use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.30';
my @subs;
@subs = qw( Policy transform_all matching inflate deflate
has_one_namer has_many_namer );
use Sub::Exporter -setup =>
{ exports => \@subs,
groups => { default => \@subs },
# I could use MooseX::ClassAttribute and add a class attribute to the
# calling class, but really, that class doesn't need to use Moose,
# since it's just a name we can use to find the associated policy
# object.
my %Policies;
sub Policy
my $caller = shift;
return $Policies{$caller} ||= Fey::Object::Policy->new();
sub transform_all
my $class = caller();
$class->Policy()->add_transform( {@_} );
sub matching (&)
return ( matching => $_[0] );
sub inflate (&)
return ( inflate => $_[0] );
sub deflate (&)
return ( deflate => $_[0] );
sub has_one_namer (&)
my $class = caller();
$class->Policy()->set_has_one_namer( $_[0] );
sub has_many_namer (&)
my $class = caller();
$class->Policy()->set_has_many_namer( $_[0] );
=head1 NAME
Fey::ORM::Policy - Declarative policies for Fey::ORM using classes
package MyApp::Policy;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Fey::ORM::Policy;
use Lingua::EN::Inflect qw( PL_N );
matching { $_[0]->type() eq 'date' }
=> inflate { return unless defined $_[1];
return DateTime::Format::Pg->parse_date( $_[1] ) }
=> deflate { defined $_[1] && ref $_[1]
? DateTime::Format::Pg->format_date( $_[1] )
: $_[1] };
matching { $_[0]->name() eq 'email_address' }
=> inflate { return unless defined $_[1];
return Email::Address->parse( $_[1] ) }
=> deflate { defined $_[1] && ref $_[1]
? Email::Address->as_string
: $_[1] };
has_one_namer { my $name = $_[0]->name();
my @parts = map { lc } ( $name =~ /([A-Z][a-z]+)/g );
return join q{_}, @parts; };
has_many_namer { my $name = $_[0]->name();
my @parts = map { lc } ( $name =~ /([A-Z][a-z]+)/g );
$parts[-1] = PL_N( $parts[-1] );
return join q{_}, @parts; };
package User;
use Fey::ORM::Table;
has_policy 'MyApp::Policy';
has_table ...;
This module allows you to declare a policy for your
L<Fey::ORM::Table>-using classes.
A policy can define transform rules which can be applied to matching
columns, as well as a naming scheme for has_one and has_many
methods. This allows you to spare yourself some drudgery, and allows
you to consolidate decisions (like "all date type columns return a
C<DateTime> object") in a single place.
This module exports a bunch of sugar functions into your namespace so
you can define your policy in a declarative manner:
=head2 transform_all
This should be followed by a C<matching> sub reference, and one of an
C<inflate> or C<deflate> sub.
=head2 matching { ... }
This function takes a subroutine reference that will be called and
passed a L<Fey::Column> object as its argument. This sub should look
at the column and return true if the associated inflate/deflate should
be applied to the column.
Note that the matching subs are checked in the order they are defined
by C<transform_all()>, and the first one wins.
=head2 inflate { ... }
An inflator sub for the associated transform. See L<Fey::ORM::Table>
for more details on transforms.
=head2 deflate { ... }
A deflator sub for the associated transform. See L<Fey::ORM::Table>
for more details on transforms.
=head2 has_one_namer { ... }
A subroutine reference which will be used to generate a name for
C<has_one()> methods when a name is not explicitly provided.
This sub will receive the foreign table as its first argument, and the
associate L<Fey::Meta::FK> object as the second argument. In most
cases, the foreign table will probably be sufficient to generate a
=head2 has_many_namer { ... }
Just like the C<has_one_namer()>, but is called for naming
C<has_many()> methods.
=head2 Policy
This methods returns the L<Fey::Object::Policy> object for your policy
class. This method allows L<Fey::ORM::Table> to go get a policy object
from a policy class name.
=head1 AUTHOR
Dave Rolsky, <>
=head1 BUGS
See L<Fey::ORM> for details.
Copyright 2006-2009 Dave Rolsky, All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license
can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.