# ABSTRACT: Thin wrapper around Bio::Phylo trees
$Bio::MUST::Core::Tree::VERSION = '0.200510';
use Moose;
# use MooseX::SemiAffordanceAccessor;
use autodie;
use feature qw(say);
use Carp;
use List::AllUtils qw(uniq);
use Bio::Phylo::IO qw(parse);
has 'tree' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Maybe[Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree]',
default => undef,
writer => '_set_tree',
# Note: we don't store SeqId objects in the tree but dynamically build them
# to benefit from SeqId methods (e.g., auto-removal of first '_'). This is
# the most flexible approach without costing too much in CPU-time.
sub all_seq_ids {
my $self = shift;
# old code:
# my @tips = @{ $self->tree->get_terminals };
# my @full_ids = map { $_->get_name } @tips;
# return map { SeqId->new(full_id => $_) } @full_ids;
# Note1: we use a slower visitor method to ensure that the id array
# is sorted as when displayed by TreeDrawer methods
# Note2: this order is consistent with FigTree display as well, but not
# with Seaview (and njplot) renderings
my @full_ids;
# collect tip names and convert them to SeqIds
-pre => sub {
my $node = shift;
if ($node->is_terminal) {
push @full_ids, SeqId->new( full_id => $node->get_name );
return @full_ids;
sub shorten_ids { ## no critic (RequireArgUnpacking)
return shift->_change_ids_(1, @_);
sub restore_ids { ## no critic (RequireArgUnpacking)
return shift->_change_ids_(0, @_);
sub _change_ids_ {
my $self = shift;
my $abbr = shift;
my $id_mapper = shift;
# update only terminal nodes
for my $tip ( @{ $self->tree->get_terminals } ) {
my $seq_id = SeqId->new( full_id => $tip->get_name );
my $new_id = $abbr ? $id_mapper->abbr_id_for( $seq_id->full_id )
: $id_mapper->long_id_for( $seq_id->full_id );
$tip->set_name($new_id) if $new_id;
} # Note: leave id alone if not found
sub switch_attributes_and_labels_for_terminals { ## no critic (RequireArgUnpacking)
return shift->_switch_attributes_and_labels_(0, @_);
sub switch_attributes_and_labels_for_internals { ## no critic (RequireArgUnpacking)
return shift->_switch_attributes_and_labels_(1, @_);
sub switch_attributes_and_labels_for_entities { ## no critic (RequireArgUnpacking)
return shift->_switch_attributes_and_labels_(2, @_);
sub _switch_attributes_and_labels_ {
my $self = shift;
my $mode = shift;
my $key = shift;
# TODO: investigate options of Bio::Phylo::Unparsers::Newick
# update either terminal or internal nodes
my $tree = $self->tree;
my @nodes = @{
$mode == 2 ? $tree->get_entities :
$mode == 1 ? $tree->get_internals :
# Note: old labels are backuped in specified attributes and vice-versa
# TODO: allow appending acc for terminal nodes?
for my $node (@nodes) {
my $label = $node->get_name;
my $attribute = $node->get_generic($key);
$node->set_generic($key => $label);
sub switch_branch_lengths_and_labels_for_entities {
my $self = shift;
my $length = shift;
# use branch lengths as labels
my $tree = $self->tree;
for my $node ( @{ $tree->get_internals } ) {
# delete branch lengths
for my $node ( @{ $tree->get_entities } ) {
$node->set_branch_length($length); # default is undef
sub collapse_subtrees {
my $self = shift;
my $key = shift // 'taxon_collapse';
# compute maximal path length (from root)
my $tree_max_path = $self->tree->get_root->calc_max_path_to_tips;
# "balanced"-order tree traversal
my $collapsed; # will be defined when within a collapsed subtree
# collapse subtrees with identical attributes
-pre_daughter => sub {
my $node = shift;
return if $node->is_terminal;
# reset collapsing for robustness
$node->set_generic('!collapse' => undef);
# do not further collapse children of a collapsed subtree
# to facilitate interactive uncollapsing (e.g., in FigTree)
return if $collapsed;
# collect children attributes
my @attrs;
for (my $i = 0; my $child = $node->get_child($i); $i++) {
push @attrs, $child->get_generic($key);
# collapse subtree if all attributes are defined and identical
return if List::AllUtils::any { not defined $_ } @attrs;
return if uniq(@attrs) > 1;
# compute and set FigTree's "node height" for collapsed clade
# Note: the tallest tip will be 0
my $sub_max_path = $node->calc_max_path_to_tips
+ $node->calc_path_to_root;
my $node_height = $tree_max_path - $sub_max_path;
$node->set_generic('!collapse' => qq|{"collapsed",$node_height}|);
# set "within a collapsed subtree" status
$collapsed = $node->get_id;
-post_daughter => sub {
my $node = shift;
return if $node->is_terminal;
# unset "within a collapsed subtree" status (when leaving subtree)
$collapsed = undef
if defined $collapsed && $collapsed eq $node->get_id;
# TODO1: need for a taxon pruning sub as it seems that the -keep option
# TODO1: of Bio::Phylo Newick parser does not work completely
# TODO2: need for a rerooting sub that completely works!
sub match_branch_lengths {
my $self = shift;
my $other = shift; # second tree
my $tree1 = $self->tree;
my $tree2 = $other->tree;
tie my %blens_for, 'Tie::IxHash';
for my $tree ($tree1, $tree2) {
for my $node ( @{ $tree->get_entities } ) {
# compute clade key and store corresponding branch length
my $clade_key
= join '::',
sort { $a cmp $b }
map { $_->get_internal_name } @{ $node->get_terminals }
my $branch_length = $node->get_branch_length;
push @{ $blens_for{$clade_key} },
$branch_length if defined $branch_length;
# ensure that bipartitions matching proceeded as expected
carp '[BMC] Warning: cannot match all bipartitions; returning useless hash!'
unless List::AllUtils::all {
@{ $blens_for{$_} } == 2
} keys %blens_for;
return \%blens_for;
sub load {
my $class = shift;
my $infile = shift;
open my $in, '<', $infile;
my $tree = $class->new();
my $newick_str;
while (my $line = <$in>) {
chomp $line;
# skip empty lines and process comment lines
next LINE if $line =~ $EMPTY_LINE
|| $tree->is_comment($line);
$newick_str .= $line;
my $forest = parse(-format => 'newick', -string => $newick_str);
return $tree;
# Note: it seems that to_newick automatically replace spaces by '_' in node
# labels (ids), which is a quite reasonable behavior.
# TODO: define better API for outputting branch lengths/support values
# TODO: use constants for to_newick parameters
sub store {
my $self = shift;
my $outfile = shift;
my $args = shift // {}; # HashRef (should not be empty...)
# TODO: consider allowing this hash for all store methods?
$args->{-nodelabels} //= 1; # default to nodelabels on
open my $out, '>', $outfile;
say {$out} _clean_newick_str( $self->tree->to_newick( %$args ) );
sub store_figtree {
my $self = shift;
my $outfile = shift;
# transfer taxon names for internals only
# this is needed to avoid double naming of tips (std label + taxon)
for my $node ( @{ $self->tree->get_internals } ) {
my $taxon = $node->get_generic('taxon');
$node->set_generic('!name' => qq|"$taxon"|) if $taxon;
} # Note: get_generic does not return undef, hence: if $taxon
# build mesquite-enabled Newick string
my $newick_str = $self->tree->to_newick(
-nodelabels => 1,
# -blformat => '%.10f',
-nhxkeys => [ '!name', '!color', '!collapse' ],
-nhxstyle => 'mesquite',
# ... and adapt it for FigTree
$newick_str =~ s{\[%}{[&}xmsg;
# ... then restore zero-valued bootstrap values
# since 'false' internal names are converted to 'NodeNNN' strings
$newick_str =~ s{\b Node\d+ \b}{0}xmsg;
# TODO: consider doing that also in the standard store?
open my $out, '>', $outfile;
# output minimal NEXUS tree file
print {$out} <<"EOF";
begin trees;
tree tree_1 = [&R] $newick_str
sub store_arb {
my $self = shift;
my $outfile = shift;
my $args = shift // {}; # HashRef (should not be empty...)
my $alifile = $args->{alifile};
# optionally link to Ali (without path)
if ($alifile) {
my ($basename, $dir, $ext) = fileparse($alifile, qr{\.[^.]*}xms);
# build standard Newick string
my $newick_str = _clean_newick_str(
$self->tree->to_newick( -nodelabels => 0 )
open my $out, '>', $outfile;
# output ARB tree file
print {$out} $self->header;
say {$out} $newick_str;
sub store_grp {
my $self = shift;
my $outfile = shift;
# extract tip ids, non-root nodes and support values
my @tip_ids = map { $_->foreign_id } $self->all_seq_ids;
my @nodes = grep { not $_->is_root } @{ $self->tree->get_internals };
my @bp_vals = map { $_->get_name } @nodes;
# determine support value type (BP or PP)
my $pp = List::AllUtils::all { $_ >= 0.0 && $_ <= 1.0 } @bp_vals;
open my $out, '>', $outfile;
for my $node (@nodes) {
# build bipartition string
my %in_bip = map {
SeqId->new( full_id => $_->get_name )->foreign_id => 1
} @{ $node->get_terminals };
my $bip = join q{}, map { $in_bip{$_} ? '*' : '.' } @tip_ids;
# fetch (and possibly fix) support value for bipartition
my $support = shift @bp_vals;
$support = int( $support * 100.0 ) if $pp;
# write bipartition line
say {$out} "$bip $support";
sub store_tpl {
my $self = shift;
my $outfile = shift;
# backup and discard branch lengths
# Note: I have to do that since I cannot clone the tree (Bio::Phylo bug?)
my @branch_lengths;
for my $node ( @{ $self->tree->get_entities } ) {
push @branch_lengths, $node->get_branch_length;
open my $out, '>', $outfile;
# output topology
say {$out} '1'; # TODO: improve this for multiple topologies
say {$out} _clean_newick_str(
$self->tree->to_newick( -nodelabels => 0 )
# restore branch lengths
for my $node ( @{ $self->tree->get_entities } ) {
$node->set_branch_length( shift @branch_lengths );
sub _clean_newick_str {
my $newick_str = shift;
# remove quotes...
# ...and trailing zero-length branch length (RAxML) if any
$newick_str =~ tr{'"}{}d;
$newick_str =~ s{:0\.0+;}{;}xmsg;
return $newick_str;
=head1 NAME
Bio::MUST::Core::Tree - Thin wrapper around Bio::Phylo trees
=head1 VERSION
version 0.200510
=head1 METHODS
=head2 all_seq_ids
=head2 shorten_ids
=head2 restore_ids
=head2 switch_attributes_and_labels_for_terminals
=head2 switch_attributes_and_labels_for_internals
=head2 switch_attributes_and_labels_for_entities
=head2 switch_branch_lengths_and_labels_for_entities
=head2 collapse_subtrees
=head2 match_branch_lengths
=head2 load
=head2 store
=head2 store_figtree
=head2 store_arb
=head2 store_grp
=head2 store_tpl
=head1 AUTHOR
Denis BAURAIN <denis.baurain@uliege.be>
This software is copyright (c) 2013 by University of Liege / Unit of Eukaryotic Phylogenomics / Denis BAURAIN.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.