Business::Shipping::ClassAttribs - Determine class attributes


$Rev: 190 $


Determines certain class attributes using metadata that is built into the class via static class methods.


  • $object->get_grouped_attrs( $attribute_group_name, %options )

    It's recommended that you create an object of the desired class, then call it as above.

    Returns a list of attributes for a certain group. For example, if several classes have the Group Attribute "Required()", then call them all, split the comma-separated list, if any, then return an array of the attributes.

    Options can be one of the following (they are optional -- they will be determined automatically if you call the $self->... version of this method.) class_name => '...', -or- object => $obj, -or-

    class_name is for the old feature

    Three steps:
    1. Compile a list of all class names and corresponding objects.
    2. Check all of those objects for Has_a, then recursively find additional
       class names and objects, and add them to the list.
    3. Go over the list and look for $group elements.
  • obj_to_class_name( $obj )


Dan Browning <>, Kavod Technologies,


Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Kavod Technologies, Dan Browning. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See LICENSE for more info.