Changes for version 0.01000_01
- First public release (it's been used in production in my company for over a year)
- Please note that this was intended as a toy... Patches, improvements are welcome.
- Also, some parts are hardcoded with Japanese text. You've been warned.
Command Line Interface For Morris
An IRC Bot Based On Moose/AnyEvent
Single IRC Connection
Base Class For Morris Plugin
Register Database Instances To Be Used In Plugins
Automatically Join Channel(s) Upon Connect
Enable AnyEvent::MP On Morris
Give Oper Rights Automatically
Fetches Links And Display Some Data On It
in lib/Morris/
in lib/Morris/
in lib/Morris/Plugin/
in lib/Morris/Plugin/
in lib/Morris/Plugin/Log/
in lib/Morris/Plugin/
in lib/Morris/Plugin/
in lib/Morris/Plugin/
in lib/Morris/Plugin/