Alien::Base::ModuleBuild - A Module::Build subclass for building Alien:: modules and their libraries


In your Build.PL:

use Alien::Base::ModuleBuild;

my $builder = Alien::Base::Module::Build->new(
  module_name => 'Alien::MyLibrary',
  configure_requires => {
    'Alien::Base' =>   '0.005',
    'Module::Build' => '0.28'
  requires => {
    'Alien::Base' => '0.005',
  alien_name => 'mylibrary', # the pkg-config name if you want
                             # to use pkg-config to discover
                             # system version of the mylibrary
  alien_repository => {
    protocol => 'http',
    host     => '',
    location => '/path/to/tarballs',
    pattern  => qr{^mylibrary-([0-9\.]+)\.tar\.gz$},
  # this is the default:
  alien_build_commands => [
    "%c --prefix=%s", # %c is a platform independent version of ./configure
  # this is the default for install:
  alien_install_commands => [
    "make install",
  alien_isolate_dynamic => 1,


This is a subclass of Module::Build, that with Alien::Base allows for easy creation of Alien distributions. This module is used during the build step of your distribution. When properly configured it will

use pkg-config to find and use the system version of the library
download, build and install the library if the system does not provide it


The documentation for Module::Build is broken up into sections:

General Usage (Module::Build)

This is the landing document for Alien::Base::ModuleBuild's parent class. It describes basic usage and background information. Its main purpose is to assist the user who wants to learn how to invoke and control Module::Build scripts at the command line.

It also lists the extra documentation for its use. Users and authors of Alien:: modules should familiarize themselves with these documents. Module::Build::API is of particular importance to authors.

Alien-Specific Usage (Alien::Base::ModuleBuild)

This is the document you are currently reading.

Authoring Reference (Alien::Base::Authoring)

This document describes the structure and organization of Alien::Base based projects, beyond that contained in Module::Build::Authoring, and the relevant concepts needed by authors who are writing Build.PL scripts for a distribution or controlling Alien::Base::ModuleBuild processes programmatically.

Note that as it contains information both for the build and use phases of Alien::Base projects, it is located in the upper namespace.

API Reference (Alien::Base::ModuleBuild::API)

This is a reference to the Alien::Base::ModuleBuild API beyond that contained in Module::Build::API.


Joel Berger <>




Joel Berger, <>


Copyright (C) 2012-2014 by Joel Berger

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.