OpenInteract::Package - Perform actions on individual packages
create_subdirectories( $root_dir, $main_class )
Creates subdirectories in a package directory -- currently the list of subdirectories is held in the package lexical @PKG_SUBDIR, plus we also create the directories:
If there is no $main_class passed in, 'OpenInteract' is assumed.
create_package_skeleton( $package_name, $base_install_dir )
Creates the skeleton for a package in the current directory. The skeleton can then be used to for a fully functioning package.
The skeleton creates the directories found in @PKG_SUBDIR and copies a number of files from the base OpenInteract installation to the skeleton. These include:
We fill in as much default information as we know in the files above, and several of the files have helpful hints about the type information that goes in each.
Install a package distribution file to the base OpenInteract installation. We do not need to do any localization work here since we are just putting the distribution in the base installation, so the operation is fairly straightforward.
More work and testing likely needs to be done here to ensure it works on Win32 systems as well as Unix systems. The use of File::Spec and File::Path should help with this, but there are still issues with the version of Archive::Tar shipped with ActiveState Perl.
install_to_website( \%params )
Installs a package from the base OpenInteract installation to a website. The package must already have defined 'website_name', 'website_dir' and 'package_dir' object_properties. Also, the directory:
should not exist, otherwise the method will die.
Note that we use the routines _copy_spops_config_file()
and _copy_action_config_file()
, which localize the spops.perl
and action.perl
configuration files for the website. The localization consists of changing the relevant class names from 'OpenInteract' to 'MyWebsiteName'.
export_package( \%params )
Exports the package whose root directory is the current directory into a distribution file in tarred-gzipped format, also placed into the current directory.
Returns: Information about the new package in hashref format with the following keys:
Name of package
Version of package
Full filename of distribution file created
config_file ($) (optional)
Name of configuration file for package.
config (\%) (optional)
Hashref of package configuration file information.
read_config( \%params )
Reads in a package configuration file. This file is in a simple name-value format, although the file supports lists and hashes as well. Whether a parameter supports a list or a hash is defined in the package lexical variables %CONF_LIST_KEYS and %CONF_HASH_KEYS. The reading goes like this:
If a key is not in %CONF_LIST_KEYS or %CONF_HASH_KEYS, it is just a simple key/value pair; a key in %CONF_LIST_KEYS gets the value pushed onto a stack, and a key found in %CONF_HASH_KEYS has its value split on whitespace again and that assigned to the hashref indexed by the original key. Once we hit the 'description' key, the rest of the file is read in at once and assigned to the description. Note that comments and blank lines are skipped until we get to the description when it is all just slurped in.
Returns: hashref of configuration information with the configuration keys as hashref keys.
Full filename of package file to be read in
Hashref of package information to read package config from
Directory from which to read the package config.
replace_and_copy( \%params )
Copy a file from one place to another and in the process do a search-and-replace of certain keys.
from_file ($)
File from which we should read text.
to_file ($)
File to which we write changed text.
from_text (\@)
List of keys to replace
to_text (\@)
Replacement values for each of the keys in 'from_text'
_extract_archive( $archive_filename )
This method is a wrapper around Archive::Tar to try and account for some of the differences between versions of the module. Errors found during extraction will be found in the package lexical $ARCHIVE_ERROR
Note that before calling this you should already be in the directory where the archive will be extracted.
Creates a MANIFEST file in the current directory. This file follows the same rules as found in ExtUtils::Manifest since we use the mkmanifest()
routine from that module.
Note that we turn on the 'Quiet' and turn off the 'Verbose' parameters in hopes that the operation will be silent (too confusing), but the current version of ExtUtils::Manifest does not make its sub-operations silent. The version shipped with 5.6.1 should take care of this.
_remove_directory_tree( $dir )
Remove a directory and all files/directories beneath it. Return the number of removed files.
_change_class_name( $old_class, $new_name )
Changes the name from 'OpenInteract' to $new_name within $old_class. For instance:
my $old_class = 'OpenInteract::Handler::FormProcess';
my $new_class = $class->_change_class_name( $old_class, 'MyWebsiteName' );
print "New class is: $new_class\n";
>> New class is: MyWebsiteName::Handler::FormProcess
If the method is called from an object and the second argument ($new_name) is not given, we default it to: $object->{website_name}
Copyright (c) 2001, inc.. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Chris Winters <>