Changes for version 1.06 - 2001-02-25
- OpenInteract/Package*: Split out previous OpenInteract/ into OpenInteract/ (SPOPS::HashFile object representing a package respository) and OpenInteract/ (class methods operating on simple hashrefs representing individual packages). In certain ways both are simpler and easier to understand, and this allows you to think of and work with a package repository as a single item rather than solely on individual packages.
- This has a couple of effects:
- 1) GDBM is no longer used by OpenInteract. This was the primary motivator behind the change.
- 2) You MUST modify all repositories from the old GDBM format to the new format. If you run the new 'upgrade' command from oi_manage when you download and install this distribution the base installation repository will be translated for you. Here's a list of commands for a manual upgrade:
- > tar -zxvf OpenInteract-1.06.tar.gz > cd OpenInteract-1.06 > perl Makefile.PL > make > make test > make install > oi_manage upgrade --base_dir=/opt/OpenInteract
- And if you're using CPAN:
- > perl -MCPAN -e shell cpan> install OpenInteract::Package cpan> exit > cd ~/.cpan/build/OpenInteract-1.06 > oi_manage upgrade --base_dir=/opt/OpenInteract
- However, after you do this you also need to translate the website repositories like this:
- oi_manage upgrade_repository --website_dir=<website-directory>
- If you want to do things the hard way, there's also a script in the 'eg/' directory called '' which will translate a package repository from GDBM to the new format.
- 3) Any code you've written that operates on packages must be redone. Sorry about this, but hopefully not too many people have gone scouting around the package repositories in the first place, and the benefits outweigh the costs at this relatively early stage of OI development.
- Here's a simple example:
- Old: my $pkg = OpenInteract::Package->fetch_by_name( { name => 'blah', directory => '/blah/blah' });
- New: my $repository = OpenInteract::PackageRepository->fetch( undef, { directory => '/blah/blah }); my $info = $repository->fetch_package_by_name({ name => 'blah' });
- If you've actually done work with packages and need some help, email Chris <> for more detailed guidelines.
- This has a couple of effects:
- script/oi_manage, OpenInteract/, OpenInteract/, OpenInteract/ Modified all functions dealing with packages to work with new system.
- OpenInteract/
- Fixed file handling bug in revised module method install_distribution() which checked $_ (empty) rather than $p->{package_file}. Thanks to Takanori Ugai <> for the catch and patch.
- Fixed new behavior of remove() which removed the directory in addition to the entry from the repository. You can pass in 'remove' as the third argument to have it remove the directory, otherwise the directory is kept, which was the default behavior before the new stuff was written.
- Added 'script/' as set of files to be copied over when applying a package from the base installation to a website.
- conf/sample-server.perl: new keys:
- {session_info}->{expiration} = '+3M',
- (allows you to set a default expiration time for the session cookie)
- {system_alias}->{'OpenInteract::PackageRepository'} = 'repository',
- (alias used to reference the repository class)
- {box}->{custom_box_handler} = '',
- (allows you to define a handler to be called on every request to create/inspect/modify boxes)
- You'll probably want to copy the items over into your server configuration, although this brings up the interesting point as to how to insert new configuration options into existing websites. Perhaps we need a utility like that used in Win32 environments with the registry -- you can distribute a simple file which is used by oi_manage to insert new keys into a website's server.perl file.
- script/oi_manage:
- Modified format to be more readable; added more documentation.
- Mdified all calls to 'open_base_config()' to call the routine in OpenInteract::Startup
- Added checks for 'website_name' in the 'create_website' command, since the parameter must refer to a valid Perl package identifier.
- Added new action 'upgrade' (just like 'install' but we don't create a new directory)
- Added new action 'refresh_doc' (allow a website to get the latest version of the documentation in the base installation directory).
- OpenInteract/ Modified name of parameter passed into 'read_base_config()' (shouldn't affect anyone); added 'create_base_config_filename()' so we have one place to generate it.
- OpenInteract/ added the URL to view the object to the email sent by notify()
- doc/admin.html: Cleaned up and added some more information
- Several packages were also modified, but each of these has its own changelog for the specific changes. Many of the changes were quite small, including conf/spops.perl modifications to accommodate changes in SPOPS key generation (add an 'increment_field => 1' for those classes using a MySQL AUTO_INCREMENT field).
- base: 1.20 -> 1.30 base_box: 0.13 -> 0.14 base_component: 1.11 -> 1.14 base_error: 1.13 -> 1.14 base_group: 1.10 -> 1.11 base_security: 1.18 -> 1.20 base_template: 1.09 -> 1.11 base_theme: 1.09 -> 1.11 base_user: 1.14 -> 1.15 static_page: 1.21 -> 1.24 classified: 1.07 -> 1.12 full_text: 1.09 -> 1.11 news: 1.13 -> 1.15
A robust web application framework built to run under Apache and mod_perl
Manage OpenInteract websites and packages
Central module to call for initializing an OpenInteract website
centralized configuration information
subclass of OpenInteract::Config for reading information from a perl file
Centralized connection location to DBI databases
Provide central holding location for Interact errors
Perform actions on individual packages
Operations to represent, install, remove and otherwise manipulate package repositories.
container for request info and output
Define common behaviors for all SPOPS objects in the OpenInteract Framework
Dispatcher for installing various SQL data from packages to database
Bootstrapper that reads in modules, manipulates @INC, etc.
Handler for this package
SQL installer for this package
Default stash class and an example of what one looks like
- conf/sample-MANIFEST.SKIP
- conf/sample-action.perl
- conf/sample-apache.dat
- conf/sample-base.conf
- conf/sample-doc-titles
- conf/sample-dummy-template.meta
- conf/sample-dummy-template.tmpl
- conf/sample-httpd_modperl.conf
- conf/sample-httpd_static.conf
- conf/sample-package.conf
- conf/sample-package.pod
- conf/sample-server.perl
- conf/sample-spops.perl
- conf/
- doc/sample-action-perl.html
- doc/sample-httpd-modperl.html
- doc/sample-httpd-static.html
- doc/sample-server-perl.html
- doc/sample-spops-perl.html
- eg/fruit-0.07.tar.gz
- eg/