Changes for version 0.57 - 2016-01-03

    • formultiperm { ... } \@n loop over multiset permutations
    • todigits(n[,base[,len]]) convert n to digit array
    • todigitstring(n[,base[,len]]) convert n to string
    • fromdigits(\@d[,base]) convert digit array ref to number
    • fromdigits(str[,base]) convert string to number
    • ramanujan_prime_count counts Ramanujan primes in range
    • vecany { expr } @n true if any expr is true
    • vecall { expr } @n true if all expr are true
    • vecnone { expr } @n true if no expr are true
    • vecnotall { expr } @n true if not all expr are true
    • vecfirst { expr } @n returns first element with expr true
    • nth_ramanujan_prime(997) was wrong. Fixed.
    • Tighten Ramanujan prime bounds. Big speedups for large nth Rp.


Utilities related to prime numbers, including fast sieves and factoring
Elliptic curve operations for affine points
Elliptic curve operations for projective points
An auto-free object for Math::Prime::Util
Pure Perl version of Math::Prime::Util
PP front end for Math::Prime::Util
Primality proofs and certificates
A tied array for primes
An object iterator for primes
Generate random primes
Perl Big Float versions of Riemann Zeta and R functions
Number theory utilities