Paws::DMS::ModifyEndpoint - Arguments for method ModifyEndpoint on Paws::DMS


This class represents the parameters used for calling the method ModifyEndpoint on the AWS Database Migration Service service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method ModifyEndpoint.

You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to ModifyEndpoint.


my $dms = Paws->service('DMS');
# Modify endpoint
# Modifies the specified endpoint.
my $ModifyEndpointResponse = $dms->ModifyEndpoint(
  'CertificateArn'            => '',
  'DatabaseName'              => '',
  'EndpointArn'               => '',
  'EndpointIdentifier'        => '',
  'EndpointType'              => 'source',
  'EngineName'                => '',
  'ExtraConnectionAttributes' => '',
  'Password'                  => '',
  'Port'                      => 123,
  'ServerName'                => '',
  'SslMode'                   => 'require',
  'Username'                  => ''

# Results:
my $Endpoint = $ModifyEndpointResponse->Endpoint;

# Returns a L<Paws::DMS::ModifyEndpointResponse> object.

Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see


CertificateArn => Str

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the certificate used for SSL connection.

DatabaseName => Str

The name of the endpoint database.

DmsTransferSettings => Paws::DMS::DmsTransferSettings

The settings in JSON format for the DMS transfer type of source endpoint.

Attributes include the following:

  • serviceAccessRoleArn - The AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that has permission to access the Amazon S3 bucket.

  • BucketName - The name of the S3 bucket to use.

  • compressionType - An optional parameter to use GZIP to compress the target files. Either set this parameter to NONE (the default) or don't use it to leave the files uncompressed.

Shorthand syntax for these settings is as follows: ServiceAccessRoleArn=string ,BucketName=string,CompressionType=string

JSON syntax for these settings is as follows: { "ServiceAccessRoleArn": "string", "BucketName": "string", "CompressionType": "none"|"gzip" }

DocDbSettings => Paws::DMS::DocDbSettings

Settings in JSON format for the source DocumentDB endpoint. For more information about the available settings, see the configuration properties section in Using DocumentDB as a Target for AWS Database Migration Service ( in the AWS Database Migration Service User Guide.

DynamoDbSettings => Paws::DMS::DynamoDbSettings

Settings in JSON format for the target Amazon DynamoDB endpoint. For information about other available settings, see Using Object Mapping to Migrate Data to DynamoDB ( in the AWS Database Migration Service User Guide.

ElasticsearchSettings => Paws::DMS::ElasticsearchSettings

Settings in JSON format for the target Elasticsearch endpoint. For more information about the available settings, see Extra Connection Attributes When Using Elasticsearch as a Target for AWS DMS ( in the AWS Database Migration Service User Guide.

REQUIRED EndpointArn => Str

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) string that uniquely identifies the endpoint.

EndpointIdentifier => Str

The database endpoint identifier. Identifiers must begin with a letter and must contain only ASCII letters, digits, and hyphens. They can't end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.

EndpointType => Str

The type of endpoint. Valid values are source and target.

Valid values are: "source", "target"

EngineName => Str

The type of engine for the endpoint. Valid values, depending on the EndpointType, include "mysql", "oracle", "postgres", "mariadb", "aurora", "aurora-postgresql", "redshift", "s3", "db2", "azuredb", "sybase", "dynamodb", "mongodb", "kinesis", "kafka", "elasticsearch", "documentdb", "sqlserver", and "neptune".

ExternalTableDefinition => Str

The external table definition.

ExtraConnectionAttributes => Str

Additional attributes associated with the connection. To reset this parameter, pass the empty string ("") as an argument.

IBMDb2Settings => Paws::DMS::IBMDb2Settings

Settings in JSON format for the source IBM Db2 LUW endpoint. For information about other available settings, see Extra connection attributes when using Db2 LUW as a source for AWS DMS ( in the AWS Database Migration Service User Guide.

KafkaSettings => Paws::DMS::KafkaSettings

Settings in JSON format for the target Apache Kafka endpoint. For more information about the available settings, see Using Apache Kafka as a Target for AWS Database Migration Service ( in the AWS Database Migration Service User Guide.

KinesisSettings => Paws::DMS::KinesisSettings

Settings in JSON format for the target endpoint for Amazon Kinesis Data Streams. For more information about the available settings, see Using Amazon Kinesis Data Streams as a Target for AWS Database Migration Service ( in the AWS Database Migration Service User Guide.

MicrosoftSQLServerSettings => Paws::DMS::MicrosoftSQLServerSettings

Settings in JSON format for the source and target Microsoft SQL Server endpoint. For information about other available settings, see Extra connection attributes when using SQL Server as a source for AWS DMS ( and Extra connection attributes when using SQL Server as a target for AWS DMS ( in the AWS Database Migration Service User Guide.

MongoDbSettings => Paws::DMS::MongoDbSettings

Settings in JSON format for the source MongoDB endpoint. For more information about the available settings, see the configuration properties section in Using MongoDB as a Target for AWS Database Migration Service ( in the AWS Database Migration Service User Guide.

MySQLSettings => Paws::DMS::MySQLSettings

Settings in JSON format for the source and target MySQL endpoint. For information about other available settings, see Extra connection attributes when using MySQL as a source for AWS DMS ( and Extra connection attributes when using a MySQL-compatible database as a target for AWS DMS ( in the AWS Database Migration Service User Guide.

NeptuneSettings => Paws::DMS::NeptuneSettings

Settings in JSON format for the target Amazon Neptune endpoint. For more information about the available settings, see Specifying Endpoint Settings for Amazon Neptune as a Target ( in the AWS Database Migration Service User Guide.

OracleSettings => Paws::DMS::OracleSettings

Settings in JSON format for the source and target Oracle endpoint. For information about other available settings, see Extra connection attributes when using Oracle as a source for AWS DMS ( and Extra connection attributes when using Oracle as a target for AWS DMS ( in the AWS Database Migration Service User Guide.

Password => Str

The password to be used to login to the endpoint database.

Port => Int

The port used by the endpoint database.

PostgreSQLSettings => Paws::DMS::PostgreSQLSettings

Settings in JSON format for the source and target PostgreSQL endpoint. For information about other available settings, see Extra connection attributes when using PostgreSQL as a source for AWS DMS ( and Extra connection attributes when using PostgreSQL as a target for AWS DMS ( in the AWS Database Migration Service User Guide.

RedshiftSettings => Paws::DMS::RedshiftSettings

S3Settings => Paws::DMS::S3Settings

Settings in JSON format for the target Amazon S3 endpoint. For more information about the available settings, see Extra Connection Attributes When Using Amazon S3 as a Target for AWS DMS ( in the AWS Database Migration Service User Guide.

ServerName => Str

The name of the server where the endpoint database resides.

ServiceAccessRoleArn => Str

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the service access role you want to use to modify the endpoint.

SslMode => Str

The SSL mode used to connect to the endpoint. The default value is none.

Valid values are: "none", "require", "verify-ca", "verify-full"

SybaseSettings => Paws::DMS::SybaseSettings

Settings in JSON format for the source and target SAP ASE endpoint. For information about other available settings, see Extra connection attributes when using SAP ASE as a source for AWS DMS ( and Extra connection attributes when using SAP ASE as a target for AWS DMS ( in the AWS Database Migration Service User Guide.

Username => Str

The user name to be used to login to the endpoint database.


This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method ModifyEndpoint in Paws::DMS


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