IPC::Concurrency::DBI - Control how many instances of an application run in parallel, using DBI as the IPC method.
Version 1.1.0
This module controls how many instances of a given program are allowed to run in parallel. It does not manage forking or starting those instances.
You can use this module for example to prevent more than one instance of a program from running at any given time, or to never have more than N instances running in parallel to prevent exhausting all the available resources.
It uses DBI as a storage layer for information about instances and applications, which is particularly useful in contexts where Sarbanes-Oxley regulations allow you database access but not file write rights in production environments.
# Configure the concurrency object.
use IPC::Concurrency::DBI;
my $concurrency_manager = IPC::Concurrency::DBI->new(
'database_handle' => $dbh,
'verbose' => 1,
# Create the tables that the concurrency manager needs to store information
# about the applications and instances.
# Register as an application we want to limit to 10 parallel
# instances. We only need to do this once, obviously.
name => '',
maximum_instances => 10,
# Retrieve the application.
my $application = $concurrency_manager->get_application(
name => '',
# Count how many instances are currently running.
my $instances_count = $application->get_instances_count();
# NOT IMPLEMENTED YET: Get a list of what instances are currently running.
# my $instances = $application->get_instances_list()
# Start a new instance of the application. If this returns undef, we've
# reached the limit.
unless ( my $instance = $application->start_instance() )
print "Too many instances of $0 are already running.\n";
# [...] Do some work.
# Now that the application is about to exit, flag the instance as completed.
# (note: this is implicit when $instance is destroyed).
This distribution currently supports:
Please contact me if you need support for another database type, I'm always glad to add extensions if you can help me with testing.
Create a new IPC::Concurrency::DBI object.
my $concurrency_manager = IPC::Concurrency::DBI->new(
'database_handle' => $dbh,
'verbose' => 1,
'database handle': mandatory, a DBI object.
'verbose': optional, see verbose() for options.
Control the verbosity of the warnings in the code.
$queue->verbose(1); # turn on verbose information
$queue->verbose(0); # quiet now!
warn 'Verbose' if $queue->verbose(); # getter-style
Allows turning on/off debugging information.
Register a new application with the concurrency manager and define the maximum number of instances that should be allowed to run in parallel.
name => '',
maximum_instances => 10,
'name' is a unique name for the application. It can be the name of the script for a cron script, for example.
'maximum_instances' is the maximum number of instances that should be allowed to run in parallel.
Retrieve an application by name or by application ID.
# Retrieve the application by name.
my $application = $concurrency_manager->get_application(
name => '',
die 'Application not found'
unless defined( $application );
# Retrieve the application by ID.
my $application = $concurrency_manager->get_application(
id => 12345,
die 'Application not found'
unless defined( $application );
Create the tables that the concurrency manager needs to store information about the applications and instances.
drop_if_exist => $boolean, #default 0
By default, it won't drop any table but you can force that by setting 'drop_if_exist' to 1.
Returns the database handle used for this queue.
my $database_handle = $concurrency_manager->_get_database_handle();
Return the database type corresponding to the database handle associated with the IPC::Concurrency::DBI object.
my $database_type = $concurrency_manager->get_database_type();
Guillaume Aubert, <aubertg at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-ipc-concurrency-dbi at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc IPC::Concurrency::DBI
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Thanks to ThinkGeek ( and its corporate overlords at Geeknet (, for footing the bill while I eat pizza and write code for them!
Thanks to Jacob Rose <jacob at>
for suggesting the idea of this module and brainstorming with me about the features it should offer.
Copyright 2011-2012 Guillaume Aubert.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see