
This is an alias for C<unlink>.
sub rm {
=head3 rmdir($dir)
This function will remove the given directory.
task "rmdir", "server01", sub {
With Rex-0.45 and newer, please use the L<file|Rex::Commands::File#file> resource instead.
task "prepare", sub {
file "/tmp",
ensure => "absent";
sub rmdir {
my @dirs = @_;
my $d;
if ( ref $dirs[0] eq "ARRAY" ) {
$d = $dirs[0];
else {
$d = \@dirs;
if ( scalar @{$d} == 1 ) {
my $dir = resolv_path $d->[0];
my $fs = Rex::Interface::Fs->create;
->report_resource_start( type => "rmdir", name => $dir );
if ( !$fs->is_dir($dir) && $dir !~ m/[\*\[]/ ) {
Rex::get_current_connection()->{reporter}->report( changed => 0, );
else {
if ( $fs->is_dir($dir) ) {
die "Can't remove $dir.";
->report( changed => 1, message => "Directory $dir removed." );
->report_resource_end( type => "rmdir", name => $dir );
else {
&rmdir($_) for @{$d};
=head3 mkdir($newdir)
This function will create a new directory.
The following options are supported:
=over 4
=item * owner
=item * group
=item * mode
=item * on_change
With Rex-0.45 and newer, please use the L<file|Rex::Commands::File#file> resource instead.
task "prepare", sub {
file "/tmp",
ensure => "directory",
owner => "root",
group => "root",
mode => 1777;
Direct usage:
task "mkdir", "server01", sub {
mkdir "/tmp";
mkdir "/tmp",
owner => "root",
group => "root",
mode => 1777;
sub mkdir {
Rex::Logger::debug("Creating directory $_[0]");
my $dir = shift;
$dir = resolv_path($dir);
my $options = {@_};
$options->{on_change} //= sub { };
->report_resource_start( type => "mkdir", name => $dir );
my $fs = Rex::Interface::Fs->create;
my $not_created = 0;
my %old_stat;
my $changed = 0;
if ( $fs->is_dir($dir) ) {
$not_created = 1;
%old_stat = &stat($dir);
my $mode = $options->{"mode"} || 755;
my $owner = $options->{"owner"} || "";
my $group = $options->{"group"} || "";
my $not_recursive = $options->{"not_recursive"} || 0;
if ($not_recursive) {
if ( !$fs->mkdir($dir) ) {
Rex::Logger::debug("Can't create directory $dir");
die("Can't create directory $dir");
&chown( $owner, $dir ) if $owner;
&chgrp( $group, $dir ) if $group;
&chmod( $mode, $dir ) if $mode;
else {
if ( !Rex::Helper::File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($dir) ) {
$dir = Rex::Helper::File::Spec->rel2abs($dir);
my @directories = __splitdir($dir);
my $path_so_far = shift @directories;
for my $part (@directories) {
$path_so_far = Rex::Helper::File::Spec->join( $path_so_far, $part );
if ( !is_dir($path_so_far) && !is_file($path_so_far) ) {
if ( !$fs->mkdir($path_so_far) ) {
Rex::Logger::debug("Can't create directory $dir");
die("Can't create directory $dir");
&chown( $owner, $path_so_far ) if $owner;
&chgrp( $group, $path_so_far ) if $group;
&chmod( $mode, $path_so_far ) if $mode;
my %new_stat = &stat($dir);
if ( !$not_created ) {
->report( changed => 1, message => "Directory created." );
$changed = 1;
if ( %old_stat && $old_stat{uid} != $new_stat{uid} ) {
->report( changed => 1, message => "Owner updated." );
$changed = 1;
if ( %old_stat && $old_stat{gid} != $new_stat{gid} ) {
->report( changed => 1, message => "Group updated." );
$changed = 1;
if ( %old_stat && $old_stat{mode} ne $new_stat{mode} ) {
->report( changed => 1, message => "Mode updated." );
$changed = 1;
if ( $changed == 0 ) {
Rex::get_current_connection()->{reporter}->report( changed => 0, );
else {
->report_resource_end( type => "mkdir", name => $dir );
return 1;
sub __splitdir {
return Rex::Helper::File::Spec->splitdir(shift);
=head3 chown($owner, $path)
Change the owner of a file or a directory.
chown "www-data", "/var/www/html";
chown "www-data", "/var/www/html",
recursive => 1;
This command will not be reported.
If you want to use reports, please use the L<file|Rex::Commands::File#file> resource instead.
sub chown {
my ( $user, $file, @opts ) = @_;
$file = resolv_path($file);
my $fs = Rex::Interface::Fs->create;
$fs->chown( $user, $file, @opts ) or die("Can't chown $file");
=head3 chgrp($group, $path)
Change the group of a file or a directory.
chgrp "nogroup", "/var/www/html";
chgrp "nogroup", "/var/www/html",
recursive => 1;
This command will not be reported.
If you want to use reports, please use the L<file|Rex::Commands::File#file> resource instead.
sub chgrp {
my ( $group, $file, @opts ) = @_;
$file = resolv_path($file);
my $fs = Rex::Interface::Fs->create;
$fs->chgrp( $group, $file, @opts ) or die("Can't chgrp $file");
=head3 chmod($mode, $path)
Change the permissions of a file or a directory.
chmod 755, "/var/www/html";
chmod 755, "/var/www/html",
recursive => 1;
This command will not be reported.
If you want to use reports, please use the L<file|Rex::Commands::File#file> resource instead.
sub chmod {
my ( $mode, $file, @opts ) = @_;
$file = resolv_path($file);
my $fs = Rex::Interface::Fs->create;
$fs->chmod( $mode, $file, @opts ) or die("Can't chmod $file");
=head3 rename($old, $new)
This function will rename C<$old> to C<$new>. Will return 1 on success and 0 on failure.
task "rename", "server01", sub {
rename("/tmp/old", "/tmp/new");
sub rename {
my ( $old, $new ) = @_;
$old = resolv_path($old);
$new = resolv_path($new);
->report_resource_start( type => "rename", name => "$old -> $new" );
my $fs = Rex::Interface::Fs->create;
my $old_present = 0;
if ( $fs->is_file($old) || $fs->is_dir($old) || $fs->is_symlink($old) ) {
$old_present = 1;
Rex::Logger::debug("Renaming $old to $new");
if ( !$fs->rename( $old, $new ) ) {
Rex::Logger::info("Rename failed ($old -> $new)");
die("Rename failed $old -> $new");
my $new_present = 0;
if ( $fs->is_file($new) || $fs->is_dir($new) || $fs->is_symlink($new) ) {
$new_present = 1;
my $old_absent = 0;
if ( !( $fs->is_file($old) || $fs->is_dir($old) || $fs->is_symlink($old) ) ) {
$old_absent = 1;
if ( $old_present == 1 && $new_present == 1 && $old_absent == 1 ) {
Rex::get_current_connection()->{reporter}->report( changed => 1 );
else {
Rex::get_current_connection()->{reporter}->report( changed => 0 );
->report_resource_end( type => "rename", name => "$old -> $new" );
=head3 mv($old, $new)
C<mv> is an alias for C<rename>.
sub mv {
return &rename(@_);
=head3 cp($source, $destination)
C<cp> will copy C<$source> to C<$destination> recursively.
task "cp", "server01", sub {
cp("/var/www", "/var/www.old");
sub cp {
my ( $source, $dest ) = @_;
$source = resolv_path($source);
$dest = resolv_path($dest);
->report_resource_start( type => "cp", name => "$source -> $dest" );
my $fs = Rex::Interface::Fs->create;
my $new_present = 0;
if ( $fs->is_file($source) && $fs->is_dir($dest) ) {
$dest = "$dest/" . basename $source;
if ( $fs->is_file($dest) || $fs->is_dir($dest) || $fs->is_symlink($dest) ) {
$new_present = 1;
if ( !$fs->cp( $source, $dest ) ) {
die("Copy failed from $source to $dest");
if ( $new_present == 0 ) {
Rex::get_current_connection()->{reporter}->report( changed => 1, );
else {
Rex::get_current_connection()->{reporter}->report( changed => 0, );
->report_resource_end( type => "cp", name => "$source -> $dest" );
=head2 Not changing content
These commands should not change the contents of the file system.
=head3 list_files("/path");
This function lists all entries (files, directories, ...) in a given directory and returns them as an array.
task "ls-etc", "server01", sub {
my @tmp_files = grep { /\.tmp$/ } list_files("/etc");
This command will not be reported.
sub list_files {
my $path = shift;
$path = resolv_path($path);
my $fs = Rex::Interface::Fs->create;
my @ret = $fs->ls($path);
return @ret;
=head3 ls($path)
Just an alias for C<list_files>.
sub ls {
return list_files(@_);
=head3 stat($file)
This function will return a hash with the following information about a file or directory:
=over 4
=item mode
=item size
=item uid
=item gid
=item atime
=item mtime
task "stat", "server01", sub {
my %file_stat = stat("/etc/passwd");
This command will not be reported.
sub stat {
my ($file) = @_;
$file = resolv_path($file);
my %ret;
Rex::Logger::debug("Getting fs stat from $file");
my $fs = Rex::Interface::Fs->create;
# may return undef, so capture into a list first.
my @stat = $fs->stat($file);
die("Can't stat $file") if ( !defined $stat[0] && scalar @stat == 1 );
if ( scalar @stat % 2 ) {
Rex::Logger::debug( 'stat output: ' . join ', ', @stat );
die('stat returned odd number of elements');
%ret = @stat;
return %ret;
=head3 is_file($path)
This function tests if C<$path> is a file. Returns 1 if true, 0 if false.
task "isfile", "server01", sub {
if( is_file("/etc/passwd") ) {
say "it is a file.";
else {
say "hm, this is not a file.";
This command will not be reported.
sub is_file {
my ($file) = @_;
$file = resolv_path($file);
my $fs = Rex::Interface::Fs->create;
return $fs->is_file($file);
=head3 is_dir($path)
This function tests if C<$path> is a directory. Returns 1 if true, 0 if false.
task "isdir", "server01", sub {
if( is_dir("/etc") ) {
say "it is a directory.";
else {
say "hm, this is not a directory.";
This command will not be reported.
sub is_dir {
my ($path) = @_;
$path = resolv_path($path);
my $fs = Rex::Interface::Fs->create;
return $fs->is_dir($path);
=head3 is_symlink($path)
This function tests if C<$path> is a symbolic link. Returns 1 if true, 0 if false.
task "issym", "server01", sub {
if( is_symlink("/etc/foo.txt") ) {
say "it is a symlink.";
else {
say "hm, this is not a symlink.";
This command will not be reported.
sub is_symlink {
my ($path) = @_;
$path = resolv_path($path);
my $fs = Rex::Interface::Fs->create;
return $fs->is_symlink($path);
=head3 is_readable($path)
This function tests if C<$path> is readable. It returns 1 if true, 0 if false.
task "readable", "server01", sub {
if( is_readable("/etc/passwd") ) {
say "passwd is readable";
else {
say "not readable.";
This command will not be reported.
sub is_readable {
my ($file) = @_;
$file = resolv_path($file);
Rex::Logger::debug("Checking if $file is readable");
my $fs = Rex::Interface::Fs->create;
return $fs->is_readable($file);
=head3 is_writable($path)
This function tests if C<$path> is writable. It returns 1 if true, 0 if false.
task "writable", "server01", sub {
if( is_writable("/etc/passwd") ) {
say "passwd is writable";
else {
say "not writable.";
This command will not be reported.
sub is_writable {
my ($file) = @_;
$file = resolv_path($file);
Rex::Logger::debug("Checking if $file is writable");
my $fs = Rex::Interface::Fs->create;
return $fs->is_writable($file);
=head3 is_writeable($file)
This is only an alias for C<is_writable>.
sub is_writeable {
=head3 readlink($link)
If C<$link> is a symbolic link, returns the path it resolves to, and C<die()>s otherwise.
task "islink", "server01", sub {
my $link;
eval {
$link = readlink("/tmp/testlink");
say "this is a link" if($link);
This command will not be reported.
sub readlink {
my ($file) = @_;
$file = resolv_path($file);
Rex::Logger::debug("Reading link of $file");
my $fs = Rex::Interface::Fs->create;
my $link = $fs->readlink($file);
unless ($link) {
Rex::Logger::debug("readlink: $file is not a link.");
die("readlink: $file is not a link.");
return $link;
=head3 chdir($newdir)
This function will change the working directory to C<$newdir>. This function currently works only locally.
task "chdir", "server01", sub {
This command will not be reported.
sub chdir {
Rex::Logger::debug("chdir behaviour will be changed in the future.");
CORE::chdir( $_[0] );
=head3 cd($newdir)
This is an alias of C<chdir>.
sub cd {
&chdir( $_[0] );
=head3 df([$device])
This function returns a hash reference which reflects the output of C<df>.
task "df", "server01", sub {
my $df = df();
my $df_on_sda1 = df("/dev/sda1");
This command will not be reported.
sub df {
my ($dev) = @_;
my $ret = {};
$dev ||= "";
my $exec = Rex::Interface::Exec->create;
my ( $out, $err ) = $exec->exec("df $dev 2>/dev/null");
my @lines = split( /\r?\n/, $out );
$ret = _parse_df(@lines);
if ($dev) {
if ( keys %$ret == 1 ) {
($dev) = keys %$ret;
return $ret->{$dev};
return $ret;
sub _parse_df {
my @lines = @_;
chomp @lines;
my $ret = {};
shift @lines;
my $current_fs = "";
for my $line (@lines) {
my ( $fs, $size, $used, $free, $use_per, $mounted_on ) =
split( /\s+/, $line, 6 );
$current_fs = $fs if $fs;
if ( !$size ) {
$ret->{$current_fs} = {
size => $size,
used => $used,
free => $free,
used_perc => $use_per,
mounted_on => $mounted_on
return $ret;
=head3 du($path)
Returns the disk usage of C<$path>.
task "du", "server01", sub {
say "size of /var/www: " . du("/var/www");
This command will not be reported.
sub du {
my ($path) = @_;
$path = resolv_path($path);
my $exec = Rex::Interface::Exec->create;
my @lines = $exec->exec("du -s $path");
my ($du) = ( $lines[0] =~ m/^(\d+)/ );
return $du;
=head3 mount($device, $mount_point, @options)
Mount devices.
task "mount", "server01", sub {
mount "/dev/sda5", "/tmp";
mount "/dev/sda6", "/mnt/sda6",
ensure => "present",
type => "ext3",
options => [qw/noatime async/],
on_change => sub { say "device mounted"; };
# mount persistent with entry in /etc/fstab
mount "/dev/sda6", "/mnt/sda6",
ensure => "persistent",
type => "ext3",
options => [qw/noatime async/],
on_change => sub { say "device mounted"; };
# to umount a device
mount "/dev/sda6", "/mnt/sda6",
ensure => "absent";
In order to be more aligned with C<mount> terminology, the previously used C<fs> option has been deprecated in favor of the C<type> option. The C<fs> option is still supported and works as previously, but Rex prints a warning if it is being used. There's also a warning if both C<fs> and C<type> options are specified, and in this case C<type> will be used.
sub mount {
my ( $device, $mount_point, @options ) = @_;
my $option = {@options};
if ( defined $option->{fs} ) {
'The `fs` option of the mount command has been deprecated in favor of the `type` option. Please update your task.',
if ( !defined $option->{type} ) {
$option->{type} = $option->{fs};
else {
'Both `fs` and `type` options have been specified for mount command. Preferring `type`.',
delete $option->{fs};
->report_resource_start( type => "mount", name => "$mount_point" );
$option->{ensure} ||= "present"; # default
if ( $option->{ensure} eq "absent" ) {
device => $device,
on_change =>
( exists $option->{on_change} ? $option->{on_change} : undef )
else {
if ( $option->{ensure} eq "persistent" ) {
$option->{persistent} = 1;
my $changed = 0;
my $exec = Rex::Interface::Exec->create;
my ( $m_out, $m_err ) = $exec->exec("mount");
my @mounted = split( /\r?\n/, $m_out );
my ($already_mounted) = grep { m/$device on $mount_point/ } @mounted;
if ($already_mounted) {
Rex::Logger::debug("Device ($device) already mounted on $mount_point.");
$changed = 0;
my $cmd = sprintf(
"mount %s %s %s %s",
$option->{type} ? "-t " . $option->{type} : "", # file system
? " -o " . join( ",", @{ $option->{"options"} } )
: "",
unless ($already_mounted) {
if ( $? != 0 ) { die("Mount failed of $mount_point"); }
$changed = 1;
changed => 1,
message => "Device $device mounted on $mount_point."
if ( exists $option->{persistent} ) {
if ( !exists $option->{type} ) {
# no fs given, so get it from mount output
my ( $out, $err ) = $exec->exec("mount");
my @output = split( /\r?\n/, $out );
my ($line) = grep { /^$device/ } @output;
my ( $_d, $_o, $_p, $_t, $fs_type ) = split( /\s+/, $line );
$option->{type} = $fs_type;
my ($_options) = ( $line =~ m/\((.+?)\)/ );
$option->{options} = $_options;
my $fh = Rex::Interface::File->create;
my $old_md5 = md5("/etc/fstab");
if ( !$fh->open( "<", "/etc/fstab" ) ) {
Rex::Logger::debug("Can't open /etc/fstab for reading.");
die("Can't open /etc/fstab for reading.");
my $f = Rex::FS::File->new( fh => $fh );
my @content = $f->read_all;
my @new_content = grep { !/^$device\s/ } @content;
$option->{options} ||= "defaults";
if ( ref( $option->{options} ) eq "ARRAY" ) {
my $mountops = join( ",", @{ $option->{"options"} } );
if ( $option->{label} ) {
push( @new_content,
. $option->{label}
. "\t$mount_point\t$option->{type}\t$mountops\t0 0\n" );
else {
push( @new_content,
"$device\t$mount_point\t$option->{type}\t$mountops\t0 0\n" );
else {
if ( $option->{label} ) {
push( @new_content,
. $option->{label}
. "\t$mount_point\t$option->{type}\t$option->{options}\t0 0\n" );
else {
push( @new_content,
"$device\t$mount_point\t$option->{type}\t$option->{options}\t0 0\n"
$fh = Rex::Interface::File->create;
if ( !$fh->open( ">", "/etc/fstab" ) ) {
Rex::Logger::debug("Can't open /etc/fstab for writing.");
die("Can't open /etc/fstab for writing.");
$f = Rex::FS::File->new( fh => $fh );
$f->write( join( "\n", @new_content ) );
my $new_md5 = md5("/etc/fstab");
if ( $new_md5 ne $old_md5 ) {
->report( changed => 1, message => "File /etc/fstab updated." );
$changed = 1;
if ( $changed == 1 ) {
if ( exists $option->{on_change} && ref $option->{on_change} eq "CODE" ) {
$option->{on_change}->( $device, $mount_point );
->report_resource_end( type => "mount", name => "$mount_point" );
=head3 umount($mount_point)
Unmount device.
task "umount", "server01", sub {
umount "/tmp";
sub umount {
my ( $mount_point, %option ) = @_;
my $device;
if ( exists $option{device} ) {
$device = $option{device};
my $exec = Rex::Interface::Exec->create;
->report_resource_start( type => "umount", name => "$mount_point" );
my $changed = 0;
my ( $m_out, $m_err ) = $exec->exec("mount");
my @mounted = split( /\r?\n/, $m_out );
my $already_mounted;
if ($device) {
($already_mounted) = grep { m/$device on $mount_point/ } @mounted;
else {
($already_mounted) = grep { m/on $mount_point/ } @mounted;
if ($already_mounted) {
$exec->exec("umount $mount_point");
if ( $? != 0 ) { die("Umount failed of $mount_point"); }
$changed = 1;
if ($changed) {
if ( exists $option{on_change} && ref $option{on_change} eq "CODE" ) {
$option{on_change}->( $mount_point, %option );
->report( changed => 1, message => "Unmounted $mount_point." );
->report_resource_end( type => "umount", name => "$mount_point" );
=head3 glob($glob)
Returns the list of filename expansions for C<$glob> as L<Perl's built-in glob|https://perldoc.perl.org/functions/glob.html> would do.
task "glob", "server1", sub {
my @files_with_p = grep { is_file($_) } glob("/etc/p*");
This command will not be reported.
sub glob {
my ($glob) = @_;
$glob = resolv_path($glob);
my $fs = Rex::Interface::Fs->create;
return $fs->glob($glob);