Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

# 000-class.t: test Data::Hopen::Class
use rlib 'lib';
package Sample;
use parent 'Data::Hopen::Class'; # abort if we can't
use Class::Tiny qw(first second);
# Basics
my $e = Sample->new(first => 'val');
ok($e->can('BUILDARGS'), 'class can(BUILDARGS)');
exit 1 unless $e->can('BUILDARGS'); # No sense in running the rest
isa_ok($e, 'Sample');
# Arg checks
is($e->first, 'val', 'first was set by constructor');
is($e->first, 'val2', 'first was set by accessor');
$e = Sample->new(-first => 'val');
isa_ok($e, 'Sample');
is($e->first, 'val', 'first was set by constructor');
$e = Sample->new(second => 'val');
isa_ok($e, 'Sample');
is($e->second, 'val', 'second was set by constructor');
$e = Sample->new(-second => 'val');
isa_ok($e, 'Sample');
is($e->second, 'val', 'second was set by constructor');
# Mixed syntax
$e = Sample->new(first => 'foo', -second => 'bar');
isa_ok($e, 'Sample');
is($e->first, 'foo', 'first was set by constructor');
is($e->second, 'bar', 'second was set by constructor');
$e = Sample->new(-first => 'foo', second => 'bar');
isa_ok($e, 'Sample');
is($e->first, 'foo', 'first was set by constructor');
is($e->second, 'bar', 'second was set by constructor');
# Wrapped in a hashref
$e = Sample->new({first => 'foo', -second => 'bar'});
isa_ok($e, 'Sample');
is($e->first, 'foo', 'first was set by constructor');
is($e->second, 'bar', 'second was set by constructor');
$e = Sample->new({-first => 'foo', second => 'bar'});
isa_ok($e, 'Sample');
is($e->first, 'foo', 'first was set by constructor');
is($e->second, 'bar', 'second was set by constructor');
# Misc.
$e = Sample->new();
isa_ok($e, 'Sample');
$e = Sample->new({});
isa_ok($e, 'Sample');
# Errors
like exception { Sample->new(42) }, qr/\bodd\b/i, 'Odd number of args throws';
like exception { Sample->new([]) }, qr/\bARRAY\b.*\bHASH\b/i,
'non-hashref throws';
like exception { Sample->can('BUILDARGS')->() }, qr/^Need a class/,
'internal builder throws absent a class';