Bundle::CygwinVendor - Bundle for cygwin default vendor packages
For all Perl versions:
$ cpan Bundle::CygwinVendor
Pod::Escapes 1.06
Pod::Simple 3.28
Test::Pod 1.48
Devel::Symdump 2.11
Pod::Coverage 0.23
Test::Pod::Coverage 1.08
Compress::Raw::Bzip2 2.064
IO::Compress::Bzip2 2.064
Compress::Bzip2 2.17
IO::String 1.08
Archive::Zip 1.37
Term::ReadKey 2.31
Term::ReadLine::Perl 1.0303
Term::ReadLine::Gnu 1.24
XML::NamespaceSupport 1.11
XML::SAX::Base 1.08
XML::SAX 0.99
XML::LibXML 2.0116
XML::Parser 2.41
Proc::ProcessTable 0.50
YAML 0.71
YAML::LibYAML 0.41
Config::Tiny 2.20
File::Copy::Recursive 0.38
IPC::Run3 0.048
Probe::Perl 0.03
Tee 0.14
IO::CaptureOutput 1.1103
File::pushd 1.006
File::HomeDir 1.00
Digest::SHA 5.89
Module::Signature 0.73
URI 1.60
HTML::Tagset 3.20
HTML::Parser 3.71
LWP 6.06
CPAN 2.05
Net::IP 1.26
Net::DNS 0.74
Test::Reporter 1.60
Net::SSLeay 1.58
IO::Socket::SSL 1.981
LWP::Protocol::https 6.04
common::sense 3.72
Types::Serialiser 1.0
JSON::XS 3.01
JSON 2.90
Metabase::Client::Simple 0.009
Data::UUID 1.219
Data::GUID 0.048
CPAN::DistnameInfo 0.12
Metabase::Fact 0.024
Config::Perl::V 0.20
CPAN::Testers::Report 1.999001
Test::Reporter::Transport::Metabase 1.999008
CPAN::Reporter 1.2011
Text::Glob 0.09
Number::Compare 0.03
File::Find::Rule 0.33
Data::Compare 1.24
CPAN::Checksums 2.09
File::Remove 1.52
File::chmod 0.40
Params::Util 1.07
Test::Script 1.07
CPAN::Inject 1.14
Net::Telnet 3.04
Module::ScanDeps 1.13
PAR::Dist 0.49
ExtUtils::CBuilder 0.280216
ExtUtils::ParseXS 3.24
Software::License 0.103010
Module::Build 0.4205
Socket6 0.25
IO::Socket::INET6 2.72
IO::Socket::IP 0.29
B::Generate 1.48
PadWalker 1.98
Data::Alias 1.18
The official cygwin perl package contains modules in vendor to be able to use CPAN out of the box, and every user should be able to install any CPAN package by herself, without setup.exe.
Cygwin packaging does not want to maintain all its dependencies extra, CPAN is good enough. Not all packages required for CPAN are bundled with the default perl.
Reini Urban