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package Vimana::Util;
use strict;
our @EXPORT = qw(canonical_script_name find_vim get_vim_rtp);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(findbin find_vim runtime_path);
sub canonical_script_name {
my $name = shift;
$name = lc $name;
$name =~ s/\s+/-/g;
$name =~ s/-?\(.*\)$//;
$name =~ s{[!]}{}g;
$name =~ tr/_<>[],{/-/;
$name =~ s/-+/-/g;
sub get_mine_type {
my $type = File::Type->new->checktype_filename( $_[ 0 ] );
die "can not found file type from @{[ $_[0] ]}" unless $type;
return $type;
sub findbin {
my $which = shift;
my $path = $ENV{PATH};
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
my @exts = split /;/,$ENV{PATHEXT};
my @paths = split /;/,$path;
for my $p ( @paths ) {
for my $e ( @exts ) {
my $bin = $p . '/' . $which . $e;
return $bin if( -x $bin ) ;
} else {
my @paths = split /:/,$path;
for ( @paths ) {
my $bin = $_ . '/' . $which;
return $bin if( -x $bin ) ;
sub find_vim {
return $ENV{VIMPATH} || findbin('vim');
sub get_vim_rtp {
my $file = 'rtp.tmp';
# XXX: check vim binary
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
system(qq{vim -c "redir > $file" -c "echo &rtp" -c "silent! q" 2> NUL });
} else {
system(qq{vim -c "redir > $file" -c "echo &rtp" -c "q" });
open FILE, "<" , $file;
local $/;
my $content = <FILE>;
close FILE;
$content =~ s{[\n\r]}{}g;
$content =~ s/^ *(.*?) *$/$1/;
unlink $file;
return split /,/,$content;
sub runtime_path {
do {
my @rtps = get_vim_rtp();
use File::Path qw'mkpath rmtree';
sub init_vim_runtime {
my $runtime_path = shift || runtime_path();
map { File::Path::mkpath([ File::Spec->join( $runtime_path , $_ )]) }
(qw(after autoload colors
compiler doc ftplugin indent
keymap lang plugin print
spell syntax tutor));
=head2 runtime_path
You can export enviroment variable VIMANA_RUNTIME_PATH to override default
runtime path.
=head2 init_vim_runtime