Changes for version 1.54
- General
- [Fixed] Business::Shipping requiring too many modules. Switched to Basic.
- [Enh] Major documentation updates and fixes
- Added Test::Pod tests as well as Test::Pod::Coverage
- Added POD for functions that lacked any.
- [Enh] Major test updates
- [Enh] Automatically detect which shippers can be supported based on the installed required modules.
- [Enh] Skip tests that are for shippers that do not have their required modules installed.
- [Fixed] Business::Shipping tests will fail if someone only installed Bundle::Business::Shipping::UPS_Offline, because the testing scripts will not notice.
- New system checks to see if prerequisite modules were installed before testing functionality that depends on them.
- [Done] [Enh] Add "use_defaults=1" option to "perl Makefile.PL"
- New options: -u=1 or --use_defaults=1: Use default values, do not ask for values.
How to install Business::Shipping
Rates and tracking for UPS and USPS
Determine class attributes
ClassAttribs helper functions
Configuration functions
Database interface
For backwards compatibility only
Simplified wrapper for Log::Log4perl
Interface between KLogging and Business::Shipping
Abstract class
Abstract class
Abstract class for cost calculation.
Abstract rates class
Abstract class
Template for new rate requests
A USPS module for Tracking Packages
Miscellaneous functions