MOBY::RDF::Ontologies::Services - Create RDF/OWL for Moby
my $x = MOBY::RDF::Ontologies::Services->new;
# get pretty printed RDF/XML for one service
print $x->findService({
serviceName => 'MOBYSHoundGiFromGOIDListAndECode',
authURI => ''
# get unformatted RDF/XML for a bunch of services from a single provider
print $x->findService({
prettyPrint => 'no',
authURI => ''
# get unformatted RDF/XML for a bunch of services from a single provider without isAlive info
print $x->findService({
prettyPrint => 'no',
authURI => '',
isAlive => 'no'
# get unformatted RDF/XML for all services
print $x->findService({
prettyPrint => 'no'
This module aids in the creation of RDF/XML for service instances in the BioMOBY world.
Edward Kawas (edward.kawas [at] gmail [dot] com)
Instantiate a Services object.
Parameters: * A Hash with keys: -> endpoint => the BioMOBY registry endpoint to use <optional> -> namespace => the BioMOBY registry namespace to use <optional>
Return a string of RDF in XML service instances in the service ontology. This routine consumes a hash as input with keys: authURI: the service provider URI <optional> serviceName: the name of a particular service <optional> isAlive : whether (yes) or not (no) to add isAlive information. Defaults to 'yes'. prettyPrint: whether (yes) or not (no) to output 'pretty print' formatted XML. Defaults to 'yes'.
#TODO should i add all parameters from findService here?
this routine takes an array of MOBY::Client::ServiceInstance objects and creates and RDF model for them all.