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Acme::MetaSyntactic::magic8ball - The magic8ball theme


The legendary fortune-telling toy, in yet another computer programmed incarnation, this time using Acme::MetaSyntactic!

This metasyntactic Magic 8 Ball may be nice, even useful for important choices in your life, but be sure to ask the Public 8 Ball as well: http://8ball.federated.com/.

The Magic 8 Ball answers list can be found here http://www.fiendation.com/people/chris/eight.htm and here http://www.brtb.com/articles/magic8index.shtml and here http://8ball.ofb.net/answers.html.


Philippe "BooK" Bruhat.

Introduced in Acme-MetaSyntactic version 0.19, published on April 25, 2005.

Corrected (4 items were missing) in version 0.24, published on May 30, 2005.

Received its own version number for Acme-MetaSyntactic-Themes version 1.000, published on May 7, 2012.


Acme::MetaSyntactic, Acme::MetaSyntactic::List.