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Mac::iTunes::AppleScript - control iTunes from Perl
use Mac::iTunes;
my $itunes = Mac::iTunes->controller;
$itunes->activate; $itunes->play; $itunes->quit;
- new()
Returns a singleton object that can control iTunes.
- play
Start playing the current selection
- pause
Pause playback.
- playpause
Toggle the play-pause button. If it's on play, it will pause, and if it's on pause, it will play.
- next, next_track
Skip to the next track
- previous, previous_track
Skip to the previous track
- redo, back_track
Go back to the start of the current track
- stop
Stop playback.
- fast_forward
Fast forward through the current selection.
- rewind
Rewind through the current selection.
- resume
Start playing after fast forward or rewind
- quit
Quit iTunes
- open_url( URL )
Open an item from the given URL
Methods for tracks
- current_track_name
- add_track( FILE, PLAYLIST_NAME )
Add the unix style path FILE to the user playlist with name PLAYLIST_NAME. Relative paths are resolved according to the current working directory.
add_track( 'mp3/song.mp3', 'Favorites' )
This function will create the playlist if it does not exist.
This function does not check if the track already exists in the playlist. If it does, you end up with duplicates.
- track_file_exists
Returns true if the file is already in the iTunes library.
The library actually stores aliases to the real files, so I can't simply check the file names---very frustrating.
- get_track_at_position( POSITION [, PLAYLIST ] )
- play_track( POSITION, [, PLAYLIST ] )
- get_track_names_in_playlist( [ PLAYLIST ] )
Return an anonymous array of the names of the tracks in playlist PLAYLIST.
Uses the currently set playlist if you don't specify one.
Methods for playlists
- get_playlists
Return an anonymous array of the names of the playlists.
- set_playlist( NAME )
Set the current controller playlist.
Returns true if it succeeds, and false otherwise (for instance, if the playlist does not exist.
- add_playlist( NAME )
Add a playlist with the name NAME. Any double-quotes in NAME become single quotes.
- delete_playlist( NAME )
Delete all playlists with the name NAME.
- playlist_exists( NAME )
Returns the number of playlists with name NAME.
Methods for windows
- browser_window_visible( [TRUE|FALSE] )
- eq_window_visible( [TRUE|FALSE] )
Returns the value of the visible property of the window. A window is visible if it is not minimized.
General AppleScript methods
- tell( COMMAND )
The tell() method runs a simple applescript.
If the ITUNES_TELL environment variable is set to a true value, it prints the script to SDTERR before it runs it.
- state
Returns the state of the iTunes application, represented by one of the following symbolic constants:
This source is part of a SourceForge project which always has the latest sources in CVS, as well as all of the previous releases.
If, for some reason, I disappear from the world, one of the other members of the project can shepherd this module appropriately.
brian d foy, <bdfoy@cpan.org>
Copyright 2002-2006, brian d foy, All rights reserved
You may redistribute this under the same terms as Perl.