PICA::Source - Data source that can be queried for PICA+ records
version 0.585
= PICA::Source->new(
# Get connection details from a config file
= PICA::Source->new(
=> 15 );
'@attr 1=4 microformats'
Instead or in addition to SRU you can use Z39.50, PSI, and unAPI (experimental).
new ( [ %params ] )
Create a new Server. You can specify an SRU interface with SRU
, a Z39.50 server with Z3950
, an unAPI base url with unAPI
or a raw PICA PSI interface with PSI
. Optional parameters include user
and password
for authentification. If you provide a config
parameter, configuration parameters will read from a file or from the file specified with the PICASOURCE
environment variable or from the file pica.conf
in the current directory.
getPPN ( $ppn )
Get a record specified by its PPN. Returns a PICA::Record object or undef. Only available for source APIs SRU, unAPI, and PSI. You should check whether the returned object is empty or not. On error the special variable $@ is set.
cqlQuery ( $cql [ $parser | %params | ] )
Perform a CQL query and return the PICA::XMLParser object that was used to parse the resulting records. You can pass an existing Parser or parser parameters as listed at PICA::Parser. Only available for API type SRU
z3950Query ( $query [, $plainparser | %params ] )
Perform a Z39.50 query via ZOOM. The resulting records are read with a PICA::PlainParser that is returned.
iktQuery ( $ikt, $term )
Search a source by IKT (search index) and search term. The current implementation only returns the first record. This method does only work for PSI source.
iktLink ( $ikt, $term )
Returns a link to the result list of a search by IKT or undef. Croaks if no PSI source has been defined.
ppnLink ( $ppn )
Returns a link to the record view of a record given by PPN. Croaks if no PSI source has been defined.
Return the base URL (if specified) or the empty string.
The following methods are based on CGI::Utils by Don Owens.
Returns the fully URL-encoded version of the given string. It does not convert space characters to '+' characters.
Returns the fully URL-decoded version of the given string.
Jakob Voß <>
This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Verbundzentrale Goettingen (VZG) and Jakob Voss.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.