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POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::WWW::HTMLTagAttributeCounter - html tag and attribute counter for IRC


use strict;
use POE qw(Component::IRC Component::IRC::Plugin::WWW::HTMLTagAttributeCounter);
my $irc = POE::Component::IRC->spawn(
nick => 'CounterBot',
server => '',
port => 6667,
ircname => 'CounterBot',
package_states => [
main => [ qw(_start irc_001) ],
sub _start {
$irc->yield( register => 'all' );
'HTMLCounter' =>
$irc->yield( connect => {} );
sub irc_001 {
$_[KERNEL]->post( $_[SENDER] => join => '#zofbot' );
<Zoffix> CounterBot, count tag div a span
<CounterBot> Zoffix, I counted 15 a, 6 div and 8 span tags
<Zoffix> CounterBot, count attr href class id
<CounterBot> Zoffix, I counted 9 class, 17 href and 15 id attributes


This module is a POE::Component::IRC plugin which uses POE::Component::IRC::Plugin for its base. It provides interface to count HTML tags and attributes in the web page given. The plugin is non-blocking and it accepts input from public channel events, /notice messages as well as /msg (private messages); although that can be configured at will.


With all the default arguments you'd trigger the plugin with the following request:

<Zoffix> CounterBot, count tag div a span

Where count is the trigger, tag is the type of count that can be either tag or attr, following that is the URI on which to perform the count and after the URI is a whitespace separated list of tags to count.

Note that tag div a span line is all whitespace separated, you cannot change that, really.



# plain and simple
'HTMLCounter' => POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::WWW::HTMLTagAttributeCounter->new
# juicy flavor
'HTMLCounter' =>
auto => 1,
ua => LWP::UserAgent->new( timeout => 10 ),
response_event => 'irc_html_counter',
banned => [ qr/aol\.com$/i ],
addressed => 1,
root => [ qr/$/i ],
trigger => qr/^count\s+(?=\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+)/i,
triggers => {
public => qr/^count\s+(?=\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+)/i,
notice => qr/^count\s+(?=\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+)/i,
privmsg => qr/^count\s+(?=\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+)/i,
listen_for_input => [ qw(public notice privmsg) ],
eat => 1,
debug => 0,

The new() method constructs and returns a new POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::WWW::HTMLTagAttributeCounter object suitable to be fed to POE::Component::IRC's plugin_add method. The constructor takes a few arguments, but all of them are optional. The possible arguments/values are as follows:


->new( auto => 0 );

Optional. Takes either true or false values, specifies whether or not the plugin should auto respond to requests. When the auto argument is set to a true value plugin will respond to the requesting person with the results automatically. When the auto argument is set to a false value plugin will not respond and you will have to listen to the events emitted by the plugin to retrieve the results (see EMITTED EVENTS section and response_event argument for details). Defaults to: 1.


->new( response_event => 'event_name_to_receive_results' );

Optional. Takes a scalar string specifying the name of the event to emit when the results of the request are ready. See EMITTED EVENTS section for more information. Defaults to: irc_html_counter


->new( banned => [ qr/aol\.com$/i ] );

Optional. Takes an arrayref of regexes as a value. If the usermask of the person (or thing) making the request matches any of the regexes listed in the banned arrayref, plugin will ignore the request. Defaults to: [] (no bans are set).


->new( root => [ qr/\\E$/i ] );

Optional. As opposed to banned argument, the root argument allows access only to people whose usermasks match any of the regexen you specify in the arrayref the argument takes as a value. By default: it is not specified. Note: as opposed to banned specifying an empty arrayref to root argument will restrict access to everyone.


->new( trigger => qr/^count\s+(?=\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+)/i );

Optional. Takes a regex as an argument. Messages matching this regex, irrelevant of the type of the message, will be considered as requests. See also addressed option below which is enabled by default as well as triggers option which is more specific. Note: the trigger will be removed from the message, therefore make sure your trigger doesn't match the actual data that needs to be processed. See IRC USAGE section below to understand how you need to format your trigger. Defaults to: qr/^count\s+(?=\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+)/i


->new( triggers => {
public => qr/^count\s+(?=\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+)/i,
notice => qr/^count\s+(?=\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+)/i,
privmsg => qr/^count\s+(?=\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+)/i,

Optional. Takes a hashref as an argument which may contain either one or all of keys public, notice and privmsg which indicates the type of messages: channel messages, notices and private messages respectively. The values of those keys are regexes of the same format and meaning as for the trigger argument (see above). Messages matching this regex will be considered as requests. The difference is that only messages of type corresponding to the key of triggers hashref are checked for the trigger. Note: the trigger will be matched irrelevant of the setting in triggers, thus you can have one global and specific "local" triggers. See also addressed option below which is enabled by default as well as triggers option which is more specific. Note: the trigger will be removed from the message, therefore make sure your trigger doesn't match the actual data that needs to be processed. Defaults to: qr/^count\s+(?=\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+)/i


->new( addressed => 1 );

Optional. Takes either true or false values. When set to a true value all the public messages must be addressed to the bot. In other words, if your bot's nickname is Nick and your trigger is qr/^trig\s+/ you would make the request by saying Nick, trig EXAMPLE. When addressed mode is turned on, the bot's nickname, including any whitespace and common punctuation character will be removed before matching the trigger (see above). When addressed argument it set to a false value, public messages will only have to match trigger regex in order to make a request. Note: this argument has no effect on /notice and /msg requests. Defaults to: 1


->new( listen_for_input => [ qw(public notice privmsg) ] );

Optional. Takes an arrayref as a value which can contain any of the three elements, namely public, notice and privmsg which indicate which kind of input plugin should respond to. When the arrayref contains public element, plugin will respond to requests sent from messages in public channels (see addressed argument above for specifics). When the arrayref contains notice element plugin will respond to requests sent to it via /notice messages. When the arrayref contains privmsg element, the plugin will respond to requests sent to it via /msg (private messages). You can specify any of these. In other words, setting ( listen_for_input = [ qr(notice privmsg) ] )> will enable functionality only via /notice and /msg messages. Defaults to: [ qw(public notice privmsg) ]


->new( eat => 0 );

Optional. If set to a false value plugin will return a PCI_EAT_NONE after responding. If eat is set to a true value, plugin will return a PCI_EAT_ALL after responding. See POE::Component::IRC::Plugin documentation for more information if you are interested. Defaults to: 1


->new( debug => 1 );

Optional. Takes either a true or false value. When debug argument is set to a true value some debugging information will be printed out. When debug argument is set to a false value no debug info will be printed. Defaults to: 0.



$VAR1 = {
'result_readable' => '9 class, 17 href and 15 id',
'where' => '',
'type' => 'attr',
'result' => {
'href' => '17',
'id' => '15',
'class' => '9'
'what' => [
'out' => 'Zoffix, I counted 9 class, 17 href and 15 id attributes',
'_what' => 'attr href class id',
'_channel' => '#zofbot',
'_type' => 'public',
'_who' => 'Zoffix!n=Zoffix@unaffiliated/zoffix',
'_message' => 'CounterBot, count attr href class id',

The event handler set up to handle the event, name of which you've specified in the response_event argument to the constructor (it defaults to irc_html_counter) will receive input every time request is completed. The input will come in $_[ARG0] on a form of a hashref. The possible keys/values of that hashrefs are as follows:


{ 'result_readable' => '15 a, 6 div and 8 span', }

The result_readable key will contain the return value of result_readable method of WWW::HTMLTagAttributeCounter.


'result' => {
'href' => '17',
'id' => '15',
'class' => '9'

The result key will contain the same hashref as WWW::HTMLTagAttributeCounter's count() method would return. See WWW::HTMLTagAttributeCounter for details.


'where' => '',

The where key will contain the URI of the page on which the count is performed.


'type' => 'tag',

The type key will contain the type of the count, this will be either attr or tag.


'result' => 'Zoffix, I counted 15 a, 6 div and 8 span tags',

The result key will contain the message that would be spoken on IRC when constructor's auto argument is set to a true value.


'what' => [

The what key will contain an arrayref of tags or attributes that were counted.


{ '_who' => 'Zoffix!', }

The _who key will contain the user mask of the user who sent the request.


{ '_what' => 'EXAMPLE', }

The _what key will contain user's message after stripping the trigger (see CONSTRUCTOR).


{ '_message' => 'CounterBot, count attr href class id', }

The _message key will contain the actual message which the user sent; that is before the trigger is stripped.


{ '_type' => 'public', }

The _type key will contain the "type" of the message the user have sent. This will be either public, privmsg or notice.


{ '_channel' => '#zofbot', }

The _channel key will contain the name of the channel where the message originated. This will only make sense if _type key contains public.


POE, WWW::HTMLTagAttributeCounter


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Zoffix Znet <zoffix at> (,


You can use and distribute this module under the same terms as Perl itself. See the LICENSE file included in this distribution for complete details.