use 5.006;
use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.13';
# new method inherited but here we will create one
# to be used as a factory
sub new {
my ($class, $params) = @_;
$params = {} unless defined $params;
$params->{'urls'} = [
# start a url
# and its headers if any
# initialise our parent class
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($params);
if( ! defined $self ){ warn "error, call to $class->new() has failed."; return undef }
# and do set parameters specific to this particular data provider
$self->name('BBC'); # <<<< Make sure this is unique over all providers
$self->datafilesdir(), # use this as prefix
'UK', $self->name() # and append a dir hierarchy relevant to this provider
# initialise this particular data provider
if( ! $self->init() ){ warn "error, call to init() has failed."; return undef }
# this will now be BBC obj (not generic)
return $self
# overwriting this from parent
# returns undef on failure or a data id unique on timepoint
# which can be used for saving data to a file or labelling this data
sub create_data_id {
my $self = $_[0];
my $datas = $_[1]; # this is an arrayref of [url, data_received_string, data_as_perlvar]
# this json is idiotic because it's just arrays,
# 0: location id
# 1: location name
# 2: cases
# 3: population
# unless [0] is 'UpdatedOn', in which case [1] is 09:00 GMT, 15 March
# thankfully this update info is last
my $date = undef;
my $aurl = $datas->[0]->[0];
for my $apv (reverse @{$datas->[0]->[2]}){ # we only have 1 triplet and we get the perl-json-var
if( $apv->[0] eq 'UpdatedOn' ){
$date = Statistics::Covid::Utils::epoch_stupid_date_format_from_the_BBC_to_DateTime($apv->[1]);
if( ! defined $date ){
warn "error, failed to parse date '".$apv->[1]."' from input json data just transfered from url '$aurl'.";
return undef;
if( ! defined $date ){
warn "error, did not find any date information in input json data just transfered from url '$aurl'.";
return undef;
my $dataid = $date->strftime('2020-%m-%dT%H.%M.%S')
. '_'
. $date->epoch()
return $dataid
# returns the data read if successful or undef if failed
sub load_fetched_data_from_localfile {
my $self = $_[0];
my $inbasename = $_[1];
my $infile = $inbasename . '.data.json';
my $infh;
if( ! open($infh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $infile) ){ warn "error, failed to open file '$infile' for reading, $!"; return undef }
my $json_contents; {local $/=undef; $json_contents = <$infh> } close $infh;
my $pv = Statistics::Covid::Utils::json2perl($json_contents);
if( ! defined $pv ){ warn "error, call to ".'Statistics::Covid::Utils::json2perl()'." has failed (for data, file '$infile')."; return undef }
return [['file://'.$infile, $json_contents, $pv]];
# the fetched data as an arrayref with 1 element which is an array of
# [ [url, data_received_string, data_as_perlvar] ]
# returns the arrayref of Datum Objects on success or undef on failure
sub create_Datums_from_fetched_data {
my $self = $_[0];
my $datas = $_[1];
my $data = $datas->[0]->[2]; # getting to the array of locations
my @ret = ();
my $dateobj = undef;
for my $aUKlocation (@$data){
# now this is an arrayref of id, name, confirmed, population (in this order)
# unless the first item is 'UpdatedOn', then #2 is 09:00 GMT, 16 March
if( $aUKlocation->[0] eq 'UpdatedOn' ){
$dateobj = Statistics::Covid::Utils::epoch_stupid_date_format_from_the_BBC_to_DateTime($aUKlocation->[1]);
if( ! defined $dateobj ){ warn "error, call to ".'Statistics::Covid::Utils::epoch_stupid_date_format_from_the_BBC_to_DateTime()'." has failed for this date-spec '".$aUKlocation->[1]."'."; return undef }
if( ! defined $dateobj ){ warn "error, did not find any date (searched for 'UpdatedOn') in the perl-var data."; return undef }
# now we know the date so go ahead
my $ds = $self->name();
for my $aUKlocation (@$data){
if( $aUKlocation->[0] eq 'UpdatedOn' ){ next }
my $datumobj = Statistics::Covid::Datum->new({
'id' => $aUKlocation->[0],
'name' => $aUKlocation->[1],
'belongsto' => 'UK',
'confirmed' => $aUKlocation->[2],
'population' => $aUKlocation->[3],
'date' => $dateobj,
'type' => 'UK Higher Local Authority',
'datasource' => $ds,
if( ! defined $datumobj ){ warn "error, call to ".'Statistics::Covid::Datum->new()'." has failed for this data: ".join(",", @$aUKlocation); return undef }
push @ret, $datumobj
return \@ret
# saves the input datas (a perl arrayref) to a local file (2nd parameter)
# returns 0 on failure, 1 on success
# '$datas' is an arrayref of
# [ [url, data_received_string, data_as_perlvar] ]
sub save_fetched_data_to_localfile {
my $self = $_[0];
my $datas = $_[1]; # this is an arrayref of [url, data_received_string, data_as_perlvar]
my $outbase = $_[2]; # optional outbase
if( ! defined $outbase ){
my $dataid = $self->create_data_id($datas);
if( ! defined $dataid ){
warn "error, call to ".'create_data_id()'." has failed.";
return 0;
$outbase = File::Spec->catfile($self->datafilesdir(), $dataid);
my $outfile = $outbase . '.data.json';
if( ! Statistics::Covid::Utils::save_text_to_localfile($datas->[0]->[1], $outfile) ){ warn "error, call to ".'save_text_to_localfile()'." has failed."; return 0 }
$outfile = $outbase . '';
if( ! Statistics::Covid::Utils::save_perl_var_to_localfile($datas->[0]->[2], $outfile) ){ warn "error, call to ".'save_perl_var_to_localfile()'." has failed."; return 0 }
print "save_fetched_data_to_localfile() : saved data to base '$outbase'.\n";
return 1;
# end program, below is the POD