Changes for version 0.2.0 - 2011-07-24
- Bugfixes:
- [LUCY-152] - Bad prototype for MAKE_MESS when no variadic macros available
- [LUCY-153] - XSLoader version string mismatch
- [LUCY-154] - Double-quote all #error directives
- [LUCY-155] - TestFSFileHandle's Close() test on Windows fails to clean up
- [LUCY-157] - Add -pthread linker flag on OpenBSD
- [LUCY-158] - Disable LockFreeRegistry test by default
- [LUCY-160] - Always disable symlink tests on Windows
- [LUCY-161] - Always use CreateHardLink() on Windows
- [LUCY-162] - Use shell to redirect Charmonizer stderr on Windows
- [LUCY-164] - Skip forking tests under Cygwin
- [LUCY-165] - Line-ending-agnostic parsing of sample docs
- [LUCY-166] - Prefer POSIX over windows.h for process ID
- [LUCY-167] - INCREF/DECREF symbol collisions under Windows in FSDirHandle.c
- [LUCY-168] - Directory handling under Cygwin
- [LUCY-172] - Clownfish should slurp files in text mode
- Improvements:
- [LUCY-156] - Address GCC warnings for Charmonizer code
- [LUCY-163] - Target Windows XP
- [LUCY-169] - Improve cleanup after MSVC
- [LUCY-170] - Charmonizer test compiles should use obj rather than exe when possible
- [LUCY-171] - Turn off stupid MSVC warnings
Auto-format Lucy code.
Lucy smoke test script
update Lucy version strings in source files
Apache Lucy search engine library.
Tokenize/modify/filter text.
Normalize case, facilitating case-insensitive search.
Multiple Analyzers in series.
Split a string into tokens.
Reduce related words to a shared root.
Suppress a "stoplist" of common words.
Apache Lucy recipes.
Sample subclass of Query.
Sample subclass of QueryParser.
Near real-time index updates.
Quick-start guide to hacking on Apache Lucy.
Characteristics of Apache Lucy document ids.
Overview of index file format.
Manage indexes on shared volumes.
Crash course in information retrieval.
Step-by-step introduction to Apache Lucy.
How to choose and use Analyzers.
A more flexible app structure.
Specify per-field properties and behaviors.
Augment search results with highlighted excerpts.
Use Query objects instead of query strings.
Bare-bones search app.
A document.
A document read from an index.
Create and highlight excerpts.
Consolidate index segments in the background.
Abstract base class for reading index data.
Write data to an index.
Abstract base class for marking documents as deleted.
Retrieve stored documents.
Policies governing index updating, locking, and file deletion.
Read from an inverted index.
Build inverted indexes.
Iterator for a field's terms.
Read Lexicon data.
Multi-segment implementation of IndexReader.
Term-Document pairings.
Read postings data.
Single-segment IndexReader.
Write one segment of an index.
Warehouse for information about one segment of an inverted index.
Judge how well a document matches a query.
Point-in-time index file list.
An array of bits.
Base class for all Lucy objects.
Configure major components of an index.
Default behaviors for binary fields.
Define a field's behavior.
Full-text search field type.
User-created specification for an inverted index.
Non-tokenized text type.
Intersect multiple result sets.
Process hits.
Collector which records doc nums in a BitVector.
Query-to-Matcher compiler.
Access search results.
Execute searches against a single index.
Leaf node in a tree created by QueryParser.
Query which matches all documents.
Match a set of document ids.
Invert the result set of another Query.
Query which matches no documents.
Union multiple result sets.
Query matching an ordered list of terms.
Base class for composite Query objects.
Aggregate results from multiple Searchers.
A specification for a search query.
Transform a string into a Query object.
Match a range of values.
Join results for two Queries, one required, one optional.
Base class for searching collections of documents.
Element of a SortSpec.
Specify a custom sort order for search results.
An offset, a length, and a weight.
Query which matches individual terms.
File System implementation of Folder.
Abstract class representing a directory.
Abstract class representing an interprocess mutex lock.
Lock exception.
Create Locks.
In-memory Folder implementation.
Query matching an ordered list of terms.
A small OO language that forms symbiotic relationships with "host" languages.
Base class for all CFC objects.
Generate core C code for a Clownfish::Hierarchy.
Generate core C code for a class.
Generate core C code for a Clownfish file.
Generate core C code for a function.
Generate core C code for a method.
Perl bindings for a Clownfish::Hierarchy.
Generate Perl binding code for a Clownfish::Class.
Binding for an object method.
Binding for an object method.
Abstract base binding for a Clownfish::Function.
Convert between Clownfish and Perl via XS.
A block of embedded C code.
An object representing a single class definition.
Formatted comment a la Doxygen.
Auto-generate code for "dumpable" classes.
Structured representation of the contents of a Clownfish source file.
Metadata describing a function.
A class hierarchy.
Metadata describing an instance method.
parameter list.
Collection of code.
Parse Clownfish header files.
Base class for Clownfish symbols.
A variable's type.
Miscellaneous helper functions.
A Clownfish variable.
Basic search engine.
Read a Doc as a fixed-width byte array.
Write a Doc as a fixed-width byte array.
Similarity optimized for long fields.
Compressed doc storage.
Compressed doc storage.
Connect to a remote SearchServer.
Make a Searcher remotely accessible.
Build a caching filter based on results of a Query.
Matcher with arbitrary docs and scores.
Simple query parser, with no boolean operators.
in lib/LucyX/Search/
in lib/LucyX/Search/
- sample/
- sample/README.txt
- sample/
- sample/search.cgi
- sample/us_constitution/amend1.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend10.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend11.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend12.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend13.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend14.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend15.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend16.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend17.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend18.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend19.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend2.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend20.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend21.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend22.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend23.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend24.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend25.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend26.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend27.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend3.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend4.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend5.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend6.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend7.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend8.txt
- sample/us_constitution/amend9.txt
- sample/us_constitution/art1sec1.txt
- sample/us_constitution/art1sec10.txt
- sample/us_constitution/art1sec2.txt
- sample/us_constitution/art1sec3.txt
- sample/us_constitution/art1sec4.txt
- sample/us_constitution/art1sec5.txt
- sample/us_constitution/art1sec6.txt
- sample/us_constitution/art1sec7.txt
- sample/us_constitution/art1sec8.txt
- sample/us_constitution/art1sec9.txt
- sample/us_constitution/art2sec1.txt
- sample/us_constitution/art2sec2.txt
- sample/us_constitution/art2sec3.txt
- sample/us_constitution/art2sec4.txt
- sample/us_constitution/art3sec1.txt
- sample/us_constitution/art3sec2.txt
- sample/us_constitution/art3sec3.txt
- sample/us_constitution/art4sec1.txt
- sample/us_constitution/art4sec2.txt
- sample/us_constitution/art4sec3.txt
- sample/us_constitution/art4sec4.txt
- sample/us_constitution/art5.txt
- sample/us_constitution/art6.txt
- sample/us_constitution/art7.txt
- sample/us_constitution/index.html
- sample/us_constitution/preamble.txt
- sample/us_constitution/uscon.css