Test::Stream - A modern infrastructure for writing test tools.


use Test::Stream qw/context/;

use Test::Stream::Exporter;
default_exports qw/my_ok/; # Export 'my_ok' by default
exports qw/my_is/;         # Export 'my_is' by request

sub my_ok {
    my ($bool, $name) = @_;
    my $ctx = context(); // Get the current context
    $ctx->ok($bool, $name);
    return $bool;

sub my_is {
    my ($got, $want, $name) = @_;
    my $ctx = context();
    my $bool = $got eq $want;  # This does not account for undef, numerics, or refs
    $ctx->ok($bool, $name);
    return $bool;



Test::Stream is a testing framework designed to replace Test::Builder. To be precise the project forked Test::Builder and refactored it into its current design. The framework focuses on backwords compatability with Test::Builder, and ease of use for testing tool authors.

Most tools written with Test::Builder will work fine and play nicely with Test::Stream based tools. Test::More gives you everything Test::Builder does, and a whole lot more. If you are looking to write a new testing tool, or update an old one, this is the framework for you!


Any import argument not recognised will be treated as an export, if it is not a valid export an exception will be thrown.

use_subtest_buffering => $BOOL

Enable or disable buffering of subtest results. Buffering the results causes the subtest 'ok' to be displayed before the results inside the subtest. This is primarily useful when using threads or fork.

use_subtest_spec => 'legacy'
use_subtest_spec => 'block'

This is used to set the specification used to render subtests. Currenly there is no TAP standard way to render subtests, all current methods are hacks that take advantage of various TAP parsing loopholes.

The 'legacy' spec is the default, it uses indentation for subtest results:

ok 1 - a result
# Starting subtest X
    ok 1 - subtest X result 1
    ok 2 - subtest X result 2
ok 2 - subtest X final result

The 'block' spec forces buffering, it wraps results in a block:

ok 1 - a result
ok 2 - subtest X final result {
    ok 1 - subtest X result 1
    ok 2 - subtest X result 2
# }

Turns on support for code that forks or uses threads. This is not activated by default because it adds ~30ms to the Test::More compile-time, which can really add up in large test suites. Turn it on only when needed.

If you want more control over the concurrency driver you should load Test::Stream::Concurrency directly with whatever arguments you need. Alternatively you can use the enable_concurrency() function exported by this module.


Set the TAP encoding to utf8

encoding => '...'

Set the TAP encoding.



use Test::Stream qw/ munge /;

munge {
    my ($hub, $event, @subevents) = @_;

    if($event->isa('Test::Stream::Diag')) {
        $event->set_message( "KILROY WAS HERE: " . $event->message );


use Test::Stream qw/ disable_tap listen /;


listen {
    my $hub = shift;
    my ($event, @subevents) = @_;

    # Tracking results in a db?
    my $id = log_event_to_db($e);
    log_subevent_to_db($id, $_) for @subevents;


use Test::Stream qw/ follow_up is_passing /;

follow_up {
    my ($context) = @_;

    if (is_passing()) {
        print "KILROY Says the test file passed!\n";
    else {
        print "KILROY is not happy with you!\n";


For more details about concurrency support see Test::Stream::Concurrency.

use Test::Stream 'concurrency';
use Test::More;

# This all just works!
my $pid = fork();
if ($pid) { # Parent
    ok(1, "From Parent");
else { # child
    ok(1, "From Child");
    exit 0;



use Test::Stream qw/enable_concurrency/;
use Test::More;


# This all just works now!
my $pid = fork();
if ($pid) { # Parent
    ok(1, "From Parent");
else { # child
    ok(1, "From Child");
    exit 0;



use Test::Stream::Concurrency;
use Test::More;

# This all just works now!
my $pid = fork();
if ($pid) { # Parent
    ok(1, "From Parent");
else { # child
    ok(1, "From Child");
    exit 0;


Note: Result order between processes is not guarenteed, but the test number is handled for you meaning you don't need to care.


ok 1 - From Child
ok 2 - From Parent


ok 1 - From Parent
ok 2 - From Child


You may omit any arguments to leave a specific handle unchanged. It is not possible to set a handle to undef or 0 or any other false value.

use Test::Stream qw/ set_tap_outputs /;

    encoding => 'legacy',           # Default,
    std      => $STD_IO_HANDLE,     # equivilent to $TB->output()
    err      => $ERR_IO_HANDLE,     # equivilent to $TB->failure_output()
    todo     => $TODO_IO_HANDLE,    # equivilent to $TB->todo_output()

Note: Each encoding has independant filehandles.



The best way to generate an event is through a Test::Stream::Context object. All events have a method associated with them on the context object. The method will be the last part of the evene package name lowercased, for example Test::Stream::Event::Ok can be issued via $context->ok(...).

use Test::Stream qw/ context /;
my $context = context();
$context->send_event('EVENT_TYPE', ...);

The 5 primary event types each have a shortcut method on Test::Stream::Context:

$context->ok($bool, $name, \@diag)

Issue an Test::Stream::Event::Ok event.


Issue an Test::Stream::Event::Diag event.


Issue an Test::Stream::Event::Note event.

$context->plan($max, $directive, $reason)

Issue an Test::Stream::Event::Plan event. $max is the number of expected tests. $directive is a plan directive such as 'no_plan' or 'skip_all'. $reason is the reason for the directive (only applicable to skip_all).


Issue an Test::Stream::Event::Bail event.


This is not recommended, but it demonstrates just how much the context shortcut methods do for you.

# First make a context
my $context = Test::Stream::Context->new(
    frame     => ..., # Where to report errors
    hub       => ..., # Test::Stream object to use
    encoding  => ..., # encoding from test package meta-data
    in_todo   => ..., # Are we in a todo?
    todo      => ..., # Which todo message should be used?
    modern    => ..., # Is the test package modern?
    pid       => ..., # Current PID
    skip      => ..., # Are we inside a 'skip' state?
    provider  => ..., # What tool created the context?

# Make the event
my $ok = Test::Stream::Event::Ok->new(
    # Should reflect where the event was produced, NOT WHERE ERRORS ARE REPORTED
    created => [__PACKAGE__, __FILE__,              __LINE__],
    context => $context,     # A context is required
    in_subtest => 0,

    pass => $bool,
    name => $name,
    diag => \@diag,

# Send the event to the hub.


All of these are functions. These functions all effect the current-shared Test::Stream object only.

$context = context()
$context = context($add_level)

This will get the correct Test::Stream::Context object. This may be one that was previously initialized, or it may generate a new one. Read the Test::Stream::Context documentation for more info.

Note, context() assumes you are at the lowest level of your tool, and looks at the current caller. If you need it to look further you can call it with a numeric argument which is added to the level. To clarify, calling context() is the same as calling context(0).


All of these are functions. These functions all effect the current-shared Test::Stream object only.


These let you install a callback that is triggered for all primary events. The first argument is the Test::Stream object, the second is the primary Test::Stream::Event, any additional arguments are subevents. All subevents are Test::Stream::Event objects which are directly tied to the primary one. The main example of a subevent is the failure Test::Stream::Event::Diag object associated with a failed Test::Stream::Event::Ok, events within a subtest are another example.

listen { my ($hub, $event, @subevents) = @_; ... }

Listen callbacks happen just after TAP is rendered (or just after it would be rendered if TAP is disabled).

munge { my ($hub, $event, @subevents) = @_; ... }

Muinspect_todonge callbacks happen just before TAP is rendered (or just before it would be rendered if TAP is disabled).


follow_up { my ($context) = @_; ... }

A followup callback allows you to install behavior that happens either when done_testing() is called, or when the test file completes.

CAVEAT: If done_testing is not used, the callback will happen in the END {...} block used by Test::Stream to enact magic at the end of the test.


enable_concurrency(wait => $bool, join => $bool, driver => $driver, fallback => $driver)

Turns forking support on. This turns on a synchronization method that *just works* when you fork inside a test. This must be turned on prior to any forking.

Normally Test::Stream will wait on all child processes and join all remaining threads before ending the parent process/thread. You can disable these behaviors by setting wait and/or c<join> to false. The default for these is true.

If you wish to use a specific concurrency driver module you may specify it with the c<driver> key. You may also specify 1 or more fallback drivers using the fallback key, which may be specified multiple times.

If no driver is specified the default is Test::Stream::Concurrency::Files, but this can change at any time in the future, so if you care you should specify one.

If no fallback is specified the default is Test::Stream::Concurrency::Files, but this can change at any time in the future, so if you care you should specify one.


This can only be called in the main process or thread. This is a way to manually pull in results from other processes or threads. Typically this happens automatically, but this allows you to ensure results have been gathered by a specific point.



Turn TAP on (on by default).


Turn TAP off.


Show test numbers when rendering TAP.


Do not show test numbers when rendering TAP.


Turn subtest buffering on/off.


Set the subtest specification to use.

Available options: 'legacy', 'block'

The 'legacy' spec is the default, it uses indentation for subtest results:

ok 1 - a result
# Starting subtest X
    ok 1 - subtest X result 1
    ok 2 - subtest X result 2
ok 2 - subtest X final result

The 'block' spec forces buffering, it wraps results in a block:

ok 1 - a result
ok 2 - subtest X final result {
    ok 1 - subtest X result 1
    ok 2 - subtest X result 2
# }

This lets you change the encoding for TAP output. This only effects the current test package.

set_tap_outputs(encoding => 'legacy', std => $IO, err => $IO, todo => $IO)

This lets you replace the filehandles used to output TAP for any specific encoding. All fields are optional, any handles not specified will not be changed. The encoding parameter defaults to 'legacy'.

Note: The todo handle is used for failure output inside subtests where the subtest was started already in todo.

$hashref = get_tap_outputs($encoding)

'legacy' is used when encoding is not specified.

Returns a hashref with the output handles:

    encoding => $encoding,
    std      => $STD_HANDLE,
    err      => $ERR_HANDLE,
    todo     => $TODO_HANDLE,

Note: The todo handle is used for failure output inside subtests where the subtest was started already in todo.


$bool = is_modern($package)

Check if a test package has the 'modern' flag.

Note: Throws an exception if $package is not already a test package.

set_modern($package, $value)

Turn on the modern flag for the specified test package.

Note: Throws an exception if $package is not already a test package.


$todo = pop_todo()
$todo = peek_todo()

These can be used to manipulate a global todo state. When a true value is at the top of the todo stack it will effect any events generated via an Test::Stream::Context object. Typically all events are generated this way.

set_todo($package, $todo)

This lets you set the todo state for the specified test package. This will throw an exception if the package is not a test package.

$todo_hashref = inspect_todo($package)
$todo_hashref = inspect_todo()

This lets you inspect the TODO state. Optionally you can specify a package to inspect. The return is a hashref with several keys:

    PKG  => $package::TODO,

This lets you see what todo states are set where. This is primarily useful when debugging to see why something is unexpectedly TODO, or when something is not TODO despite expectations.


$meta = is_tester($package)

Check if a package is a tester, if it is the meta-object for the tester is returned.

$meta = init_tester($package)

Set the package as a tester and return the meta-object. If the package is already a tester it will return the existing meta-object.


$hub = current_hub()

This will return the current Test::Stream Object. Test::Stream objects typically live on a global stack, the topmost item on the stack is the one that is normally used.


$num = state_count()

Check how many tests have been run.

$num = state_failed()

Check how many tests have failed.

$plan_event = state_plan()

Check if a plan has been issued, if so the Test::Stream::Event::Plan instance will be returned.

$bool = state_ended()

True if the test is complete (after done_testing).

$bool = is_passing()

Check if the test state is passing.


At any point there can be any number of hubs. Most hubs will be present in the hub stack. The stack is managed via a collection of class methods. You can always access the "current" or "central" hub using Test::Stream->shared. If you want your events to go where they are supposed to then you should always send them to the shared hub.

It is important to note that any toogle, control, listener, munger, etc. applied to a hub will effect only that hub. Independant hubs, hubs down the stack, and hubs added later will not get any settings from other hubs. Keep this in mind if you take it upon yourself to modify the hub stack.

$hub = Test::Stream::shared
$hub = Test::Stream->shared

Get the current shared hub. The shared hub is the hub at the top of the stack.


Completely remove the hub stack. It is very unlikely you will ever want to do this.

($new, $old) = Test::Stream->intercept_start($new)
($new, $old) = Test::Stream->intercept_start

Push a new hub to the top of the stack. If you do not provide a stack a new one will be created for you. If you have one created for you it will have the following differences from a default stack:


Pop the stack, you must pass in the instance you expect to be popped, there will be an exception if they do not match.

Test::Stream->intercept(sub { ... })
Test::Stream->intercept(sub {
    my ($new, $old) = @_;


Temporarily push a new hub to the top of the stack. The codeblock you pass in will be run. Once your codeblock returns the stack will be popped and restored to the previous state.


The source code repository for Test::More can be found at


Chad Granum <>


The following people have all contributed to the Test-More dist (sorted using VIM's sort function).

Chad Granum <>
Fergal Daly <>>
Mark Fowler <>
Michael G Schwern <>


There has been a lot of code migration between modules, here are all the original copyrights together:


Copyright 2015 Chad Granum <>.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.



Originally authored by Michael G Schwern <> with much inspiration from Joshua Pritikin's Test module and lots of help from Barrie Slaymaker, Tony Bowden,, chromatic, Fergal Daly and the perl-qa gang.

Idea by Tony Bowden and Paul Johnson, code by Michael G Schwern <>, wardrobe by Calvin Klein.

Copyright 2001-2008 by Michael G Schwern <>.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.



To the extent possible under law, 唐鳳 has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Test-use-ok.

This work is published from Taiwan.


This module is copyright 2005 Fergal Daly <>, some parts are based on other people's work.

Under the same license as Perl itself



Copyright Mark Fowler <> 2002, 2004.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.