Changes for version 1.15 - 2011-01-11
- experimental MSWin32 full support using pipes (thanks to BinGOs for pointing me to a perlmonks post by ikegami, that contained working code)
- Git::Repository::Log now has a raw_message() accessor, that returns the message with 4-space indent output by git log (Note that this change is INCOMPATIBLE with previous versions, in which message() returned the indented log message, and you had to make up your own "clean" version).
- no more skipping tests under MSWin32, but there are some issues with the win32 code, as sometimes the output or errput of the git command is lost (HELP!)
- bundle Test::Git, a module providing a few utility functions for testing code requiring a git repository
Perl interface to Git repositories
Command objects for running git
Class representing git log data
Split a git log stream into records
Base class for Git::Repository plugins
Add a log() method to Git::Repository
Helper functions for test scripts using Git