Quiki wiki syntax is very similar to other wiki, and especially similar with dokuwiki syntax.
To force a paragraph give a blank line;
To refer to another node use:
or[[NodeName|Node Description]]
;To link the Internet use just the URL and it should be highlighted
You can also create named links with:
[[URL|URL Description]]
Basic formatting
====== title ======
= title =
Ordered lists as a dash
Unordered lists as an asterisk
Each item with two spaces before the mark
Deeper levels have multiples of two spaces indentation
Table headers separated by a carret character ^. Note that no space should exist in the beginning of the line.
Table rows separated by a pipe character |. Note that no space should exist in the beginning of the line.
Each cell (not header) will be formatted accordingly with the ascii alignment:
put the content at the left without spaces, to get left alignment:
|foo |
put the content at the right without spaces, to get right alignment:
| foo|
put the content at the center, with spaces both sides, to get center alignment:
| foo |
Pictures are delimited by a pair or curly braces:
{{ http://www.google.com/images/logo.gif }}
You can add a description to the image. It will be used as alternative text (and tooltip text):
{{ http://www.google.com/images/logo.gif | Google logo }}
Alignment can be obtained with spaces:
- Default alignment
For the default alignment do not add any extra space after the opening pair of curly braces or before the closing pair of curly braces:
- Centering
To center the image add spaces both sides, after the opening curly braces and before the closing curly braces:
{{ http://www.google.com/images/logo.gif }}
- Float left
To float the image at the left add spaces before the closing curly braces:
{{http://www.google.com/images/logo.gif }}
Note that if you have a description, spaces will go after the descriptions, right before the closing braces.
- Float right
To float the image at the right add spaces after the opening curly braces:
{{ http://www.google.com/images/logo.gif}}
Attachments follow the same philosophy of images but instead of the image URL you should add the attachment name preceded by wiki:
as: {{wiki:picture|Picture of a dog}}
Hard rules are obtained with ten or more dashes:
Code/verbatim zones are blocks with all lines indented three spaces.