Installation guide for Lab::Measurement
Tutorial on using Lab::VISA and related packages
Generate a list of all plots defined in all metafiles of the current directory
Generate a LaTeX overview file with plots of all measurements in a directory
Show info from meta file.
Plot data with GnuPlot
bus base class
debug bus
Oxford Instruments IsoBus
LinuxGPIB bus
Perl extension for interfacing with instruments via RS232/RS485 using the MODBUS RTU protocol
Bus for RS232 or Virtual Comm ports
VISA bus
connection base class
debug connection
base class for GPIB connections
IsoBus connection class which uses Lab::Bus::IsoBus as a backend.
connection class which uses LinuxGPIB (libgpib0) as a backend.
connection class for Lab::Bus::MODBUS_RS232
VISA-type connection class which uses Lab::Bus::VISA and thus NI VISA (Lab::VISA) as a backend.
GPIB-type connection class which uses Lab::Bus::VISA and thus NI VISA (Lab::VISA) as a backend.
Meta data for datasets
Plot data with Gnuplot
Write data to disk
Handle and store XML and perl data structures with precise declaration.
General instrument package
Dummy voltage source
HP/Agilent 34401A digital multimeter
Agilent 3458A Multimeter
HP 83732A Series Synthesized Signal Generator
Oxford Instruments ILM Intelligent Level Meter
Oxford Instruments IPS 120-10 superconducting magnet supply
Oxford Instruments ITC503 Intelligent Temperature Control
Base class for magnet power supply instruments
Generic digital multimeter interface
Stanford Research SR830 Lock-In Amplifier
Base class for voltage source instruments
Electronic process controller TLKA41/42/43 (SIKA GmbH)
Yokogawa 7651 DC source
Yokogawa GS200 DC source
Log, describe and plot data on the fly
in lib/Lab/Bus/
in lib/Lab/Data/
in lib/Lab/
in lib/Lab/
in lib/Lab/Measurement/
- examples/QuantumDot/
- examples/QuantumDot/
- examples/QuantumDot/
- examples/QuantumDot/
- examples/Simple/
- examples/Simple/
- examples/Simple/
- examples/Simple/
- examples/Simple/
- examples/Simple/
- examples/VoltageSource/
- examples/VoltageSource/