Clownfish::Binding::Perl::Constructor - Binding for an object method.


This class isa Clownfish::Binding::Perl::Subroutine -- see its documentation for various code-generating routines.

Constructors are always bound to accept labeled params, even if there is only a single argument.



my $constructor_binding = Clownfish::Binding::Perl::Constructor->new(
    class => $class,
    alias => "_new|init2",
  • class - A Clownfish::Class.

  • alias - A specifier for the name of the constructor, and optionally, a specifier for the implementing function. If alias has a pipe character in it, the text to the left of the pipe will be used as the Perl alias, and the text to the right will be used to determine which C function should be bound. The default function is "init".


Generate the XSUB code.