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Text::Match::FastAlternatives - efficient search for many strings
use Text::Match::FastAlternatives;
my $expletives = Text::Match::FastAlternatives->new(@naughty);
while (my $line = <>) {
print "Do you email your mother with that keyboard?\n"
if $expletives->match($line);
This module allows you to search for any of a list of substrings ("keys") in a larger string. It is particularly efficient when the set of keys is large.
This efficiency comes at the cost of some flexibility: the keys may not contain any control characters or non-ASCII characters; and it cannot do case-insensitive matching. If you want case-insensitivity, you have to fold case yourself:
my $expletives = Text::Match::FastAlternatives->new(
map { lc } @naughty);
while (my $line = <>) {
print "Do you email your mother with that keyboard?\n"
if $expletives->match(lc $line);
This module is designed as a drop-in replacement for Perl code of the following form:
my $expletives_regex = join '|', map { quotemeta } @naughty;
$expletives_regex = qr/$expletives_regex/;
while (my $line = <>) {
print "Do you email your mother with that keyboard?\n"
if $line =~ $expletives_regex;
Text::Match::FastAlternatives can easily perform this test a hundred times faster than the equivalent regex, if you have enough keys. The more keys it searches for, the faster it gets compared to the regex.
Modules like Regexp::Trie can build an optimised version of such a regex, designed to take advantage of the niceties of perl's regex engine. With a large number of keys, this module will substantially outperform even an optimised regex like that. In one real-world situation with 339 keys, running on Perl 5.8, Regexp::Trie produced a regex that ran 857% faster than the naive regex (according to Benchmark), but using Text::Match::FastAlternatives ran 18275% faster than the naive regex, or twenty times faster than Regexp::Trie's optimised regex.
The enhancements to the regex engine in Perl 5.10 include algorithms similar to those in Text::Match::FastAlternatives. However, even with very small sets of keys, Perl has to do extra work to be fully general, so Text::Match::FastAlternatives is still faster. The difference is greater for larger sets of keys. For one test with only 5 keys, Text::Match::FastAlternatives was 21% faster than perl-5.10.0; with 339 keys (as before), the difference was 111% (that is, slightly over twice as fast).
- Text::Match::FastAlternatives->new(@keys)
Constructs a matcher that can efficiently search for all of the @keys in parallel. Throws an exception if any of the keys are undefined, or if any of them contain any control characters or non-ASCII characters.
- $matcher->match($target)
Returns a boolean value indicating whether the $target string contains any of the keys in $matcher.
- $matcher->match_at($target, $pos)
Returns a boolean value indicating whether the $target string contains any of the keys in $matcher at position $pos. Returns false (without emitting any warning) if $pos is larger than the length of $string.
- $matcher->exact_match($target)
Returns a boolean value indicating whether the $target string is exactly equal to any of the keys in $matcher.
Text::Match::FastAlternatives has a DESTROY
method implemented in XS. If you write a subclass with its own destructor, you will need to invoke the base destructor, or you will leak memory.
Text::Match::FastAlternatives manages to be so fast by using a trie internally. The time to find a match at a given position in the string (or determine that there is no match) is independent of the number of keys being sought; worst-case match time is linear in the length of the longest key. Since a match must be attempted at each position in the target string, total worst-case search time is O(mn) where m is the length of the target string and n is the length of the longest key.
The match_at
and exact_match
methods only need to find a match at one position, so they have worst-case running time of O(min(n, m)).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trie, Regexp::Trie, Regexp::Optimizer, Regexp::Assemble, perl5100delta.
Aaron Crane <arc@cpan.org>
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008 Aaron Crane.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License, or (at your option) under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.