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use strict;
use 5.010;
no warnings;
use subs qw();
use vars qw($VERSION);
package # hide package from PAUSE
use Cwd;
$VERSION = '1.005';
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Module::Starter::AddModule - Add a new module to a distribution
# in the module-starter config
plugins: Module::Starter::AddModule
make: /whatever/make/you/like/dmake
# from the command line
# the --dist option specifies the dist directory
% module-starter --module=Add::This::Module --dist=.
C<Module::Starter::Simple> and C<Module::Starter::Smart> (which relies
on C<::Simple>) try to construct the MANIFEST file themselves. This is
the wrong approach since it doesn't not take into account build file
subclasses or F<MANIFEST.SKIP>.
Once you have the build file, let it do it's job by running its C<manifest>
Furthermore, C<Module::Starter::Smart> doesn't explicitly inherit from
C<Module::Starter::Simple>, but this module inserts the inheritance
relationship for you automatically.
=over 4
=item create_MANIFEST
Overrides the C<create_MANIFEST> in C<Module::Starter::Simple> to use
the C<manifest> target of the build system instead of trying to create
the C<MANIFEST> file directly. It automatically figures out the build
system you use.
This assumes that your C<make> program is called C<make>. If it's
something else, such as C<dmake>, set the C<make> configuration. This
only matters if you are using F<Makefile.PL>.
sub create_MANIFEST {
my $self = shift;
my $dist_dir = $self->basedir;
die "The base directory" unless -d $dist_dir;
$self->progress( "Regenerating MANIFEST" );
my $make = $self->{make} // 'make'; #/
eval {
my $dir = cwd();
chdir $dist_dir or die "Could not change to $dist_dir: $!\n";
my $guesser = Distribution::Guess::BuildSystem->new(
dist_dir => '.'
# it doesn't matter who makes the MANIFEST
if( $guesser->uses_module_build ) {
$self->verbose( "Detected Module::Build" );
system( $^X, 'Build.PL' );
system( './Build', 'manifest' );
elsif( $guesser->uses_makemaker or $guesser->uses_module_install ) {
$self->verbose( "Detected ExtUtils::Makemaker or Module::Install" );
system( $^X, 'Makefile.PL' );
system( $make, 'manifest' );
chdir $dir or die "Could not change back to $dir: $!\n";
} or die $@;
return 1;
=item basedir
Return the top-level directory for the distribution.
sub basedir { $_[0]->{basedir} || '' }
=head1 SEE ALSO
This source is in Github:
=head1 AUTHOR
brian d foy, C<< <> >>
Copyright (c) 2010-2014, brian d foy, All Rights Reserved.
You may redistribute this under the same terms as Perl itself.