

This class represents one of two things:

Arguments in a call to a service

Use the attributes of this class as arguments to methods. You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the calls that expect this type of object.

As an example, if Att1 is expected to be a Paws::Finspace::Environment object:

$service_obj->Method(Att1 => { AwsAccountId => $value, ..., Status => $value  });

Results returned from an API call

Use accessors for each attribute. If Att1 is expected to be an Paws::Finspace::Environment object:

$result = $service_obj->Method(...);


Represents an FinSpace environment.


AwsAccountId => Str

The ID of the AWS account in which the FinSpace environment is created.

DedicatedServiceAccountId => Str

The AWS account ID of the dedicated service account associated with your FinSpace environment.

Description => Str

The description of the FinSpace environment.

EnvironmentArn => Str

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of your FinSpace environment.

EnvironmentId => Str

The identifier of the FinSpace environment.

EnvironmentUrl => Str

The sign-in url for the web application of your FinSpace environment.

FederationMode => Str

The authentication mode for the environment.

FederationParameters => Paws::Finspace::FederationParameters

Configuration information when authentication mode is FEDERATED.

KmsKeyId => Str

The KMS key id used to encrypt in the FinSpace environment.

Name => Str

The name of the FinSpace environment.

SageMakerStudioDomainUrl => Str

The url of the integrated FinSpace notebook environment in your web application.

Status => Str

The current status of creation of the FinSpace environment.


This class forms part of Paws, describing an object used in Paws::Finspace


The source code is located here:

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