Object::Relation::Handle::DB::Overview - Developer's overview of Object::Relation::Handle::DB
This class implements the Object::Relation storage API using DBI to communicate with an DBMS. DBMS specific behavior is implemented via the Object::Relation::Handle::DB::Pg
and Object::Relation::Handle::DBI::SQLite
This discussion will be a high-level overview of how the Object::Relation::Handle::DB
class operates.
We'll start with the simplest of methods.
Internally, this is dispatched as follows:
This method saves an object to the data store. It also saves all contained objects to the data store at the same time, all in a single transaction.
Internally, this method begins a transaction, calls the &_save
method and either commits or rolls back based upon whether or not saving the object succeeded.
This method is called by save
to handle the actual saving of objects. It calls itself recursively if it encounters a contained object, thus allowing for a single save to be called at the top level.
Classes in the Object::Relation store are represented as tables. A subclass may inherit from another table and contain other tables. Rather than write complicated SQL to manage these relationships, a view is created that makes managing these relationships as simple as working with a single table. SELECT
ing from a view is relatively trivial, as one might assume. INSERT
ing or UPDATE
ing (sic) is just as trivial and, behind the scenes, activate triggers or call rules that take the INSERT
and create or modify the appropriate records. Thus, Object::Relation::Handle::DB
merely needs to determine the name of the view and the correct column names for said view.
When $object->save
is called, the &_save
method first determines the Object::Relation class to which the object belongs:
my $obj_rel_class = $object->my_class;
Then, it determines the name of the view that represents this class:
my $view = $obj_rel_class->key;
If a Object::Relation class contains (or "references") other objects, we first iterate over those other objects and save them by recursively calling the &_save
foreach my $attribute ( $obj_rel_class->ref_attributes ) {
$self->_save( $attribute->get($object) );
Every Object::Relation class has a set of attributes, either direct attributes or referenced attributes. The "referenced" attributes refer to contained objects. Once the contained objects have been saved, we need to save the actual object. This is done by determining the names of the view's columns for each attribute and its value.
foreach my $attribute ( $obj_rel_class->attributes ) {
push @columns => $attribute->_view_column;
# this is the "raw" value of the attribute, i.e., what gets
# stored in the database
push @values => $attribute->raw($object);
Once we have this, we now have all the information we need to save the object. If the object has an id
attribute (the id
is for internal use only -- other classes should never see this), we know it already exists in the database so we call the &_update
method. Otherwise, we call the &_insert
The &_insert
and &_update
methods are very similar. They join the column names and create placeholders (bind parameters) and use the view name for the table name. Then they execute the resulting SQL using the attribute values for the bind values. The &_insert
method then sets the object ID.
$obj_rel_object->query( @params )
The $object->query
method is where the real magic happens. The $object->query_guids
, $object->lookup
and $object->count
methods are closely related, so the following description applies to them also.
my $iter = $obj_rel_object->query( @query_params );
This method returns a Object::Relation::Iterator object containing all objects that match the query parameters. See Object::Relation::Handle for detailed information about query parameters.
First we'll give a general overview of how the query
method works and then we'll go into detail about the various parts.
As usual, query
calls &_query
internally. The latter method determines what type of query we are working with. This "type" of query is either CODE
query looks like this:
$object->query( \@parameters, \%constraints );
A string query is similar:
$object->query( STRING => $parameters, @constraints );
Here is a concrete example. These searches are equivalent:
name => LIKE '%vid',
age => GE 21,
order_by => [ 'name', 'age' ],
sort_order => [ ASC, DESC ],
STRING => "name => LIKE '%vid', age => GE 21",
order_by => 'name',
order_by => 'age',
sort_order => 'ASC',
sort_order => 'DESC',
The "parameters" correspond to what one would find in a WHERE
clause and the "constraints" are things such as "limit", "offset" or other things that affect the how results are returned.
Note: If no parameters are supplied, every object for a given class is returned. Constraints are optional. However, if you want constraints for string searches, you must pass an empty string query, first:
$object->query( STRING => '', @constraints );
The above searches might translate to SQL as follows (loosely):
SELECT @view_columns
FROM $view
AND $view.age >= ?
$view.age DESC
The reason there are both CODE
searches is the former is used from Perl and the latter is used externally, such as from an AJAX call. It is important to note, though, that eval()
is not used with STRING
searches. Instead, the the string is lexed into a series of tokens the query parser understands. More on this later.
As of this writing, &_query
determines the type of query by calling the &_set_search_type
method to examine the first parameter. If it's "STRING", we have a string query. Otherwise, it's assumed to be a code query. No other query methods are supported at this time. If we have a STRING query type, we check to see if there are any constraints and convert them into a hashref matching the CODE query type hashref.
Once the query type is determined, we set the query data via a method cleverly named &_set_search_data
. This method uses the Object::Relation::Meta
introspection API to determine all relevant information necessary to conduct the query and convert results back into Object::Relation objects. Because this method is relatively expensive, the information is cached and subsequent calls will fetch the cached results. If a Object::Relation object's metadata is altered, the cache will need to be cleared (but this should never happen).
Then, we use the view's columns and the query parameters and constraints to construct the SQL and determine the bind parameters.
my ( $sql, $bind_params )
= $self->_get_select_sql_and_bind_params( $columns, \@query_params );
Then it's simply (hah!) a matter of fetching the SQL results.
return $self->_get_sql_results( $sql, $bind_params );
Now for details of the fiddly bits.
$store->_set_search_type( \@query )
This method is straightforward. As mentioned earlier, if the first argument is STRING, then we have a string query and the third argument and beyond are considered to be constraints. The constrains are converted into a hashref that matches the CODE hashref.
This method sets the query data used for the current query. Since this is expensive, we cache query data for each query class. The query data consists of the SQL columns that will be used in the query SQL and metadata that &_build_object_from_hashref
will use to break the returned SQL data down into an object and its contained objects.
$store->_get_select_sql_and_bind_params( $columns, \@query )
Once again, we have a fairly straightforward method. When we get here, we fetch the name of the view, we build a WHERE
clause from the &_make_where_clause
method, add any constraints, and return the SQL and bind parameters. The relevant code looks like this:
my ( $where_clause, $bind_params )
= $self->_make_where_clause($search_request);
$where_clause = "WHERE $where_clause"
if $where_clause;
my $sql = "SELECT $columns FROM $view $where_clause";
$sql .= $self->_constraints($constraints) if $constraints;
$self->_make_where_clause( \@query )
This is where the start of the real magic happens. This method returns a WHERE
clause and an arrayref of any appropriate bind parameters for that where
clause. Returns an empty string and an empty array ref (the bind parameters) if no WHERE
clause can be generated.
Here's the tricky bit:
my $stream = 'CODE' eq $self->_search_type
? code_lexer_stream( $search_request )
: string_lexer_stream( $search_request->[0] );
The code_lexer_stream
and string_lexer_stream
functions are exported by Object::Relation::Lexer::Code
and Object::Relation::Lexer::String
, respectively. Each takes the appropriate query parameters (either the Perl code or the query string) and returns a virtually identical stream of tokens. You can see details of their behavior in t/lexer/code.t
and t/lexer/string.t
For example, lets consider the following two searches:
name => LIKE 'foo',
age => GT 3
STRING => "name => LIKE 'foo', age => GT 3"
Both of these searches, when lexed, will produce the following series of tokens:
[ 'IDENTIFIER', 'name' ],
[ 'OP', '=>' ],
[ 'COMPARE', 'LIKE' ],
[ 'VALUE', 'foo' ],
[ 'OP', ',' ],
[ 'IDENTIFIER', 'age' ],
[ 'OP', '=>' ],
[ 'COMPARE', 'GT' ],
[ 'VALUE', 3 ],
With a few exceptions, merely quoting the Perl code is what is necessary to turn a CODE query into a STRING query. This may seem a bit strange, but what it gives us is this:
my $intermediate_representation = parse( $stream, $store );
The parse method is exported by Object::Relation::Parser
. This parser uses the parsing methods exported by Object::Relation::Parser
. The latter module is very similar to the parser described in the book "Higher Order Perl" by Mark Jason Dominus.
The intermediate representation (IR) returned by the parser is essentially a list of Object::Relation::Search objects and groups of said objects (see Object::Relation::Parser for more information on this).
This approach allows us to have multiple query interfaces and one parser for all searches. This simplifies the code tremendously. Further, if other data stores (such as LDAP or XML) are implemented in the future, they can use the same IR to handle their searches. Nothing up to this point is specific to SQL.
$store->_convert_ir_to_where_clause( $ir )
Now that we have the IR, we convert it to a WHERE
clause with the &_convert_ir_to_where_clause
my ( $where_clause, $bind_params )
= $self->_convert_ir_to_where_clause($ir);
This method essentially walks through the IR array and for each element in the array, builds up a "where snippet" and pushes it onto a stack and pushes the associated bind param onto a stack, too. These "snippets" resemble things such as:
age >= ?
foo = ?
LOWER(one__value) = LOWER(?)
Note that some snippets have the column and its value lower-cased. This is because most searches are case-insensitive.
The last snippet in the example above, because it has an embedded double-underscore, refers to a contained object's field. While it's all in the same view, inside of the database it's actually in a separate table.
In order to build these snippets, each Object::Relation::Search
object has a search_method
method. The method name returned corresponds to a method that must be defined in Object::Relation::Handle::DB
or a subclass. It works like this:
my $search_method = $search_object->search_method;
my ( $token, $bind ) = $store->$search_method( $search_object );
Many of the methods returned by search_method
must be defined in the subclasses. These tend to be database specific (particularly the date handling methods).
$store->_get_sql_results( $sql, \@bind_params )
Now that we have the WHERE
clause built up, we go back up to the &_get_select_sql_and_bind_params
method, add the constraints (relatively straightforward), and finally call the &_get_sql_results
method. This method usually returns a Object::Relation::Iterator object representing the results of a given query
. Some methods require all results to be returned at once, but whether an iterator or all results are required, it effectively boils down to this:
my @results;
while ( my $result = $store->_fetchrow_hashref($sth) ) {
push @results, $store->_build_object_from_hashref($result);
return \@results;
$store->_build_object_from_hashref( $result )
For a given hashref returned by $sth->fetchrow_hashref
, the &_build_object_from_hashref
method will return an object representing that row. Note that the hashref may represent multiple objects because an object can contain other objects. &_build_object_from_hashref
resolves this by utilizing the metadata assembled by &_set_search_data
to match the table columns for each object and pull them off of the metadata hashref with hash slices.
Well, I guess there's no conclusion to be given. That pretty much explains how things work internally. Any questions?
Oh, wait. This is POD. You can't ask me any questions. Ha, ha, ha!
Copyright and License
Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Kineticode, Inc. <>
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.