Paws::LookoutEquipment::CreateModel - Arguments for method CreateModel on Paws::LookoutEquipment
This class represents the parameters used for calling the method CreateModel on the Amazon Lookout for Equipment service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method CreateModel.
You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to CreateModel.
my $lookoutequipment = Paws->service('LookoutEquipment');
my $CreateModelResponse = $lookoutequipment->CreateModel(
ClientToken => 'MyIdempotenceToken',
DatasetName => 'MyDatasetIdentifier',
ModelName => 'MyModelName',
DataPreProcessingConfiguration => {
TargetSamplingRate => 'PT1S'
, # values: PT1S, PT5S, PT10S, PT15S, PT30S, PT1M, PT5M, PT10M, PT15M, PT30M, PT1H; OPTIONAL
DatasetSchema => {
InlineDataSchema =>
'MyInlineDataSchema', # min: 1, max: 1000000; OPTIONAL
EvaluationDataEndTime => '1970-01-01T01:00:00', # OPTIONAL
EvaluationDataStartTime => '1970-01-01T01:00:00', # OPTIONAL
LabelsInputConfiguration => {
S3InputConfiguration => {
Bucket => 'MyS3Bucket', # min: 3, max: 63
Prefix => 'MyS3Prefix', # max: 1024; OPTIONAL
RoleArn => 'MyIamRoleArn', # OPTIONAL
ServerSideKmsKeyId => 'MyNameOrArn', # OPTIONAL
Tags => [
Key => 'MyTagKey', # min: 1, max: 128
Value => 'MyTagValue', # max: 256
TrainingDataEndTime => '1970-01-01T01:00:00', # OPTIONAL
TrainingDataStartTime => '1970-01-01T01:00:00', # OPTIONAL
# Results:
my $ModelArn = $CreateModelResponse->ModelArn;
my $Status = $CreateModelResponse->Status;
# Returns a L<Paws::LookoutEquipment::CreateModelResponse> object.
Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see
REQUIRED ClientToken => Str
A unique identifier for the request. If you do not set the client request token, Amazon Lookout for Equipment generates one.
DataPreProcessingConfiguration => Paws::LookoutEquipment::DataPreProcessingConfiguration
The configuration is the TargetSamplingRate
, which is the sampling rate of the data after post processing by Amazon Lookout for Equipment. For example, if you provide data that has been collected at a 1 second level and you want the system to resample the data at a 1 minute rate before training, the TargetSamplingRate
is 1 minute.
When providing a value for the TargetSamplingRate
, you must attach the prefix "PT" to the rate you want. The value for a 1 second rate is therefore PT1S, the value for a 15 minute rate is PT15M, and the value for a 1 hour rate is PT1H
REQUIRED DatasetName => Str
The name of the dataset for the ML model being created.
DatasetSchema => Paws::LookoutEquipment::DatasetSchema
The data schema for the ML model being created.
EvaluationDataEndTime => Str
Indicates the time reference in the dataset that should be used to end the subset of evaluation data for the ML model.
EvaluationDataStartTime => Str
Indicates the time reference in the dataset that should be used to begin the subset of evaluation data for the ML model.
LabelsInputConfiguration => Paws::LookoutEquipment::LabelsInputConfiguration
The input configuration for the labels being used for the ML model that's being created.
REQUIRED ModelName => Str
The name for the ML model to be created.
RoleArn => Str
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a role with permission to access the data source being used to create the ML model.
ServerSideKmsKeyId => Str
Provides the identifier of the AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) used to encrypt model data by Amazon Lookout for Equipment.
Tags => ArrayRef[Paws::LookoutEquipment::Tag]
Any tags associated with the ML model being created.
TrainingDataEndTime => Str
Indicates the time reference in the dataset that should be used to end the subset of training data for the ML model.
TrainingDataStartTime => Str
Indicates the time reference in the dataset that should be used to begin the subset of training data for the ML model.
This class forms part of Paws, documenting arguments for method CreateModel in Paws::LookoutEquipment
The source code is located here:
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