Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

# Copyright (C) 2011 by Mark Hindess
use strict;
use constant {
require Test::More;
eval { require AnyEvent; import AnyEvent;
require AnyEvent::Socket; import AnyEvent::Socket };
if ($@) {
import Test::More skip_all => 'No AnyEvent::Socket module installed: $@';
eval { require AnyEvent::MockTCPServer; import AnyEvent::MockTCPServer };
if ($@) {
import Test::More skip_all => 'No AnyEvent::MockTCPServer module: '.$@;
import Test::More;
my @connections =
[ packrecv => '10 17 00 06 4D 51 49 73 64 70 03 02 00 78 00 09
61 63 6D 65 5F 6D 71 74 74', q{connect} ],
[ packsend => '20 02 00 00', q{connack} ],
[ packrecv => 'C0 00', q{pingreq} ],
[ packsend => 'D0 00', q{pingresp} ],,
[ packsend => 'D0 00', q{pingresp dup} ],
[ sleep => 0.5, q{pingreq timeout} ],
[ packrecv => '10 17 00 06 4D 51 49 73 64 70 03 02 00 78 00 09
61 63 6D 65 5F 6D 71 74 74', q{connect} ],
[ packsend => '20 02 00 00', q{connack} ],
[ packrecv => '82 08 00 01 00 03 2F 74 31 00', q{subscribe /t1} ],
[ packsend => '90 03 00 01 00', q{suback /t1} ],
[ packsend => '30 0d 00 03 2f 74 31 6d 65 73 73 61 67 65 31',
q{publish /t1 message1} ],
my $server;
eval { $server = AnyEvent::MockTCPServer->new(connections => \@connections); };
plan skip_all => "Failed to create dummy server: $@" if ($@);
my ($host, $port) = $server->connect_address;
plan tests => 11;
my $mqtt =
AnyEvent::MQTT->new(host => $host, port => $port, client_id => 'acme_mqtt');
ok($mqtt, 'instantiate AnyEvent::MQTT object');
my $cv = $mqtt->connect();
is($cv->recv, 1, '... connection handshake complete');
$mqtt->{keep_alive_timer} = 0.2; # hack keep alive timer to avoid long test
$mqtt->_reset_keep_alive_timer(); # reset it
$cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
my $timer = AnyEvent->timer(after => 0.4, cb => sub { $cv->send(1); });
$cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
$timer = AnyEvent->timer(after => 0.8, cb => sub { $cv->send(0,'oops'); });
$mqtt->{on_error} = sub { $cv->send(@_); };
my ($fatal, $err) = $cv->recv;
is($fatal, 0, 'keep alive timeout error - non-fatal');
is($err, 'keep alive timeout', 'keep alive timeout error - message');
$mqtt->{keep_alive_timer} = 120; # hack keep alive timer back to default
$cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
my $sub_cv = $mqtt->subscribe(topic => '/t1',
callback => sub {
my ($topic, $message) = @_;
$cv->send($topic.' '.$message);
is($sub_cv->recv, 0, 'subscribe after reconnect');
is($cv->recv, '/t1 message1', '... received message');