MOBY::Client::CollectionArticle - a small object describing the Collection articles from the findService Response message of MOBY Central or representing the collection part of a MOBY invocation or response block
This module can be used in two ways. One is to represent the Collection portion of a findService response. The other is to represent the Collecion portion of a MOBY service invocation or response message.
Parsing a MOBY Service Invocation
use MOBY::CommonSubs qw(:all);
sub myService {
my ($caller, $data) = @_;
Can be used either in this way:
use MOBY::CommonSubs qw{:all};
foreach my $queryID(keys %$inputs){
my $this_invocation = $inputs->{$queryID}; # this is the <mobyData> block with this queryID
my $invocation_output = "";
if (my $input = $this_invocation->{'This_articleName'}){
# $input contains a MOBY::Client::SimpleArticle, ::CollectionArticle or ::SecondaryArticle
next unless $input->isCollection;
@simples= @{$input->Simples};
# @simples contains a list of MOBY::Client::SimpleArticles
# do your business here and fill $invocation_output
$MOBY_RESPONSE .= simpleResponse( # create an empty response for this queryID
$invocation_output # response for this query
, "myOutput" # the article name of that output object
, $queryID); # the queryID of the input that we are responding to
return SOAP::Data->type('base64' => (responseHeader("") . $MOBY_RESPONSE . responseFooter));
or to construct a representation of a collection article from a findService call to MOBY::Central
This describes the Collection articles from either the findService Response of MOBY Central (i.e. the description of the service), or Collection articles as provided in a service invocation or response message (i.e. simple articles containing data)
Basically it parses the following part of a findService response:
<Collection articleName="foo">
OR it parses the following part of a service invocation or response message:
<Collection articleName="foo">
<SomeObject namespace='someNamespace' id='someID'>.....</SomeObject>
<SomeObject namespace='someNamespace' id='someID'>.....</SomeObject>
The articleName is retrieved with ->articleName The contained Simples are retrieved as MOBY::Client::SimpleArticle objects using the ->Simples method call.
Mark Wilkinson (markw at illuminae dot com)
Usage : my $IN = MOBY::Client::CollectionArticle->new(%args)
Function : create CollectionArticle object
Returns : MOBY::Client::SimpleArticle object
Args : either of the following two methods may be used to auto-generate the
object by passing the appropriate XML node as a string, or XML::DOM node object
Usage : $name = $IN->articleName($name)
Function : get/set articleName
Returns : string
Arguments : (optional) string to set articleName
Usage : $simples = $IN->Simples(\@SimpleArticles)
Function : get/set simple articles
Returns : arrayRef of MOBY::Client::SimpleArticle's in this collection
Arguments : (optional) arrayRef of MOBY::Client::SimpleArticle's in this collection
Usage : $namespaces = $IN->addNamespace($SimpleArticle)
Function : add another SimpleArticle
Returns : arrayref of MOBY::Client::SimpleArticle's or 0 if argument
was not a MOBY::Client::SimpleArticle (or other failure)
Arguments : a new MOBY::Client::SimpleArticle to add to collection
Usage : $SA = $SA->XML($XML)
Function : set/reset all parameters for this object from the XML
Returns : MOBY::Client::SimpleArticle
Arguments : (optional) XML fragment from and including <Simple>...</Simple>
Usage : $namespaces = $SA->XML_DOM($XML_DOM_NODE)
Function : set/reset all parameters for this object from the XML::DOM node for <Simple>
Returns : MOBY::Client::SimpleArticle
Arguments : (optional) an $XML::DOM node from the <Simple> article of a DOM
Usage : $boolean = $IN->isSimple()
Function : is this a SimpleArticle type
(yes, I know this is obvious, but since you can
get both Simple and Collection objects in your
Input and output lists, it is good to be able
to test what you have in-hand)
Returns : 0 (false)
Usage : $boolean = $IN->isCollection()
Function : is this a CollectionArticle type
(yes, I know this is obvious, but since you can
get both Simple and Collection objects in your
Input and output lists, it is good to be able
to test what you have in-hand)
Returns : 1 (true)
Usage : $boolean = $IN->isSecondary()
Function : is this a SecondaryArticle type?
(yes, I know this is obvious)
Returns : 0 (true)