Morris::Plugin::DBI - Register Database Instances To Be Used In Plugins
<Connection whatever>
<Plugin DBI>
<Instance db01>
dsn dbi:SQLite:dbname=foo.db
<Instance db02>
dsn dbi:mysql:dbname=bar
username foo
<Plugin Some::Other::Plugin>
dbname db01
<Plugin Yet::Another::Plugin>
dbname db02
This plugin creates a database store for plugins to use.
The associated Morris::Connection object will have a new method name get_dbh($name)
that will allow you to get a handle to AnyEvent::DBI object of that name.
Plugins may optionally consume the Morris::Plugin::WithDB role to implant a utility method get_dbh()
(on the plugin, not the connection), which will fetch the database specified in the dbname
configuration parameter.